Research Publications

Number of Research Publications

  • 2020: 25
  • 2019: 14
  • 2018: 34
  • 2017: 14
  • 2018: 25

Number of Funded Projects

  • 2020: 4 (4.026 Million PKR)
  • 2019: 5 (10.24 Million PKR)
  • 2018: 8 (10.563 Million PKR)

Dr. Engr. Ejaz A. Ansari


  • Ejaz A. Ansari (2011), "Part-II: Frequency domain Analysis of Electric Circuits", pp: 1-400
  • Ejaz A. Ansari (2010), "Part - I: Time domain Analysis of Electric Circuits", pp: 1-350
  • Ejaz A. Ansari (2006), "Fundamentals of Signals and Systems (An interactive Approach)", pp: 1-500

Book Chapters:

  • Ejaz A. Ansari (2012), "Efficient Direct Computation of Discrete-time Fourier Transform in time domain", Digital Signal Processing, pp: 1-25
  • Ejaz A. Ansari (2011), "Study and Analysis of Discrete-time Fourier Transform using z-Transform and divide and conquor technique; Ready for publication", Digital Signal Processing, pp: 1-30
  • Ejaz A. Ansari (2010), "Uni and Bivariate Distributions and their X-tics", , pp: pp. 1-40

Journal Papers:

  • A. Barkat, M.T.Hamayun, S. Ijaz, S. Akhtar, E. A. Ansari, Imran Ghous, Model Identification and real time implementation of an LPV control scheme on Lab based Inverted Pendulum System, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering SAGE, July, 2020.
  • Muhammad Farooq-I-Azam, Qiang Ni, and Ejaz A. Ansari (2016), "Intelligent Energy Efficient Localization Using Variable Range Beacons in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, pp: 1-11, Vol: 1551-3203, Impact Factor: 3.0
  • Hamza Mahmood, Saleem Akhtar, Ejaz A. Ansari and Ali N. Khan (2015), "CONTROLLING THE EFFECTS OF LINK ADAPTATION ERRORS AND USERS SPEEDS ON SCHEDULING SCHEMES IN HSDPA SYSTEMS", Engineering and Applied Sciences, Multidisciplinary Journal, Science International, Lahore, pp: 127-132, Vol: 27, Issue: 1, Standard: 1013-5316, ISI-Indexed
  • Ahtisham Ahmed Mirza, Saad Aslam, Saleem Akhtar and Ejaz A. Ansari (2015), "Design and Performance Analysis Downlink Scheduling Algorithms for LTE Networks", Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology (Communication Technologies, Information Security & Sustainable Development),, pp: 123-130, Vol: 34, Issue: SI, Standard: 0254-7821, HEC Category 'X' Journal
  • Saad Aslam, Saleem Akhtar and Ejaz A. Ansari (2015), "Performance Analysis of Real and Non-Real Time Scheduling Algorithms in a Hybrid Environment", Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology (Communication Technologies, Information Security & Sustainable Development), pp: 27-34, Vol: 34, Issue: SI, Standard: 0254-7821, HEC Category 'X' Journal 
  • Ejaz A. Ansari (2014), "Computing Cross and Auto-Correlation Sequences of output WSS Real Random Process in Linear Time", Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Science International, Lahore., pp: 205-209, Vol: 26, Issue: 1, Standard: 1013-5316, ISI-indexed 
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, “Performing Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass and Bandstop Filtering of Input Auto and Cross Correlation Sequences in Linear Time”, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Science International Lahore, Vol: 26, pp: 621-626, 2014.
  • Hammad Hassan Khan, Ejaz A. Ansari and Saleem Akhtar, “Exact Closed form expressions and Peformance Evaluation of Cognitive Amplify and Forward Relaying in (I.N.I.D) Nakagami-m Fading Enviorment”, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Science International Lahore, Vol: 26, pp: 779-783, 2014.
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Saleem Akhtar, “Real Versus Complex Gaussian Distributions for Digital Communication”, Science International, 26(1), pp. 85 - 89, 2014
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Saleem Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem, “Efficient Direct Manual Computation of Discrete Fourier Transform in Time Domain”, Science International, 25(4), pp. 719 - 723, 2013
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Saleem Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem, “Processing of Auto and Cross-Correlations of Two Jointly WSS Random Processes Through Various Types of Windows in Time Domain”, Science International, 25(4), pp. 757 - 761, 2013
  • Hamza Mahmood, Saleem Akhtar and Ejaz A. Ansari and Muhammad Nadeem, “Investigating the Performance of Scheduling Schemes in HSDPA System”, Science International, 25(3), pp. 589-594, 2013
  • Anam Ilyas, Ejaz A. Ansari and Saleem Akhtar, “Accurate BER / SER Analysis and Performance of Different Modulation Schemes over Wireless Fading Channels”, Science International, Sci. International, 25(2), pp. 367-374, 2013
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, “Computing Cross and Auto-Correlation sequences of Output WSS Real Random Process in Linear Time”, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Science International Lahore.
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, “Obtaining Time Domain Expressions of Band Limited Signal Pulses for Zero ISI”, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Science International Lahore.
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Nandana Rajatheva (2010), "Precise Symbol Error-Rate (SER) analysis and Performance Results of OSTBC MIMO-OFDM Systems over uncorrelated Nakagami-m Fading Channels", Transactions on Communications (IEICE), Japan, pp: 1515-1525, Vol: E93, Issue: B

Conference Papers:

  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Nadana Rajatheva (Dec 2009) "Exact SER Analysis of OSTBC MIMO-OFDM Systems over uncorrelated Nakagami-m Fading Channels", 13th Multitopic Conference, INMIC 2009, pp: 1-6, Vol: 1, Issue: 1
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Nandana Rajatheva (May 2010) "Performing Low-Pass Filtering through Different Types of Windows in Linear Time", 10th International Conference on Information Sciences, Signal Processing and Applications (ISSPA 10), pp: 1-4, Vol: 1, Issue: 1
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Nadana Rajatheva (Dec 2009) "Exact SER Analysis of OSTBC MIMO-OFDM Systems over uncorrelated Nakagami-m Fading Channels", 13th Multitopic Conference, INMIC 2009, pp: 1-6, Vol: 1, Issue: 1

Dr. Mirza Tariq Humayun

  • M.T.Hamayun, C.Edwards and H.Alwi (2016), "Fault Tolerant Control Schemes Using Integral Sliding Modes", edited by: Janusz Kacprzyk, published by: Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp: XVIII, 199, Standard: 978-3-319-32238-4

Book Chapters:

  • C. Edwards, H. Alwi and M.T. Hamayun (2017), "Fault Tolerant Control Using Integral Sliding Modes", Advances in Variable Structure Systems and Sliding Mode Control - Theory and Applications, published by: Springer International Publishing Switzerland
  • M.T. Hamayun (2005), "Design of an educational software for servomechanism experiments using C-based graphical programming", Advances in computer, information, systems and engineering, published by: Springer, pp: 331-336  

Journal Papers:

