News and Events
HEC-French / German Needs Based Scholarship
HEC approved two scholarship windows for COMSATS Institute of Information Technology.
- Fresh students, fall 2013, of the given disciplines (listed below) are eligible
- At least 25% scholarships will be for female students
German Program: (Both Graduate And Under Graduate)
- Mainly, the scholarships are for the student of FATA and Baluchistan. The student of deprived areas of Pakistan may also apply.
- Fresh students, fall 2013, of the following disciplines are eligible.
- Scholarship are offered for both graduate and under graduate students.
- Those students who are enrolled in 4 years under graduate programs in fall 2013 may get the funds only for first 2 years (First 4 semesters).
- At least 25% scholarships will be for female students
List of Disciplines:
- Engineering Architecture (French /German)
- Information Technology Telecom (French /German)
- Natural / Basic Sciences (French /German)
- Business Administration (French)
- Social Sciences (French /German)
Download following application forms
Download HEC-FNBSP Scholarship Application Template
Download HEC-GNBSP Scholarship Application Template
Note:application forms are also available on photocopy shops.
Last date of submission of the Application Forms. 13th December, 2013
Those students who already applied for HEC need base scholarship need not to apply
Contact person Mr. Nisar Ahmed., SFAO office.

Admissions at a Glance
- Academic Departments: 13
- Total Programs Offered: 46
- Under Graduate Programs: 20
- Graduate Programs: 26 (17 MS, 9 PhD)
- Total no. of faculty: 492
- Total no. of PhD faculty: 227
- 71 spacious and furnished lecture rooms
Girls Hostel Boarding Capacity: (Maximum)
- Fatimah Jinnah Hall-I: 145