COMSATS All Pakistan Declamation Competition
CUI Lahore Debating Society organized the 8th iteration of COMSATS All Pakistan Declamation Competition under the supervison of Ms.Huma Ejaz (Department of Humanities). We had teams from all over the country and major institutes like University of Gujrat, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Islamia University Bahawalpur, and all the major Universities of Lahore like UOL, UCP, UET, GCU, FCCU, PU
The event spanned a little over 4 hours, where the teams from all institutes showed and displayed unmatched skills of public speaking and healthy competition was observed.
The adjudicators made sure to give the participants the suggestions based on years of experience. And the participants as well as the host team applauded their contributions
Punjab University Lahore, won the best team trophy in the competition.