  • A. Barkat, M.T.Hamayun, S. Ijaz, S. Akhtar, E. A. Ansari, Imran Ghous, Model Identification and real time implementation of an LPV control scheme on Lab based Inverted Pendulum System, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering SAGE, July, 2020.
  • Salman Ijaz, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, Lin. Yan, Sun Chi (2019), "Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control of Dissimilar Redundant Actuation System of Civil Aircraft based on Integral Sliding Mode Control Strategy", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol: Accepted for publication, Impact Factor: 1.6
  • Fatima Ijaz, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, Salman Ijaz, Naeem Shehzad (2019), "An Adaptive Sliding Mode Actuator Fault Tolerant Control Scheme for Octorotor System", Internal Journal of Advanced Robotics Systems, Vol: Accepted for publication, Impact Factor: 1.0
  • U. Ansari, A.H. Bajodah and M.T. Hamayun (2019), "Quadrotor Control Via Robust Generalized Dynamic Inversion and Adaptive Non-Singular Terminal Sliding Mode", Asian Journal of Control, pp: 1-13, Vol: 21, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.421
  • S. Ijaz, M.T. Hamayun, L. Yan, C. Shi, “An Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode FTC Scheme for Dissimilar Redundant Actuation System of Civil Aircraft”, International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 50, Issue 14, pages 2687-2702, Taylor and Francis, IF 2.469, September 2019.
  • Salman Ijaz, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, Lin Yan, Cun Shi (2018), "Active Fault Tolerant Control for Vertical Tail Damaged Aircraft with Dissimilar Redundant Actuation System using Integral Sliding Mode Control", Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science , Vol:, Impact Factor: 1.015
  • S. Ijaz ; M. T. Hamayun ; L. Yan ; C. Shi (2018), "Active Fault Tolerant Control Scheme for Aircraft with Dissimilar Redundant Actuation System subject to Hydraulic Failure", Elsevier Journal of the Franklin Institute., Vol: /, Impact Factor: 3.576
  • S. Ijaz ; L. Yan ; M. T. Hamayun ; W. Baig ; C. Shi (2018), "An Adaptive LPV Integral Sliding Mode FTC of Dissimilar Redundant Actuation System for Civil Aircraft", IEEE Access, Vol: DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2876032, Impact Factor: 3.6
  • S. Ijaz, L. Yan and M.T. Hamayun (2018), "Fractional Order Modelling and Control of Dissimilar Redundant Actuating System used in Large Passenger Aircraft", Elsevier Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, pp: 1141-1152, Vol: 31, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: 1.307
  • S. Ijaz ; M. T. Hamayun ; L. Yan ; C. Shi (2018), "LPV Modeling and Tracking Control of Dissimilar Redundant Actuation System for Civil Aircraft", International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Vol:, Impact Factor: 2.2
  • Q Bashir, M. Shehzad, M. Awais, U. Farooq, M.T. Hamayun, "A scheduling-based energy-aware core switching technique to avoid thermal threshold values in multi-core processing systems", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 62, pages 296-305, IF: 1.049, 2018.
  • M.T. Hamayun, S. Ijaz and A.H. Bajodah (2017), "Output integral sliding mode fault tolerant control scheme for LPV plants by incorporating control allocation", IET Control Theory & Applications, pp: 1959-1967, Vol: 11, Issue: 12, Impact Factor: 2.54
  • Salman Ijaz, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, Lin Yan (2016), "Fractional Order Modeling and Control of Twin Rotor Aero Dynamical System using Nelder Mead Optimization", Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, pp: 1921-1929, Vol: 11, Standard: 1975-0102, Impact Factor: 0.58
  • M.T. Hamayun, C. Edwards, H. Alwi (2015), "A Fault Tolerant Direct Control Allocation Scheme with Integral Sliding Modes", International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, pp: 93-102, Vol: 25, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.42
  • H. Alwi, C. Edwards, O.Stroosma, J.A. Mulder, M.T.Hamayun (2015), "Real-time implementation of an Integral Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control scheme for LPV plants", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, pp: 3896-3905, Vol: 62, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 7.168
  • M.T. Hamayun, C. Edwards, H. Alwi (2014), "An Augmentation Scheme for Fault Tolerant Control using Integral Sliding Modes", IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, pp: 307-313, Vol: 22, Issue: 1, Standard: 1063-6536, Impact Factor: 3.9
  • M.T. Hamayun, C. Edwards, H. Alwi (2013), "A fault tolerant control allocation scheme with output integral sliding modes", Automatica Journal of Elsevier, pp: 1830-1837, Vol: 49, Issue: 6, Standard: 0005-1098, Impact Factor: 5.451
  • H. Bajodah, M.T Hamayun, K. Chandra,R. Ahmed, G. Da-wei (2013), "Fault Tolerant Control of Aircraft Actuating Surfaces using Generalized DI and Integral SM Control", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic systems, pp: 181-188, Vol: 69, Issue: 1-4, Impact Factor: 1.512
  • M.T. Hamayun, C. Edwards, H. Alwi (2012), "Design and Analysis of an Integral Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control Scheme", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, pp: 1783-1789 , Vol: 57, Issue: 7, Standard: 0018-9286, Impact Factor: 4.270 

Conference Papers:

  • Anila Barkat; Mirza Tariq Hamayun and Athar Hanif (2019) "Model Identification and Control of a Lab Based Inverted Pendulum System Using Robust Control Technique", In the proceedings of 16th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 2018) Islamabad, December 17-19 
  • Zainab Akhtar, Adnan Nisar and Mirza Tariq Hamayun (2019) "Nonlinear Sliding Mode State Estimation Techniques for UAV Application", In the Proceedings of 16th IBCAST, Islamabad, 2019
  • Zohaib Hassan and Mirza Tariq Hamayun (2018) "Design and Implementation of a Robust FTC scheme for the Benchmark model of Wind Turbine System", In the Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies, (PGSRET) Islamabad 
  • S. Ijaz, L. Yan and M.T. Hamayun (2017) "Fractional order control of dissimilar redundant actuating system used in large air craft", 29th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp: 3686-3691
  • Uzair Ansari, A.H. Bajodah and M.T.Hamayun (2016) "ROBUSTIFIED QUADROTOR CONTROL USING GENERALIZED DYNAMIC INVERSION AND ADAPTIVE NON-SINGULAR TERMINAL SLIDING MODE", in IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, pp: 3011-320
  • H. Alwi, M.T. Hamayun and C. Edwards (2014) "An Integral Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Control Scheme for an Octorotor Using Fixed Control Allocation ", in 13th International IEEE Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, pp: 1-6
  • C. Edwards, H. Alwi and M.T. Hamayun (2014) "Fault Tolerant Control Using Integral Sliding Modes", in 13th European Control Conference (ECC), pp: 2291- 2296
  • H. Alwi, C. Edwards and M.T. Hamayun (2013) "Fault Tolerant Control of a Large Transport Aircraft Using an LPV Based Integral Sliding Mode Controller", Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SysTol), pp: 637-642
  • M.T. Hamayun, H. Alwi and C. Edwards (2012) "An LPV Fault Tolerant Control Scheme using Integral Sliding Modes", 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp: 1840-1845
  • M.T.Hamayun, C.Edwards and H.Alwi (2011) "An Integral sliding Mode Augmentation Scheme for Fault Tolerant Control", IEEE American Control Conference (ACC), pp: 3772-3777 
  • M.T.Hamayun, H.Alwi and C. Edwards (2011) "An Output Integral Sliding Mode FTC Scheme Using Control Allocation", In 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control(CDC)and European Control Conference (ECC), pp: 2275-2280   
  • H. Alwi, C. Edwards and M.T.Hamayun (2011) "Nonlinear Integral Sliding Mode Fault Tolerant Longitudinal Aircraft Control", IEEE MSC, pp: 970-975
  • M.T.Hamayun, C. Edwards and H.Alwi (2010) "Application of an integral sliding mode FTC for a large transport aircraft", IEEE conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant systems (SysTol), pp: 38-43
  • M.T.Hamayun, C. Edwards and H.Alwi (2010) "Integral sliding mode fault tolerant control incorporating on-line control allocation", IEEE International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, pp: 100-105
  • M.T.Hamayun (2006) "Design and Implementation of a digital Controller for the speed control of DC servo motor", IEEE International Conference on modelling, simulation and visualization methods , pp: 272-276, Vol: 1

Dr. Saleem Akhtar
Book Chapters:

  • A. Barkat, M.T.Hamayun, S. Ijaz, S. Akhtar, E. A. Ansari, Imran Ghous, Model Identification and real time implementation of an LPV control scheme on Lab based Inverted Pendulum System, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering SAGE, July, 2020.
  • S. Akhtar and D. Zeghlache, “Rate and power adaptation for downlink shared channel in WCDMA”, Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for Wireless Communications, Kluwar Academic Publishers, , The Netherlands, ISBN 1-4020-7083-7, vol. 6 (2002), pp. 61-74
  • S. Akhtar and D. Zeghlache, “Enabling QoS over the UMTS WCDMA RAN”, Applications and Services in the Wireless Networks, HERMES Science Publications, France, ISBN 2-7462-0305-7, vol. 1 (2001), pp. 85-102

Conference Papers:

  • Salman Khan, Ali Nawaz Khan and Saleem Akhtar, “Multichannel Cognitive Protocol for Efficient Utilization of Wireless Spectrum”, IEEE Computer Society, Third International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, ISBN 9780769543574, pp. 286-289, April 18-20, 2011
  • S. Akhtar, S. A. Malik and D. Zeghlache, “Prioritized admission control for mixed services in UMTS WCDMA networks”, IEEE PIMRC 2001, IEEE PIMRC 2001, San Diego, USA, ISBN 0780372441, vol. 1, pp. 133-137, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, 2001
  • S. Akhtar and D. Zeghlache, “Minimum power soft handover for WCDMA downlink”, WPMC'01, Denmark, ISBN 8798856804, vol. 3, 1285-1289, September 9-12, 2001
  • S. Akhtar, S. A. Malik and D. Zeghlache, “A comparative study of power control strategies for soft handover in UTRA FDD WCDMA system”, IEEE VTC’01 Spring, , Greece, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, ISBN 0780367286, vol. 4, 2680-2684, May 6-9, 2001
  • S. Akhtar, S. A. Malik and D. Zeghlache, “Power control schemes for UTRA FDD downlink soft handover”, 3Gwireless’01, San Francisco, USA, vol. 1, pp. 93-97, May 30 – June 02, 2001
  • S. A. Malik, S. Akhtar and D. Zeghlache, Performance of prioritized resource control for mixed services in UMTS WCDMA networks”, IEEE VTC 2001 Fall, Atlantic City, USA, ISBN 0780370074, vol. 2, pp. 1000-1004, Oct. 7–11, 2001
  • S. Akhtar and D. Zeghlache, “CIR based soft handover for UTRA FDD uplink”, IEEE PIMRC 2000, London, England, ISBN 078036463, vol. 1, pp. 650-654, Sept. 18-21, 2000
  • S. Akhtar and D. Zeghlache, “Capacity evaluation of the UTRA WCDMA Interface”, IEEE VTC’99 Fall, Amsterdam Holland, ISBN 0780354354, vol. 2, pp. 914-918, Sept. 19-22, 1999
  • R. MENOLASCINO and al. (STORMS project Members), “A realistic UMTS planning exercise”, ACTS Mobile Summit 1998, vol. 1, pp. 157-166, June 8-11, 1998

