HEC Recognized Journals
How to prepare proposal for "HEC startup Research Project"
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HEC QA Division
Quality in Higher Education:
Quality is the means through which an institution can guarantee with confidence and certainty that the standards of its educational provision are being maintained and enhanced (Quality Assurance Agency UK); Quality has become an inexpendible part of augmentation plan of Higher Education espoused by the Higher Education Commission. Click here for Services
Chambers Dictionary defines a plagiarist as a kind of thief –
“One who steals the thoughts or writings of others and gives them out as his [sic] own”.
When this is also used for gain – in the University to gain credits for a module or modules – then an additional dimension of dishonesty is added.
Journal impact factors
Journal Citation Reports present a range of metrics based on citation and article counts. The most import is the journal impact factor which enables journals in the same field to be evaluated and compared. It is calculated for a particular target year with reference to the two previous census years. Citations to articles from the census years are counted in the target year. This figure is divided by the number of articles in the census year to create an impact factor. The higher the number, the more influence a journal is likely to have.
The Journal of Modern History has an impact factor in 2009 of 0.576 calculated thus:
Cites in 2009 to items published in: 2008 =7 |
Number of items published in:2008 = 16 |
2007 =12 |
2007 =17 |
Sum:19 |
Sum: 33 |
Calculation:Cites to recent items /Number of recent items
19/33 =0.576 |
Other metrics include the five year impact factor, which extends the census years; the immediacy index which looks at how quickly articles in the target year are cited in subsequent articles and Eigenfactor metrics which aim to measure total influence by the use of an algorithm which includes the journal ranking factor but excludes journal self-citations.