News and Events
HEC Needs Based Scholarship 2016-2017
Click Here To Download HEC Need Based Sholarship Form Spring 2016 - 2017
Click Here To Download Application Sumission Guidlines
Click Here To Download Deed of Agreement
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Last date to apply is October, 03 2016
In Pakistan, currently, less than 8% of the 17-23 age group is enrolled in any form of higher education that is amongst the lowest in the world. The estimated population of this age group will be 30 million by the year 2015. In fact, it is a great resource that can be better exploited by providing necessary learning and grooming opportunities. An overwhelming majority of this group is from poor and deprived families.
Among the major issues, that Higher Education (HE) Sector of Pakistani is currently facing, is Low enrollment and inequitable opportunities for Higher Education. It is mainly due to the non-availability of enough finances. The financial need for higher education is, perhaps, a remarkable actor to make the bright and studious students to leave their studies uncompleted or, even worse, not to get admission at all in the institution of their choice.
Needs based scholarships would be an answer to offset the challenge of financial constraints. Although in the majority of public sector universities the tuition fee is subsidized but it is still unaffordable for most of the students. Since 35 percent of the Pakistani population is living below the poverty line, it is almost impossible get the higher education for this segment of the society.
The activity will enable the 90 needy young people especially from underdeveloped areas (FATA, KPK, Southern Punjab, Balochistan, and Northern Sindh) of Pakistan to pursue their education in top universities / institutions of Pakistan.
The objective is to provide equal opportunity for the talented students who are at disadvantage being incapable of meeting cost of education at leading higher education institutions. This program will help in poverty alleviation by providing grooming and learning opportunities for the middle and lower middle class students who will have better job and business opportunities after completing their education.

Admissions at a Glance
- Academic Departments: 13
- Total Programs Offered: 46
- Under Graduate Programs: 20
- Graduate Programs: 26 (17 MS, 9 PhD)
- Total no. of faculty: 492
- Total no. of PhD faculty: 227
- 71 spacious and furnished lecture rooms
Girls Hostel Boarding Capacity: (Maximum)
- Fatimah Jinnah Hall-I: 145