Journal Papers:

  • Hammad Hassan Khan, Ejaz A. Ansari and Saleem Akhtar, “Exact Closed form expressions and Peformance Evaluation of Cognitive Amplify and Forward Relaying in (I.N.I.D) Nakagami-m Fading Enviorment”, Engineering and Applied Sciences, Science International Lahore, Vol: 26, pp: 779-783, 2014.
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Saleem Akhtar, Real Versus Complex Gaussian Distributions for Digital Communication, Science International, 26(1), pp. 85 - 89, 2014
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Saleem Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem, Efficient Direct Manual Computation of Discrete Fourier Transform in Time Domain, Science International, 25(4), pp. 719 - 723, 2013
  • Ejaz A. Ansari, Saleem Akhtar, Muhammad Nadeem, Processing of Auto and Cross-Correlations of Two Jointly WSS Random Processes Through Various Types of Windows in Time Domain, Science International, 25(4), pp. 757 - 761, 2013
  • Farooq-i-Azam, Muhammad Naeem Ayyaz and Saleem Akhtar, “Connectivity Based Technique for Localization of Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, No. 5, pp. 171-175, 2013
  • Hamza Mahmood, Saleem Akhtar and Ejaz A. Ansari and Muhammad Nadeem, “Investigating the Performance of Scheduling Schemes in HSDPA System”, Science International, 25(3), pp. 589-594, 2013
  • Anam Ilyas, Ejaz A. Ansari and Saleem Akhtar, “Accurate BER / SER Analysis and Performance of Different Modulation Schemes over Wireless Fading Channels”, Science International, Sci. International, 25(2), pp. 367-374, 2013

Dr. Sobia Baig
Book Chapters:

  • Sobia Baig, Fasih-ud-Din Farrukh and M. Junaid Mughal (2011), "Discrete Wavelet Multitone Modulation for ADSL & Equalization Techniques", Discrete Wavelet Transforms - Algorithms and Applications , edited by: Hannu Olkkonen, published by: InTech, August 2011, pp: 3-24, Standard: 978-953-307-482-5
  • Sobia Baig and Fazal-ur-Rehman (2007), " Signal Modeling Using Singular Value Decomposition", Advances in Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, edited by: Elleithy, Khaled, Sobh, Tarek, Mahmood, Ausif, Iskander, Magued, E Karim, Mohammad, R , published by: Springer Netherlands, pp: 32-36, Standard: 978-1-4020-5260-6

Journal Papers:

  • Junaid Anees, Hao-Chun Zhang, Bachirou Guene Lougou, Sobia Baig, Yabibal Getahun Dessie (2020), "Delay aware energy-efficient opportunistic node selection in restricted routing", Computer Networks, pp: 1-20, Vol: 181, Issue: 107536, Standard: 1389-1286, Impact Factor: 3.111
  • Anees, J.; Zhang, H.-C.; Baig, S.; Guene Lougou, B.; Robert Bona, T.G. (2020), "Hesitant Fuzzy Entropy-Based Opportunistic Clustering and Data Fusion Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors 2020, 20, 913", Sensors, MDPI, pp: 1-28, Vol: 20, Standard: 1424-8220, Impact Factor: 3.031
  • INAM ULLAH KHAN, NADEEM JAVAID, KELUM A. A. GAMAGE, C. JAMES TAYLOR, SOBIA BAIG, AND XIANDONG MA (2020), "Heuristic Algorithm Based Optimal Power Flow Model Incorporating Stochastic Renewable Energy Sources ", IEEE ACCESS, pp: 148622 - 148643, Vol: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3015, Impact Factor: 3.745
  • Bilal Masood, M. Arif, Sobia Baig, Guobing Song, Ateeq Ur Rehman, Saif Ur Rehman, Rao M. Asif and Muhammad Babar Rasheed (2020), "Investigation of Deterministic, Statistical and Parametric NB-PLC Channel Modeling Techniques for Advanced Metering Infrastructure", ENERGIES, pp: 1-19, Vol: 13, Issue: 12, Standard: 1996-1073, Impact Factor: 2.702
  • Usman Ali ; Sobia Baig ;Tariq Umer ; Zhiguo Ding (2020), "Performance Analysis of Discrete Wavelet Transform for Downlink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Networks", IET Communications, Vol: 10.1049/iet-com.2019.0851, Standard: 1751-8628, Impact Factor: 1.779
  • Sobia Baig, Usman Ali, Hafiz M. Asif, Asim Ali Khan, Shahid Mumtaz (2019), "Closed-Form BER Expression for Fourier and Wavelet Transform based Pulse-Shaped Data in Downlink NOMA", IEEE Communications Letters, pp: 592-595, Vol: 23, Issue: 4, Standard: 1089-7798, Impact Factor: 3.457
  • Junaid Anees, HaoChun Zhang, Sobia Baig, and Bachirou Guene Lougou (2019), "Energy-Efficient Multi-disjoint Path Opportunistic Node Connection Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Grids", Sensors, MDPI, Vol: 19, Issue: 17, Standard: 1424-8220, Impact Factor: 3.031
  • Muhammad Ahmad, Asim Ali Khan, Muhammad Amin, Hafiz M. Asif and Sobia Baig (2019), "Ground plane impact on quadrifilar helix antenna performance with respect to deployment heights", International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol:, Standard: 1099-1131, Impact Factor: 1.278
  • Ayesha Naz, Sobia Baig and Hafiz M. Asif (2019), "Non Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) for Broadband Communication in Smart Grids using VLC and PLC", Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, pp: 162-171, Vol: 188, Impact Factor: 1.914
  • Zanib Tahira, Hafiz M. Asif, Asim Ali Khan, Sobia Baig, Shahid Mumtaz and Saba Al-Rubaye (2019), "Optimization of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access based Visible Light Communication Systems", IEEE Communication Letters, pp: 1-4, Vol: Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/LCOMM.2018.2889, Standard: 1089-7798, Impact Factor: 3.457
  • Arsla Khan, Saud Khan, Sobia Baig, Hafiz Muhammad Asif, Soo Young Shin (2019), "Wavelet OFDM with Overlap FDE for non-Gaussian channels in precoded NOMA based systems", Future Generation Computer Systems, pp: 165-179, Vol: 97, Impact Factor: 5.768
  • Qaisar Bashir, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Sobia Baig, Muhammad Ghaffar Dogar, Aamir Rashid, (2018), "An online temperature-aware scheduling technique to avoid thermal emergencies in multiprocessor systems", Computers & Electrical Engineering, pp: 83-98, Vol: 70, Standard: 0045-7906, Impact Factor: 2.189
  • Saad M.Sheikh, Hamza R.Ali, Hafiz. M. Asif, Sobia Baig, Asim A.Khan (2018), "Design of NS3 VLC Module and Performance Analysis of Adhoc Network under VLC and WiFi layers", International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol: doi 10.1002/dac.3764, Standard: 1099-1131, Impact Factor: 1.278
  • SOBIA BAIG , et al. (2018), "Dual PHY Layer for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Transceiver in 5G Networks", IEEE ACCESS, pp: 3130-3139, Vol: 6, Issue: 1, Standard: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 4.098 
  • S Baig, HM Asif, et. al. (2018), "High Data Rate Discrete Wavelet Transform-based PLC-VLC Design for 5G Communication Systems", IEEE ACCESS, pp: 52490-52499, Vol: 6, Standard: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 4.098
  • Bilal Masood, Arsalan Haider, and Sobia Baig (2017), "Modeling and Characterization of Low Voltage Access Network for Narrowband Powerline Communications", Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, pp: 1921-1928, Vol: 11, Standard: 1975-0102, Impact Factor: 0.597
  • A. Khan, A. Arif, T. Bajwa and S. Baig (2017), "Walsh Hadamard Transform based Transceiver Design for SC-FDMA with Discrete Wavelet Transform", China Communications, pp: 193-206, Vol: 14, Issue: 5, Standard: 1673-5447, Impact Factor: 1.514 
  • Bilal Masood and Sobia Baig (2016), "Standardization and Deployment Scenario of Next Generation NB-PLC Technologies", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp: 1033-1147, Vol: 65, Standard: 1364-0321, Impact Factor: 8.050
  • Bilal Masood, Arsalan Haider  and SobiaBaig, “Modeling and Characterization of Low Voltage Access Network for Narrowband Powerline Communications”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 12(1), pp. 443-450
  • Arsala khan, Sobia Baig, Tabassum Nawaz, "DWMT transceiver equalization using overlap FDE for downlink ADS", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, pp: 681-697, Vol: 23, Issue: 3
  • Masood Bilal, Arsalan Haider, Sobia Baig, “Modeling and Characterization of Low Voltage Access Network for Narrowband PowerLine Communications”, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, pp 1921-1928.
  • Bilal Masood, Fareed Ud Din and Sobia Baig (2013), “Role of Narrow-Band Low Data Rate Power Line Communication in Smart Grids and Noise Reduction Strategy” published in World Applied Sciences Journal, ISI indexed.
  • Bilal Masood, Sobia Baig (2013), “Opportunities and Challenges of ICT in AMI”, accepted and published in World Applied Sciences Journal, ISI indexed.
  • ARSLA KHAN, SOBIA BAIG, TABASSUM NAWAZ (2013), "DWMT transceiver equalization using overlap FDE for downlink ADS", accepted to be published in Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Impact Factor: 0.568
  • Bilal Masood, Sobia Baig (2013), "Opportunities and Challenges of ICT in AMI", World Applied Sciences Journal, pp: 435-443, Vol: 23, Issue: 3, Standard: 1818-4952, Impact Factor: ISI indexed
  • Umber Noreen, Sobia Baig and Fahad Khan (2012), "A Review of Bit Allocation for MCM Techniques in Power Line Communication for Smart Grids", World Applied Sciences Journal, pp: 929-936, Vol: 19, Issue: 7, Standard: 1818-4952
  • Fahad Khan, Sobia Baig, and Umber Noreen (2012), "An Overview of OFDM Based Narrowb and Power Line Communication Standards for Smart Grid Applications", World Applied Sciences Journal, pp: 1236-1242, Vol: 20, Issue: 9, Standard: 1818-4952
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (2012), "In-Home Power Line Communications Local Area Network Based on Uniform Discrete Multitone Transceiver", World Applied Sciences Journal , pp: 142-147, Vol: 18, Issue: 1, Standard: 1818-4952
  • Fasih-ud-Din Farrukh, Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (2012), "Performance Comparison of Time-Domain Equalization (TEQ) Techniques in a Discrete Wavelet Multitone (DWMT) System for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)", World Applied Sciences Journal, pp: 1008-1013, Vol: 20, Issue: 7, Standard: 1818-4952  
  • Usman Rafique and Sobia Baig (2011), "Design and Implementation of a Novel Wireless Home Automation System", International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), pp: 450-456, Vol: Vol. 1, Issue: 5, Standard: 2039 – 5094
  • Tabassum Bajwa, Sobia Baig and Arsla Khan (2011), "The Performance Comparison of Coded WP-OFDM and DFT-OFDM in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel", International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), pp: 500-505, Vol: Vol. No. 1, Issue: 6, Standard: 2039 – 5094
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (2009), "Multirate signal processing techniques for high-speed communication over power lines,", IEEE Communications Magazine, pp: 70-76, Vol: 47, Issue: 1, Standard: 0163-6804, Impact Factor: 3.79
  • Usman Khan, Sobia Baig, Muhammad Junaid Mughal (2009), "Performance Comparison of Wavelet Packet Modulation and OFDM over Multipath Wireless Channel with Narrowband Interference,", International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS, pp: 431-434, Vol: 9, Issue: 9, Standard: 2077-1231
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (2008), "A Novel Uniform DMT Transceiver with Power-Allocation in Digital Subscriber Line", IEICE Transactions on Commun, pp: 302-305, Vol: E91-B, Issue: 1, Standard: 0916-8516, Impact Factor: 0.25
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (2007), "Improved Zero-Forcing Equalization with a Modified Non-Uniform Discrete Multitone Transceiver", China Communications, pp: 40-44, Vol: 4, Issue: 4, Standard: 1673-5447
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (2007), "Performance Analysis of a Non-Uniform DMT Transceiver in Digital Subscriber Line", IEICE Transactions on Communications, pp: 140-143, Vol: E90-B, Issue: 1, Standard: 0916-8516, Impact Factor: 0.25 
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (2003), "Discrete Multi-Tone Transceiver at the heart of PHY Layer of an In-Home Powerline Communication Local Area Network", IEEE Communications Magazine, pp: 48-53, Vol: 41, Issue: 4, Standard: 0163-6804, Impact Factor: 3.79

