A "Paying Homage to Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)"
A "Paying Homage to Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)" seminar was organized by the Islamic Studies Faculty of Humanities on 18th October 2023. Dr. Abdul Rashid Qadri Associate Professor University of Lahore, delivered an excellent lecture, which made the seminar thought-provoking and a remarkable success. Madam Shamana Muddasir and Madam Iffat Khalid, the event organizers, did an excellent job in organizing the event, and their dedication and hard work made the program truly exceptional.
At the conclusion of the session, Dr. Musferah Mahfooz, Head of Humanities, presented the vote of thanks. Dr. Shameem Fatima, the chairperson, expressed her thoughts on the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). The Head of the department, Dr. Musferrah, and Chairperson, Dr. Shameem Fatima, Dr. Asif presented a souvenir as a token of gratitude to the guest.