Mehfil-e-Melaad at COMSATS Lahore Campus

A Grand Mehfil-e-Melaad took place at the Main Jamia Masjid, COMSATS University, Lahore Campus on September 20, 2023 that brought together a diverse gathering of students, faculty, administrative officers, and staff members.

Event Commencement: The event commenced at 10:30 a.m. with a solemn recitation from the Holy Quran, setting the tone for a spiritually enriching gathering. Attendees, including esteemed guests, fervently recited Naats, creating an atmosphere of deep devotion that continued for approximately one and a half hour.

Introduction of the speaker: The distinguished guest speaker for the Grand Mehfil-e-Melaad, Muhammad Soban Attari (مدظلہ العالی) is the Head of Professionals Forum Dawateislami and currently serving as the Khateeb of Jamia Masjid Sakina Siddique, Qaddafi Stadium, Lahore. Mr. Attari commands a substantial online presence with a significant following on social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. His versatile speeches, spanning various topics, resonate with professionals, educators, and students, showcasing his profound impact in the realms of Islamic scholarship and motivation..

Keynote Address: Our distinguished guest speaker delivered a thought-provoking keynote address, with a primary focus on the Quran and Sunnah. He emphasized the importance of establishing a profound connection with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) and adhering to the teachings of the Quran. The speaker also urged attendees to actively engage in charitable endeavors, drawing inspiration from poignant historical examples within Islamic history.

Culmination and Fellowship: The event concluded with the recitation of the final Salam and a heartfelt Dua, fostering a sense of unity and spiritual enrichment among all participants. As a gesture of hospitality and community building, a delightful luncheon was served to all attendees.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who joined us in commemorating this special occasion. Your presence and devotion contributed to making the Grand Mehfil-e-Melaad a memorable and spiritually uplifting event.

Thank you for being a part of this cherished tradition at COMSATS Lahore Campus. We look forward to future gatherings that strengthen our bonds and deepen our spiritual connections.