Peer Review Visit to University of Haripur

The Peer Review team of NBEAC completed a successful accreditation visit at the University of Haripur on 23rd, 24th and 25th of May 2016. The team was given a very warm welcome by the University.

A series of comprehensive discussion sessions were held regarding the different NBEAC standards. The committee was chaired by Dr. Abdus Sattar Abbasi, HoD, CIIT, Lahore, Mr. Muhammad Ilyas- HoD, KIU Gilgit, Industry Expert- Syed Azhar Hussain Shah, Senior Vice President, National Bank, Abbottabad and Mr. Ahtesham Ali Raja- Program Director NBEAC.

The main objectives of the visit were in depth analysis of the (a) Self-Assessment Report (SAR) and its verification in light of the supporting documents (b) Infrastructure analysis and (c) Interviews with the faculty, students, administrative staff and Alumni.

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