
  • CUI Lahore Library offers borrowing services to its users. All information material except reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesis, reports, final year projects can be borrowed as per defined limit and time. State of the art circulation counter is located in the center of the library which is easily accessible from all sides of the library. Circulation staff is there to help out the library users for checking-out and returning the library material.

  • Library users can re-new their library books for one more semester, online. If you borrowed the book/s from library and you need the same for one more semester than you can re-new your library material through the following steps.

    1. Before the end of due date, please send renewal request through mail to having following details

    • Title of books
    • Accession Number

    2. After your mail, you will receive confirmation mail within 24 working hours from the library circulation desk.

    3. In case, you do not receive any confirmation mail, than you have to contact the circulation counter immediately with your borrowed books.

    4. Only mail coming from cuilahore ( domain will be considered.

    5. Your previous signature on book card will be considered for renewal process.

    6. “Reserved” books will not be “re-issued”.

    7. You can get “online renewal facility” only for two times, against each library item.

    Please access your library account to check your issued book status through following link.

    If you do not have your library login password, please click the following link to fill the form with the query for new login

    For any query and further assistance, please mail to or call at Extension # 856.

  • The Circulation counter also offers reservation services to library users. Any issued book in the catalogue can be reserved by any user. Reservation can be made through circulation counter or through library site after login the users account. The user will be notified when the book is available / returned.

  • CUI Lahore Library has professional trade relations with some important local / national libraries. If required material is not available in the library, the material can be provided through ILL (inter library loan) service. The Library also has the full access on the library material of other COMSATS campuses libraries on ILL basis. The library also has the external membership of LUMS library Lahore.

  • The prime responsibility of the CUI Lahore library is to provide library and information services for the benefit of Institute staff and students. However it is important to offer a service to external users.

    1. Why External Membership

    • External members access the library facilities.
    • External members use the library for study and research purposes.
    • External members can avail general and subject-based resources on the library website which are freely available.
    • Enhance the interlibrary loan with other libraries.

    2. Facilities for External Users
    • Internet facility on library systems Computer terminals
    • Reading area
    • Journal Content Services
    • News Papers Index
    • Help Desk
    • Photocopy Services on Paid Basis

    3. How to get External Membership

    • Eligibility Criteria
    • The individuals who belong to Lahore city and have valid CNIC can get the CUI Lahore Library Membership as per following rules.

    • Timings:
    • The external members can use the library as per following schedules
    • Monday to Friday 8:30am to 9:00pm
    • Saturday, Sunday and other Holidays Off

    • Registration Fee:

    • Membership Category Registration (Once) Annual Fee
      COMSATS Alumni 5,000/= 7,000/=
      COMSATS Former Employee 3,000/= 5,000/=
      External Users(faculty / Researchers/ Students) 7,000/= 10,000/=
    • External Members will follow all CUI Library and copy right rules while using the library.

    • External Membership Form:
    • Please download the form here.

  • This service enables CUI library users to have access to one of the most comprehensive collections of serials, reports and conference proceedings in the world- including 1,00000 serials titles in many languages. If the required full text article is not available HEC database then the document will be accessed through HEC from British Library London. To access the service user may contact help desk or may send mail to

  • Serial section of library offered contents of latest journal received by the library. These proactive services provide the latest information to the concerned faculty and cause to update them with latest advancement in their respective fields.

  • Library offer newspapers clippings with latest full text articles, published in national newspaper in Urdu and English languages. The purpose of this service is to provide the awareness about the latest news and information about more than 20 broad areas.

  • The library proudly presents “Reference Services" includes the professional advice and assistance provided by the library staff, from material in the library's collections or elsewhere, to assist individuals using the library or making enquiries by mail, telephone or on-line to meet their information needs. It also include the range of information products, such as guides, directories and databases, and the equipment and facilities that are provided to enable research to be carried out to meet information needs. Dedicated library staff provides efficient and reliable reference services to its patrons. The users can make quarries and get assistance regarding library resource and services. The help desk and reference services can be obtained from 9:00am to 4:00 pm in all working days. For any query and further assistance, please mail to or call at Extension # 856.

