" Four Years Accreditation granted by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) to our BS Chemical Engineering Program under Level-II (Washington Accord)"
The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has officially accredited our BS Chemical
Engineering program for a span of four years, operating under the guidelines of
Level-II (Washington Accord). This accreditation encompasses admissions from
the Fall of 2019 through 2022. Without a doubt, this achievement stands as a
remarkable milestone for the department, a success attributed to the forward-
thinking leadership of Dr. Aqeel Ahmed Bazmi (Chairman, Chemical
Engineering), Dr. Asim Laeeq Khan (Head, Chemical Engineering), and Dr. Murid
Hussain (Former Head, Chemical Engineering). Their visionary guidance was
fortified by the unwavering dedication of our highly accomplished faculty and the
provision of world-class facilities by the institution.
This accomplishment, undoubtedly, opens up new horizons for our graduates,
dismantling barriers to their international mobility for higher education and global
job prospects. This endorsement not only enhances the reputation of our program
but also underscores our steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional education
and facilitating our students' triumphs on a global scale.