Pharmacy Library was founded on 10th January, 2018. Its mission is to excel in supporting the academic endeavors of its users in their core instructional and research requirements through utilizing the best possible resources, systems and services. The library possesses superlative materials i.e. Latest books, research journals, reference materials related to the field of pharmacy.

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) can be used to find items in these collections while being on campus or away. Professional and dedicated staff has been hired to fulfill the specified needs of the researchers, faculty and students. Expert research assistance is also available via Ask a Librarian or contact Pharmacy Library staff for any kind of assistance.
The Collection of books covers all the disciplines like Pharmaceutics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, & others. Library also has a classical reference collection like United State Pharmacopeia. The library has different national and international journals in print. The current issues are displayed on special shelves in the sections.
- View and download e-books in the University through CUI Digital Library.
- View the Thesis/Research work in the University as well as from your homes through CUI Repository.
- Pharmacy Library provides teaching aids to the students.