  • The library provides pro-active information, news flash e-mail messages, Current Awareness Services to its users with the aim that right information at right time.

  • CUI Lahore provides the plagiarism-detection service via “” internet-based international software. With more than 90,000 journals / periodicals, books and 150 million archived student papers repository. Turnitin is being used by 10,000 educational institutions of 126 countries of the world. To avail this facility, please fill in the form. If you already have account, don't try to reapply otherwise your previous account will be dropped.Only faculty can avail this facility while students may get it through their supervisors.

  • Dedicated staff at help desk provides the services to library users about the library resources particularly for searching books, journals, periodical, thesis, projects, company reports, newspaper, CDs etc. The library users may contact the help desk or our specialized librarians for any query in their minds. The queries can be raised in person, through mail, phone or through social networking sites.

  • To facilitate the users about the use and availability of library resources and services, the library professional arrange the Information Literacy Programs and Orientation Sessions in the beginning of semester and during the semester on special request of faculty and students. A special session for faculty members is also organized during the summer break, every year.

  • Scanning and printing facility of books is also available free of cost in the library. Good quality scanners and laser printers are available in the library for and printing services.

  • The photocopy machine is available in the library for copy of required reference material which is not issuable. The library users can get their required material as per “copy right rules”. Students can get this facility on payment basis. They may buy photocopy card of Rs.100 from library and may have 70 prints against one card.

  • The library provides Wi-Fi facility to the users in the premises of the library. The authorized users can get online using their comsats login and password to access the digital and electronic resources from their personal laptops.

  • To provide the discussion venues for the students, information commons developed near the library hall. This information commons, provide the opportunity to students to discuss and share their knowledge with class fellows and junior / senior students.

  • Library has latest computers in the electronic section for library users. This facility is available on first come first serve basis and no reservation request will be entertained in this regard. Library do not guarantee about safety of data while using these computers. Users are advised to save data on their login domain as documents saved on the workstations are subject to deletion without any notice.

  • Library Information Services at CUI Lahore has initiated a program entitled "School Textbooks Exchange Program". The program is purely voluntary and intends to promote principles of humanity and sadqa Jaria, besides safeguarding the books against destruction and facilitating the CUI community.

    All employees of this campus who intend to donate, receive, or exchange school books of their children at any level/grade may participate in the program by filling in the form at the following link
    School Textbooks Exchange Program

    Please note that this program has been started with the intention of helping our CUI community and does not involve any cost etc. The names of the donors, as well as the receiver, will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone.

  • Apart from traditional means, Library Information Services also use the non traditional methods to disseminate the information among library users. “Movie Hour” is one of them, its provide the knowledge through entertainment. Movies are the big source for relaxation from stress, entertainment, awareness, and learning or reinforce one linguistic skill in relative languages. Good movies are also source for socializing activators, stir our imaginations, showcase of world art and culture, art form, mirrors to society. Another advantage is the fact that some movies can be extremely educational. We can learn about a potentially unlimited amount of topics by watching movies. For schedule, Movie of the week and other detail please click Movie Hour

Library Incharge
+92 42 9920 5219
+92 42 111 001 007, Ext. 855, 856

Main Library - Help Desk
042 111 001 007 Ext. 856

Main Library – Acquisition
042 111 001 007 Ext. 256

Main Library – Circulation
042 111 001 007 Ext. 281

Library – Pharmacy Department
042 111 001 007 Ext. 230

Library – Architecture & Design
042 111 001 007 Ext. 257

Library – Management Science
042 111 001 007 Ext. 258

Defence Road, Off Raiwind Road, Lahore - Pakistan, 54100

+92 42 9920 5219 (Direct)
+92 42 111 001 007, Ext. 855