COMSATS Second Poster Competition in Statistics - 2017
Center for Statistical Consultancy and Training (CSCT), Department of Statistics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Lahore is providing a forum “COMSATS Second Poster Competition in Statistics - 2017 (COMSATS-FPCS-2017)”

General Guideline for preparing the posters:
Please format the poster as follows:
- Standard Poster Size: 36 inches X 48 inches; Layout (Landscape or Portrait)
- Materials: Paper-based (matte finish or coated paper), flex, clothing is not allowed.
- Information to include: Title of poster, Presenter’s name, Department and Institution.
- Poster Display: Each board will be numbered on the upper left corner. Be sure you place your presentation on the board number for which you have been assigned. If you do not know your poster assignment number, please contact to helping desk. Posters not printed according to the specifications above will be removed.
- Mounting the poster: Please provide your own supplies, including pushpins to mount your poster. Handouts are encouraged as is a mechanism (envelope) for collecting contact information of participants wishing to receive more information on your poster.
- Students may register as an individual or in a group (with atmost 5 members). In case of group, one student should be nominated as primary\corresponding presenter
- Who will be with the poster to present: Only the primary\corresponding presenter will present his\her poster to the jury during the evaluation time and due to some reason if the primary presenter is not available during the evaluation time, a co-author of may present instead.
- Subject matter: It is openly the choice of the participant(s).
Poster Contents: The poster may include the following contents:
- Title of the Poster
- Poster summary/Overview: A concise summary of objectives, methods, and results. Use phrases rather than sentences in a simple outline format.
- Introduction: A concise statement of the objective and background of the work.
- Methods: Describe the population, sample and statistical tool used for analysis.
- Results: Use figures with a minimum of text to illustrate results.
- Conclusions: Concise statement of the findings.
Glimpse of Previous Event