Conference Papers:

  • Umber Noreen and Sobia Baig (2013) "Modified Incremental Bit Allocation Algorithm for PowerLine Communication in Smart Grids", First International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing and their Applications, IEEE ICCSPA
  • Sobia Baig, et al. (Jan 2011) "Electronic Voting System Using Fingerprint Matching with Gabor Filter", International Bhurban Conference On Applied Sciences & Technology IBCAST, Islamabad 
  • Sohaib Kiani , Sobia Baig , Shoaib Ali1, Shahid Ali (2011) "Performance Comparison of Overlap FDE Techniques In Underwater Communication ", International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology Islamabad, Pakistan, January 10 - 13, 2011
  • Usman Khan and S. Baig (Jan 2010) "Efficient Single Carrier Modulation with Frequency Domain Equalization over Multipath Wireless Channel with Narrowband Interference", 7th IEEE International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology 
  • Fasih-ud-din Farrukh, Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (Apr 2009) "MMSE Equalization for Discrete Wavelet Packet Based OFDM", International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2009. ICEE '09, pp: 1-4 
  • Sohaib Kiyani, Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal, (Jul 2009) "Overlap Frequency Domain Equalization for Wavelet OFDM", ITC-CSCC :International Technical Conference on Circuits Systems, Computers and Communications,, pp: 1346-1349 
  • Usman Khan, Sobia Baig, Muhammad Junaid Mughal (Feb 2009) "Performance Comparison of Wavelet Packet Modulation and OFDM for Multipath Wireless Channel", The Second International Conference On Computer, Control & Communication, pp: 1-4
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (Mar 2007) "A Frequency Domain Equalizer in Discrete Wavelet Packet Multitone Transceiver for In-Home PLC Lans", IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its Applications, 2007. ISPLC '07. , pp: 181-186 
  • Fasih-ud-din Farrukh, Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (Apr 2007) "Performance Comparison of DFT-OFDM andand Wavelet-OFDM with Zero-Forcing Equalizer for FIR Channel Equalization", International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2007. ICEE '07, pp: 1-5, Vol: 1 
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (Dec 2006) "A Non-Uniform DMT Transceiver for Multipath Power-Line Channel in the High Frequency Range", Multitopic Conference, 2006. INMIC '06. IEEE , pp: 6-10 
  • Sobia Baig and M. Junaid Mughal (Nov 2006) "A Non-Uniform DMT Transceiver for Noise Reduction in Zero Forcing Equalization", Emerging Technologies, 2006. ICET '06. International Conference on, pp: 15-19
  • Sobia Baig and Nasir D. Gohar (Jun 2005) "An Efficient Wavelet Based MC-CDMA Transceiver for Wireless Communications", International Bhurban Conference On Applied Sciences & Technology IBCAST, Bhurbun, 2005   
  • Sobia Baig and Fazal-ur-Rehman (Dec 2005) "Frequency Domain Channel Equalization Using Circulant Channel Matrix Diagonalization", Sobia Baig, Fazal-ur-Rehman and M.Junaid Mughal 9th International Multitopic Conference, IEEE INMIC 2005 , pp: 1-5, Standard: 0-7803-9430-5
  • Sobia Baig, Fazal-ur-Rehman and M.Junaid Mughal (Dec 2005) "Performance Comparison of DFT, Discrete Wavelet Packet and Wavelet Transforms in an OFDM Transceiver for Multipath Fading Channel", 9th International Multitopic Conference, IEEE INMIC 2005 , pp: 1-6, Standard: 0-7803-9430-5 
  • Sobia Baig and Fazal-ur-Rehman (Dec 2005) "Signal Modeling Using Singular Value Decomposition", Proceedings of IETA 2005, TeNe 2005 and EIAE 2005 
  • Sobia Baig and Nasir D. Gohar (Dec 2003) "Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) Transceiver with Dynamic Rate Adaptive Water-Filling Bit-Loading Technique for In-Home Powerline Communication Networks", 7th International Multi Topic Conference, 2003, pp: 84-89  
  • Sobia Baig and Nasir D. Gohar (Jun 2003) "Linear Detection Algorithms for Multi-User Detection in DS-CDMA Systems", International Bhurban Conference On Applied Sciences & Technology IBCAST, Bhurbun, June 2003

Dr. Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam
Book Chapters:

  • Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ayyaz, M. N. (2012), "Location and Position Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks", Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Status and Future Trends, edited by: Shafiullah Khan, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, and Nabil A. Alrajeh, published by: Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, pp: 179-214, Standard: ISBN10: 1466506067, ISBN13: 978-1466506060
  • Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ayyaz, M. N. (2011), "Embedded Systems Security", Cyber Security Standards, Practices and Industrial Applications: Systems and Methodologies, edited by: Junaid Ahmed Zubairi and Athar Mahboob, published by: IGI Global Publishers, USA, pp: 179-198, Standard: ISBN13: 9781609608514, ISBN10: 1609608518

