The Library of Architecture & Design came into being on 13th August, 2018. It supports the research, teaching and learning needs of the faculty and students of the department. It is the part of a larger LIS-CUI Libraries lattice. Its holdings specialize in modern and contemporary architecture and design, advanced research in architecture, History and theory of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, construction management, historic preservation, urban design and planning and interior design.

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) can be used to find items in these collections while being on campus or away. Expert research assistance is also available via Ask a Librarian or contact Architecture & Design Library staff for any kind of assistance.
Reference Services
Work with Architecture Library staff (in person, online, or via email) for assistance with locating and using collections and other resources or to receive personalized research assistance. Request an online or in-person extended research consultation with Architecture Librarian.
Libguides designed to help the patrons to find all accessible resources. Consult Library guides on a range of subject area.
Orientation Sessions
The Architecture and Design Library conducts information literacy sessions commonly known as user education for students, faculty and staff, and orientation sessions for all new classes of Architecture and Design students can attend these sessions or walk-in-training for use of the library resources and services.
Circulation Services
Architecture and Design Library offers borrowing services to its users. All information material except reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesis, reports, final year projects can be borrowed as per defined limit and time. Circulation staff is there to help out the library users for checking-out and returning and online renewal the library material.
Any book in the catalogue can be reserved by any user. The user will be notified when the book is available / returned.
Inter Library Loan (ILL)
Architecture and Design library has made special arrangements to obtain books and other information material through inter library loan from other libraries and information centers, if a book or item is not available in the library. The Library also has the full access on the library material of other COMSATS campuses libraries on ILL basis.
Wifi Facility
The library provides Wi-Fi facility to the users in the premises of the library. The authorized users can get online using their comsats login and password to access the digital and electronic resources from their personal laptops.
Scanning Facility
Architecture and design library provides the Scanning facility of books.
VPN Facility
The library provides access to a number of electronic resources which include e-journals and e-books. Access to these resources is also available remotely through VPN facility.