Bridging the gap between the biomathematics and control theory in collaboration with Xidian University, China.

It is a great pleasure to share with you the news that Dr. Ayehsa Sohail has successfully completed the tasks assigned to her during the sabbatical, Dr. Ayehsa Sohail was offered from February 2017 –July 2017 (Spring 2017), at Xidian University to carry out research on the project entitled ``cancer invasion and modeling of prostate cancer bone metastasis’’. During the research, they successfully submitted articles, projects, book chapters and a book to leading journals, institutes and publishers including Wiley. One of the projects has been qualified for the second round (International Young Scientists Research Fund project ). The host research group consisted of many subgroups with highly skilled faculty members and 80+ Phd and master students.

One of the main objectives of the project was to develop a multiphase computational model to analyze the dynamic process of trabecular bone remodeling. they successfully developed the codes for the remodeling simulations to demonstrate the morphological changes at the single trabecular level under the axisymmetric compressive loading, as well as to study the androgen deprivation therapy-triggered physical changes in trabecular structure. During this research, ``bridging the gap between the experimental (physiological and clinical data) and numerical simulations’’ was targeted. The computational environment utilized included Java and NetLogo.