Journal Papers:

  • Muhammad Farooq-I-Azam, Qiang Ni, Ejaz Anasri (2016), "Intelligent Energy Efficient Localization Using Variable Range Beacons in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, pp: 2206-2216, Vol: 12, Issue: 6, Standard: 1551-3203, Impact Factor: 6.764
  • Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ayyaz, M.N., Akhtar, S. (2013), "Connectivity Based Technique for Localization of Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks", Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), Impact Factor: 0.244

Conference Papers:

  • M. Farooq-I-Azam, Q. Ni and M. Dong, "Extreme Values of Trilateration Localization Error in Wireless Communication Systems," 2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, London, United Kingdom, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PIMRC48278.2020.9217059.
  • M. Farooq-I-Azam, Q. Ni and M. Dong (2019) "An Analytical Model of Trilateration Localization Error", 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), pp: 1-6
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Wenjuan Yu, Qiang Ni, Mianxiong Dong and Atta ul Quddus (2018) "Location Assisted Subcarrier and Power Allocation in Underlay Mobile Cognitive Radio Networks", IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, pp: 1-6
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam, Qiang Ni, Ejaz Ansari, Haris Pervaiz (2015) "Energy-Efficient Location Estimation Using Variable Range Beacons in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, pp: 1074-1079, Standard: 978-1-5090-0154-5
  • M.S. Raheel, M. R. Asfi, Farooq-i-Azam, M., H. R. Shaukat, J. Shafaqat (2011) "Wireless Authentication System for Barcode Scanning Using Infrared Communication Technique", International Conference on Computer Control and Automation, ICCCA 2011, South Korea, Standard: 978-1-4244-9767-6
  •  Farooq-i-Azam, M., Ayyaz, M. N. (2010) "Parameters Differentiating the Characteristics and Security of Military Information Systems", National Conference on Information Assurance, Military College of Signals, NUST, Islamabad, Vol: 1, Issue: 1
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2009) "Learning Assembly Language and Exploring Intel Processors Using Debug", Seminar on Assembly Language, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2008) "A Case of Free and Open Source Software for Pakistan and the World", National COMSATS Open Source Technologies Workshop (NoCOST), Abbottabad
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2008) "Bugs in the Hardware: Exploiting flaws in the embedded systems", CIIT Workshop on Research in Computing (CWRC), Lahore
  • Farooq-i-Azam, M (2006) "A Comparison of Existing Ethernet Frame Specifications", Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering (ISE’06), Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2006) "ARP Games - Playing Man in the Middle or Knocking off with DoS", Conference on Hacking and Security (CHASE), Lahore
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2006) "Manipulating ARP to Attack Hosts in a Local Area Network", International Conference on Software Engineering (ISE), Lahore
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2005) "Open Source Software and Movement - Relevance to Pakistan", Seminar on Open Source Software, Lahore
  • Muhammad Farooq-i-Azam (2005) "Packet Sniffers: Development and deployment scenarios", Seminar on Packet Sniffers, Lahore
  • Farooq-i-Azam, M. (2005) "Role of Free and Open Source Software in Computer and Internet Security", Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Trends and Practices of Free and Open Source Software Technologies (TPFOSST), Lahore, Pakistan

Dr. Muhammad Nadeem Rafiq
Conference Papers:

  • M. N. Rafiq, et all, (2015) "A Compact Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna with U-Shaped Parasitic Elements", International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, pp: 617-618 
  • M. N. Rafiq, et all (2015) "Radiation Performance and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Analysis of a Compact Dual Band Balanced Antenna", IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, pp: 672-675
  • M. N. Rafiq, et all (2013) "A Dual Band Balanced Planar Inverted F Antenna (PIFA) for Mobile Applications", IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, pp: 1196-1197
  • M. N. Rafiq, et all (2013) "A Reconfigurable Dual-Band Metasurface for EMI Shielding of Specific Electromagnetic Wave Components", IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, pp: 640 – 644
  • M. N. Rafiq, et all (2013) "An Initial Investigation on the use of Carbon Microfibers for Conformal Transmission Lines", IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology

Dr. Ali Nawaz Khan
Journal Papers:

  • Nadeem M, Khan AN, Ali Khan A, Azim T (2018), "Low profile CPW fed slotted planar inverted cone ultra-wide band antenna for WBAN applications", Microw Opt Technol Lett., pp: 870-876, Vol: 60, Issue: 2018, Standard: 1098-2760, Impact Factor: 0.948 
  • Ali Nawaz Khan, Tanweer Arshad, Waqas Anwar, Ehsan Ullah Munir,“Intra-Cluster Multihop Routing In Leach Based On Shortest Distance”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research.
  • Khan Afsar, Ali Nawaz Khan, M. Waqas Anwar, Ehsan Ullah Munir, Munal Akhtar, “Weighted Energy Efficient Clustering Hierarchy for Multi-hop Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research.
  • Ali Nawaz Khan, Waqas Anwer, Ehsan Ullah Munir, Uzair Farooqi, Ayesha Khaliq, Aqsa Malik and Maryam Aizaz, “Handover Techniques in Mobile WiMAX Networks: Analysis and Comparison”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research.
  • Ali Nawaz Khan, Tanweer Arshad,  Waqas Anwar, EhsanUllah Munir, “Intra-Cluster Multihop Routing In Leach Based On Shortest Distance”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research.
  • Ehsan Ullah Munir, Saima Ijaz, Sheraz Anjum, Ali Nawaz Khan, Waqas Anwar, Wasif Nisar, “Novel Approaches for Scheduling Task Graphs in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment”, The International Arab Journal of Information Technology.
  • Modassir Ishfaq, Sunil Kumar, Muhammad Junaid, Ali Nawaz Khan, “Distance Aware Location Based Optimization for AODV in Mobile Ad HOC Networks”, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research.
  • Asma Rafiq, Sheraz Anjum, Maaz Rehan, Ali Nawaz Khan, Waqas Anwar and Ehsan Ullah Munir, “Evaluating TCP Performance over Different Variants of 802.11 While Executing Handover”, Research journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology.
  • Asma Rafiq, Ali Nawaz Khan, Wasif Nasir, Sheraz Anjum, Waqas Anwar, Ehsan Ullah Munir, “Impact of Carrier Sense Threshold on Reactive Routing Protocols in a Course of Handover”, Research journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology.

Conference Papers:

  • Sulman Farrukh, Muhammad Shahzad, Usman Khan, Talha Chughtai, Ali Nawaz Khan (Jan 2011) "Industrial Automation and Control System to Minimize Food Spoilage and Imports in Pakistan", Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2011), China, pp: 1-5, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Standard: 978-1-4244-9462-0
  • Salman Khan, Ali Nawaz Khan, Saleem Akhtar (Apr 2011) "Multichannel Cognitive MAC Protocol for Efficient Utilization of Wireless Spectrum", Proc. of CMC 2011, Chi, pp: 1-6, Vol: 1, Issue: 1
  • Usman Sharif, Mansoor Awan, Waqas Anwar, Abid Khan, Ali Nawaz Khan (Dec 2009) "CLUSMA: A Mobile Agent based clustering middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks", Proc. of ACM FIT 09, pp: 1-6, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Standard: 978-1-60558-642-7
  • Abid Khan, Mansoor Awan, Waqas Anwar, Ali Nawaz Khan (Dec 2009) "Mobile Agent Watermarking: Security Properties and Attacks revisited", Proc. of ACM FIT 09, pp: 1-6, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Standard: 978-1-60558-642-7
  • Ali Nawaz Khan, Xue-Jun Sha, Waqas Anwar and Abid K (Dec 2009) "Performance Analysis of Prioritized and Non Prioritized Handoff Call Queuing Schemes in Mobile Cellular Networks", Proc. of ACM FIT 09, pp: 1-6, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Standard: 978-1-60558-642-7
  • Ali Nawaz Khan, Xue-Jun Sha and Xin-Yu Zhang (May 2008) "An Efficient Handoff Call Handling and Queuing Scheme using Location Information", Proceedings of IASTED WOC 2008, Canada, pp: 107-111, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Standard: 978-0-88986-744-4
  • Ali Nawaz Khan and Xue-Jun Sha (Sep 2006) "A New Handoff Ordering and Reduction Scheme using Road Topology Informatio", Proceedings of IEEE WICOM, pp: 1-4, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Standard: 1-4244-0517-3(EI: 081511190532)
  • Ali Nawaz Khan and Xue-Jun Sha, A New Handoff Ordering and Reduction Scheme using Road Topology Information, Proceedings of IEEE WICOM, September, 2006, pp. 1-4.
  • Ali Nawaz Khan, Xue-Jun Sha and Xin-Yu Zhang, An Efficient Handoff Call Handling and Queuing Scheme using Location Information, IASTED WOC 2008, Canada, May 26-28 (EI).
  • Simulation and Comparison of Centralized and Decentralized Handoff in Mobile Networks. supported by Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University. Grant Number: NCET-04-0332 China.
  • Ultra Wide Band Inherent Ranging and Pulse Shaping. Grant Number: NCET-04-0333 China.
  • Ali Nawaz Khan, Xue-Jun Sha and Xin-Yu Zhang, Determining Rate of Handoff for Irregularly-bounded Cellular Environments in Future Mobile Networks, J. Inform. Technol., 2008, 7(2):344-349 (EI: 072510660620).
  • Xin-Yu Zhang, Xue-Jun Sha, Rong-Hui Wen and Ali Nawaz Khan, Timing acquisition in Fractional Fourier domain for the ultra-wideband communication system, J. Jilin University, 2008 (EI).
  • Xin-Yu Zhang, Xue-Jun Sha and Ali Nawaz Khan, A Variable Step Synchronization Acquisition Method for UWB Systems, J. Inform. Technol., 2008, 7(2):313-319 (EI: 081511190527).
  • Xin-Yu Zhang, Xue-Jun Sha and Ali Nawaz Khan, A New Acquisition Structure with Frequency Offset Estimation for Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band Signal, J. Inform. Technol., 2008 (EI).
  • Ali Nawaz Khan, Xue-Jun Sha and Xin-Yu Zhang, Improving Handoff Call Handling with Location Tracking, J. Inform. Technol., 2008 (EI)

Dr. Asim Ali Khan
Journal Papers:

  • A sim Ali Khan, Hafiz M. Asif and Sobia Baig, “Ground plane impact on quadrifilar helix antenna performance with respect to deployment heights”,International Journal of Communication Systems, 2019.
  • Sobia Baig, Usman Ali, Hafiz M.Asif, Asim Ali Khan, Shahid Mumtaz, “Closed-Form BER Expression for Fourier and Wavelet Transform based Pulse-Shaped Data in Downlink NOMA”, IEEE Communication Letters, 2019
  • I. Sultana, Muhammad Idrees, Yasir Rafique, Sameen Ilyas, Shahzada Qamar Hussain, Asim Ali Khan, Aamir Razaq , “Electrodeposition of silver (Ag) nanoparticles on MnO2 nanorods for fabrication of highly conductive and flexible paper electrodes for energy storage application”, Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 2018
  • Zanib Tahira, Hafiz M. Asif , Asim Ali Khan, Sobia Baig , Shahid Mumtaz , and Saba Al-Rubaye, “Optimization of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access-Based Visible Light Communication Systems”, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, 2018
  • Saad M.Sheikh, Hamza R.Ali, Hafiz. M. Asif, Sobia Baig, Asim A.Khan, “Design of NS3 VLC Module and Performance Analysis of Adhoc Network under VLC and WiFi layers”, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2018
  • Aamir Razaq, Asim Ali Khan, Unsa Shakir and Asim Arshad, “Re-
    view: Next Generation Flexible Antennas for Radio Frequency Applications,” Springer Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials,
  • Muhammad Nadeem, Ali Nawaz Khan, Asim Ali Khan and Tayyab Azim (2018), "Low Proile CPW Fed Slotted Planar Inverted Cone Ultra-Wide Band Antenna for WBAN Applications", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, pp: 870=876, Vol: 60, Issue: 4
  • Aamir Razaq, Asim A. Khan et al, “Dielectric and Mechanical Characteristics of Lignocelluloses Fibrils Sheet for Substrate of Patch Antenna”, Modern Physics Letters B.
  • Asim A. Khan and Anthony K. Brown, “Sector Nulling in Planar Irregular Sub-arrayed Sparse Array Antennas”, IET Microwave Antennas & Propagation, vol. 10/1, pp. 25-30.
  • Abdul Salam, Asim A. Khan and Mirza S. Hussain (2014), "Dual band microstrip antenna for wearable applications", Microwave & Optical Technology Letters, pp: 916-918, Vol: 56, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 0.59.
  • Asim A. Khan and Anthony K. Brown (2014), "Null Steering in Irregularly Spaced Sparse Antenna Arrays using Aperture Distributed Subarrays and Hybrid Optimiser", IET Microwave Antennas & Propagation, pp: 86-92, Vol: 8, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 0.84
  • Asim Ali Khan and Anthony Keith Brown (2012), "Intelligent Z-space Boundary Condition Particle Swarm Optimiser (IzBC-PSO) for Small Array Pattern Synthesis", IET Microwave Antennas & Propagation, pp: 1598-1607, Vol: 6, Issue: 14, Impact Factor: 0.84.
  • Asim A. Khan; Anthony K. Brown (2010), "Wideband Scanning Small Linear Arrays in Presence of Mutual Coupling", IET Electronics Letters , pp: 270-271, Vol: 46, Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.04  
  • Asim Ali Khan, AamirRazaq, Jawad Ali, Faisal Arshad Musaiyab Mumtaz Sajid Khan, “Antenna miniaturization using pulp fibers as a substrate for dual band operation”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 58/9, pp 2146-2148.

Conference Papers:

  • Asim A. Khan and Anthony K. Brown (2013) "Null Synthesis in Irregularly Spaced Sparse Antenna Arrays", IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology, pp: 564 – 566
  • Asim Ali Khan and Anthony Keith Brown (2012) "Sidelobe Level Reduction and Radio Frequency Interference Rejection in Large Sub-Arrayed Antenna Arrays", Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference.
  • M. S. Saleem; I. Sultan; Asim A. Khan (2009) "Analytical Kinematics Framework for the Control of a Parallel Manipulator", 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pp: 280-286.
  • Asim A. Khan and Anthony K. Brown (2009) "Difference Pattern Synthesis using a Particle Swarm Optimiser", Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, pp: 329-332.
  • Asim A. Khan and A. K. Brown (2009) "Sidelobe Improvement in Small Arrays using Z-plane Transform and Particle Swarm Optimiser", 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, pp: 3011-3013.
  • Asim A. Khan and Robin Sloan (2008) "X-Band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Power Combiner-Divider", MIKON Conference, pp: 676-679, Vol: 1 & 2.

Dr. Mujtaba Jaffery


  • Impact of Harmonics on Energy Efficiency: The way to save energy & maintenance cost in industry (2019 - 2010), Worth: PKR 4.308M, Funded By: NRPU HEC.

Journal Papers:

  • Sohaib Aslam,  Salman Khalid, Mujtaba Jaffery, Sundas Hannan, Yasir Saleem, Sajid Sarwar, “Computational efficiency-based comparison between conventional MPC and Laguerre based MPC”, Journal of Engineering Technology, 2018
  • Mujtaba Jafferey , Muhammad Umair Safder , Muhammad Yaqoob, Aasia Malik , Saeed Ur Rehman2 , Ali Ahmad3, “Convolution of Time Series Electrical Load Forecasting Using Recurrent Neural Network Techniques”, Journal of Engineering Technology, Volume 7,  , PP. 130-144 Oct. 2018
  • Subhan Khan , Yiqun Zhu , Muhammad Jawad , Muhammad Umair Safder , Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery , Salman Javid (2018), "Analysis of the satellite navigational data in the Baseband signal processing of Galileo E5 AltBOC signal", ARCTIC Journal, Standard: 0004-0843, Impact Factor: 1.022
  • M.Umair Safder, Y. Javed, S. Khan, M.H. Jeffery, A. Ashraf, N. Naeem (2018), "Learning Outcome-Based Teaching of Power Electronics and Electric machines hybrid laboratory using ABAL Method", ARCTIC Journal, pp: XX, Vol: 71, Issue: 7, Standard: standard: 0004-0843, Impact Factor: 1.022
  • M. Shahzad Khurram Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery (2017), "Development of a Temperature Programmed Identification Technique to Characterize the Organic Sulphur Functional Groups in Coal", Energies , Vol: 10, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 2.07
  • Athar Haif, S. M. Nawazish Ali, A. I. Bhatti, Qadeer Ahad, Mujtaba H Jaffery (2016), "Effect of Variation in Rotor Resistance on the Dynamic Performance of Induction Motor", Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2016) China , pp: 433-438, Vol: 25, Issue: 3
  • Abira Ismat Butt, Saleema Bashir Shaams, Moinuddin Ghauri, Khurram Shahzad , Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery, ”Study of Physical, Chemical and Ergonomic Occupational Hazards Faced by Photocopy Machine Operators”, Life Science Journal, Vol: 11. IF (0.165)
  • Mujtaba H. Jaffery, Leo Shead, Jason L. Forshaw, Vaios J. Lappas (2013), "Experimental quadrotor flight performance using computationally efficient and recursively feasible linear model predictive control", International Journal of Control, Standard: 10.1080/00207179.2013.804256, Impact Factor: 1.08
  • Mujtaba H Jaffery, Subhan Khan, Athar hanif (2011), "Teaching Tool for Control Systems Laboratory using Quadrotor as a Plant in MATLAB", IEEE Transactions on Education , pp: 483, Vol: 25, Issue: 1, Standard: 1, Impact Factor: 1.33

Conference Papers:

  • Athar Haif, S. M. Nawazish Ali, A. I. Bhatti, Qadeer Ahad, Mujtaba H Jaffery (2016) "Effect of Variation in Rotor Resistance on the Dynamic Performance of Induction Motor", Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2016) China , pp: 1, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Standard: 1
  • Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery (2007) "Navigation Test bed for Model RC Hovercraft, Conference", IEEE INMIC 2007, Standard: 1-4244-1552-7
  • Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery (2007) "Wireless Controlled Laser Tracking based Hovering mine detector ", IEEE INMIC , Standard: 1-4244-1552-7
  • Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery (2005) "RF controlled GPS based hovering mine detector Conference", IEEE INMIC 2005, Standard: : 0-7803-9429-1

Dr. Muhammad Naeem Shehzad

Journal Papers:

  • Muhammad Naeem Shehzad et al. Threshold temperature scaling: Heuristic to address temperature and power issues in MPSoCs, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 77, September 2020, 103-124
  • Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Qaisar Bashir, Ghufran Ahmad, Adeel Anjum, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Umar Manzoor, Zeeshan Azmat Shaikh, Muhammad A Balubaid and Tanzila Saba (2018), "Thermal-aware resource allocation in earliest deadline first using fluid scheduling", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, pp: 1~11, Vol: 15, Issue: 3, Standard: 1550-1477, Impact Factor: 1.614
  • Qaisar Bashir, M.Naeem Shehzad, M.Naeem Awais, Umer Farooq, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, Irfan Ali (2018), "A scheduling based energy-aware core switching technique to avoid thermal threshold values in multi-core processing systems", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Standard: 0141-9331, Impact Factor: 1.049
  • Qaisar Bashir, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Sobia Baig, Muhammad Ghaffar Dogar, Aamir Rashid (2018), "An online temperature-aware scheduling technique to avoid thermal emergencies in multiprocessor systems", Computers & Electrical Engineering, pp: 83–98, Vol: 70, Standard: 0045-7906, Impact Factor: 1.747
  • M. Hassan Aslam · Umer Farooq · Muhammad Naeem Awais · M. Khurram Bhatti · M. Naeem Shehzad (2016), "Exploring the Effect of LUT Size on the Area and Power Consumption of a Novel Memristor-Transistor Hybrid FPGA Architecture", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Standard: 2193-567X, Impact Factor: 0.728
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais, Maria Mustafa, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Umer Farooq, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, and Kyung Hyun Choi (2016), "Resistive-Switching and Current-Conduction Mechanisms in F8BT Polymer Resistive Switch", Micro & Nano Letters, Standard: 1750-0443, Impact Factor: 0.723
  • M Naeem Shehzad, A M Déplanche, Yvon Trinquet, Umer Farooq (2014), "Efficient data generation for the testing of real-time multiprocessor scheduling algorithms", Przeglad Electrotechniczny, pp: 136-139, Impact Factor: 0.25

Conference Papers:

  • M.Naeem Shehzad,A.M. Deplanche, Yvon Trinquet and Richard Urunuela (2017) "Overhead control heuristics in Boundary Fair real-time multiprocessor scheduling", 15th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2017), Guangzhou, China
  • Qaisar Bashir, M. Naeem Shehzad, Dr. M.Usman Hashmi, Hamayun Khan (2016) "A Survey on Scheduling Based Optimization Techniques in Multi-Processor Systems", ICEET-2016
  • M.Naeem Shehzad, A-M Déplanche, Y. Trinquet, and Richard Urunuela (2013) "Overhead control in DP-Fair work conserving real-time multiprocessor scheduling", In the Proceedings of 4th International Conferenceon Computer Science and Its Applications
  • M.Naeem Shehzad, A-M Déplanche, Y. Trinquet, and Richard Urunuela (2012) "Efficiency evaluation of overhead control heuristics in DP-Fair multiprocessor scheduling", In the Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation Krakow
  • M.Naeem Shehzad, A-M Déplanche, Y. Trinquet, and Richard Urunuela (2011) "Overhead control in real-time global scheduling", In the Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems., pp: 45–52

Dr. Khurram Ali
Journal Papers:

  • K. Ali, M. Tahir, Maximum Likelihood Based Robust State Estimation Over a Horizon Length during Measurement Outliers, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.
  • H. Shoukat, M. Tahir, K. Ali, Approximate GP Inference for Nonlinear Dynamical System Identification Using Data-Driven Basis Set, IEEE Access, 90665-90675
  • M. Javed, M. Tahir, K. Ali, Cascaded Kalman Filtering-Based Attitude and Gyro Bias Estimation With Efficient Compensation of External Accelerations, IEEE Access,
  • M. Tahir, A. Moazzam, K. Ali (2018), "A Stochastic Optimization Approach to Magnetometer Calibration With Gradient Estimates Using Simultaneous Perturbations", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Standard: 0018-9456, Impact Factor: 2.794   
  • M. Tahir, S. Afzal, M. Chughtai, K. Ali (2018), "On the Accuracy of Inter-vehicular Range Measurements Using GNSS Observables in a Cooperative Framework", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Standard: 1524-9050, Impact Factor: 4.051   
  • Z. Duan, I. Ghous, J. Akhtar, K. Ali, M. H. Jaffey (2018), "Robust L2-L8 filter design for uncertain 2-D continuous nonlinear delayed systems with saturation", IEEE Access, pp: 73647 - 73658, Vol: 6, Issue: 1, Standard: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 3.557   
  • F. Dovis, M. Bilal, E. Cianca, K. Ali (2015), "A Run-Time Method Based on Observable Data for the Quality Assessment of GNSS Positioning", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - 2015 Special Issue on Location-Awareness for Radios and Networks, pp: 2357-2365, Vol: 33, Issue: 11
  • K. Ali, M. Pini, F. Dovis (2012), "Measured performance of the application of EGNOS in the road traffic sector", GPS Solutions, pp: 135-145, Vol: 16, Issue: 2   
  • K. Ali, X. Chen, F. Dovis, D. De Castro, A.J. Fernández (2012), "Multipath Estimation in Urban Environments from Joint GNSS Receivers and LiDAR Sensors", Sensors, pp: 14592-14603, Vol: 12, Issue: 11


Conference Papers:

  • K. Ali, M. Tahir, S.S. Afzal (2018) "An Ensemble FIR Filtering Framework for Inter-vehicular Range Estimation using GNSS Signals", IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2018-Fall)   
  • K. Mazher, M. Tahir, K. Ali (2016) "GNSS Pseudorange Smoothing: Linear vs Non-linear Filtering Paradigm", IEEE Aerospace Conference 2016, Big Sky, MO, USA   
  • H. Ahmed, M. Tahir, K. Ali (2016) "Terrain Based GPS Independent Lane-Level Vehicle Localization using Particle Filter and Dead Reckoning", 84th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC 2016), Montreal, Canada   
  • K. Ali, E.G. Manfredini, F. Dovis (2014) "Vestigial Signal Defense Through Signal Quality Monitoring Techniques Based on Joint use of Two Metrics", The IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (IEEE/ION PLANS 2014), Monterey, CA, USA
  • K. Ali, F. Dovis, M. Pini (2012) "Characterizing Local Effects on Protection Level Concept in Urban Environments", International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation (ION ITM 2012), Newport Beach, CA, USA, pp: 408-415  
  • K. Ali, X. Chen, F. Dovis, D. De Castro, A.J. Fernández (2012) "GNSS Signal Multipath Error Characterization in Urban Environments Using LiDAR Data Aiding", The first International IEEE-AESS Conference in Europe about Space and Satellite Telecommunications (ESTEL 2012), Rome, Italy    
  • A. Fernández, M. Wis, P. Silva, I. Colomina, E. Parés, F. Dovis, K. Ali, J. Lindenberger, P. Friess (2012) "GNSS/INS/LiDAR Integration in Urban Environment: Algorithm Description and Results from ATENEA Test Campaign", The 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies, Navitec 2012, Noordwijk, The Netherlands 
  • K. Ali, X. Chen, F. Dovis (2012) "On the Use of Multipath Estimating Architecture for Spoofer Detection", International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICLGNSS 2012), Starnberg, Germany     
  • F. Dovis, X. Chen, A. Cavaleri, K. Ali, M. Pini (2011) "Detection of Spoofing Threats by Means of Signal Parameters Estimation", 24th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS 2011), Portland, OR, USA, pp: 416-421
  • K. Ali, G. Marucco, F. Dominici, A. Defina (2010) "Investigating EGNOS Safety of Life services via an innovative platform for research and development on satellite navigation: SAT-SURF and SAT-SURFER", NAV10. The Navigation Conference and Exhibition, London, UK    

Dr. Jahanzeb Akhtar

Juournal papers:

  • Zhaoxia Duan, Imran Ghous, Yuanqing Xia, Jahanzeb Akhtar (2020), H∞ control problem of discrete 2-D switched mixed delayed systems using the improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional", International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (Springer), DOI:, Impact Factor: 2.181
  • Imran Ghous, Zhaoxia Duan, Jahanzeb Akhtar,Muhammad Jawad, “Robust stabilization of Uncertain 2-D discrete time delay systems using sliding mode control”, The Journal of the Franklin Institute, Elsevier, 2019.
  • Zhaoxia Duan,  J. Akhtar,I. Ghous,Muhammad Jawad,I. Khosa,“Improving the tracking of Subatomic Particles Using ther Unscented Kalman Filter with Measurement Redundancy in High Energy Physics Experiment”, IEEE Access, 2019
  • M. Jawad, A. Rafique, I. Khosa, I. Ghous, J. Akhtar, S.M. Ali, “Improving Disturbance Storm Time Index Prediction Using Linear and Nonlinear Parametric Models: A Comprehensive Analysis”, IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 2019
  • Z. Duan, I. Ghous, J. Akhtar, K. Ali, M. H. Jaffey, “Robust L2-L∞ filter design for uncertain 2-D continuous nonlinear delayed systems with saturation”, IEEE Access

Dr. Imran Ghous
Journal Publication

  • A. Barkat, M.T.Hamayun, S. Ijaz, S. Akhtar, E. A. Ansari, Imran Ghous, Model Identification and real time implementation of an LPV control scheme on Lab based Inverted Pendulum System, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering SAGE, July, 2020.
  • Zhaoxia Duan, Imran Ghous, Yuanqing Xia, Jahanzeb Akhtar (2020), H∞ control problem of discrete 2-D switched mixed delayed systems using the improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional", International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (Springer), DOI:, Impact Factor: 2.181
  • Jinna Fu, Zhaoxia Duan, Imran Ghous (2020), " ℓ1-induced Norm and Controller Synthesis for Positive 2D Systems with Multiple Delays", Journal of the Franklin Institute ( Elsevier), DOI: , Impact Factor: 4.036
  • Imran Ghous, Jian Lu, W Hussain (2020), "Observer-based H8 control for discrete-time one-sided Lipschitz Markovian jump delayed systems under partially unknown transition probabilities", Journal of the Franklin Institute ( Elsevier), DOI: , Impact Factor: 4.036
  • Imran Ghous, Jian Lu (2020), "Robust Observer Design for Two-dimensional Discrete Positive Switched Systems with Delays", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (IEEE), DOI:10.1109/TCSII.2020.2986888 , Impact Factor: 2.814
  • Zhaoxia Duan, Imran Ghous, Shipei Huang, Jinna Fu (2019), "Fault detection observer design for 2-D continuous nonlinear systems with finite frequency specifications", ISA Transactions (Elsevier), DOI:, pp: 1-11, Vol: 84, Impact Factor: 3.370
  • Zhaoxia Duan, Imran Ghous, Jian Shen (2019), "Fault Detection Observer Design for Discrete-Time 2-D T-S Fuzzy Systems with Finite-Frequency Specifications", Fuzzy Sets and Systems (Elsevier), DOI:, Impact Factor: 2.675
  • Zhaoxia Duan, Jian Shen, Imran Ghous, Jinna Fu (2019), "H∞ Filtering for Discrete-time 2-D T-S fuzzy Systems with Finite Frequency Disturbances", IET Control Theory & Applications, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cta.2018.5918 , Impact Factor: 3.296
  • Muhammad Jawad, Abubakar Rafique, Ikramullah Khosa, Imran Ghous, Jahanzeb Akhtar, Sahibzada Ali (2019), "Improving Disturbance Storm Time (DST) Index Prediction using Linear and Nonlinear Parametric Models: A Comprehensive Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (IEEE), DOI:10.1109/TPS.2018.2887202, pp: 1429 -1444, Vol: 47, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 1.253
  • Zhaoxia Duan, Jahanzeb Akhtar, Imran Ghous, Muhammad Jawad, Ikram ullah khosa, Khurram Ali (2019), "Improving the tracking of sub-atomic particles using the Unscented Kalman filter with measurement redundancy in high energy physics experiments", IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2915135, Impact Factor: 3.557
  • Saim Ahmed, Haoping Wang, Muhammad Shamrooz Aslam, Imran Ghous, Irfan Qaisar (2019), "Robust adaptive control of robotic manipulator with input time-varying delay", International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems (Springer),, Impact Factor: 2.173
  • Imran Ghous, Zhaoxia Duan, Jahanzeb Akhtar, Muhammad Jawad (2019), "Robust stabilization of uncertain 2-D discrete-time delayed systems using sliding mode control", The Journal of the Franklin Institute (Elsevier), https:// 10.1016/ j.jfranklin. 2019.02.041, Impact Factor: 3.576
  • Zhaoxia Duan, Imran Ghous, Bing Wang, Jian Shen (2018), "Necessary and Sufficient Stability Criterion and Stabilization for Positive 2-D Continuous-Time Systems with Multiple Delays", Asian Journal of Control (Wiley), pp: 1-12, DOI: 10.1002/asjc.1811 , Vol: 21 , Issue: 4, Impact Factor: 1.421
  • Zhaoxia Duan, Imran Ghous, Jahanzeb Akhtar (2018), "Robust L2-L_infinity Filter Design for Uncertain 2-D Continuous Nonlinear Delayed Systems With Saturation ", IEEE Access (IEEE), DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2884254, pp: 73647 - 73658, Vol: 6, Impact Factor: 3.557
  • Imran Ghous, Zhengrong Xiang, Hamid Reza Karimi (2017), "H_infinity control of 2-D continuous Markovian jump delayed systems with partially unknown transition probabilities", Information Sciences (Elsevier), pp: 274–291, Vol: 382–383, Impact Factor: 4.832
  • Imran Ghous, Zhengrong Xiang (2016), "H_infinity Control of a Class of 2-D Continuous Switched Delayed Systems via State-dependent Switching", International Journal of Systems Science (Taylor and Francis), pp: 300-313, Vol: 47, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 2.285
  • Imran Ghous, Zhengrong Xiang (2016), "Robust State Feedback H_infinity Control for Uncertain 2-D Continuous State Delayed Systems in the Roesser Model", Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (Springer), pp: 297-319, Vol: 27, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 1.365 
  • Imran Ghous, Shipei Huang, Zhengrong Xiang (2016), "State Feedback L1-gain Control of Positive 2-D Continuous Switched Delayed Systems via State-dependent Switching", Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (Springer), pp: 2432–2449, Vol: 35, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 1.694 
  • Imran Ghous, Zhengrong Xiang (2015), "H_infinity Stabilization of 2-D Discrete Switched Delayed Systems Represented by the Roesser Model Subject to Actuator Saturation", Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (SAGE Publications), pp: 1242-1253, Vol: 37, Issue: 10, Impact Factor: 1.049 
  • Imran Ghous, Zhengrong Xiang (2015), "Reliable H_infinity Control of 2-D Continuous Nonlinear Systems with Time Varying Delays", Journal of the Franklin Institute (Elsevier), pp: 5758-5778, Vol: 352, Issue: 12, Impact Factor: 3.139
  • Imran Ghous, Zhengrong Xiang, Hamid Reza Karimi (2015), "State Feedback H_infinity Control for 2-D Switched Delay Systems with Actuator Saturation in the Second FM Model", Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (Springer), pp: 2167-2192, Vol: 34, Issue: 7, Impact Factor: 1.694
  • Imran Ghous, Habibullah Jamal,Tahir Muhammad (2013), "TMS320C6713 DSK Implementation of G.711 Coded VoIP Signal", International Journal of Computer Applications, pp: 45-53, Vol: 65, Issue: 18, Standard: 0975-8887. 

Conference Papers:

  • Zhaoxia Duan, Jian Shen, Imran Ghous (2018) "Stability and l1-gain Analysis for Positive 2D fuzzy Systems in Roesser Model", Accepted for presentation in 30th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC)

Dr. Muhammad Yaqoob Javed
Journal Papers:

  • Adeel Feroz Mirza, Majad Mansoor, Qiang Ling, Baoqun Yin, M Yaqoob Javed (2020), "A Salp-Swarm Optimization based MPPT technique for harvesting maximum energy from PV systems under partial shading conditions", Energy Conversion and Management, pp: 1-26, Vol: 209, Issue: 112625, Standard: 0196-8904, Impact Factor: 7.181
  • MU Safder, STH Rizvi, Y Meng, MY Javed, MH Jaffery, MS Hassan (2020), "Low-Frequency AC Power Transmission and Distribution for Subsea Application Using Hexverter", Electronics, pp: 1-33, Vol: 9, Issue: 1, Standard: 2079-9292, Impact Factor: 1.764
  • Majad Mansoor, Adeel Feroz Mirza, Qiang Ling, M Yaqoob Javed (2020), "Novel Grass Hopper optimization based MPPT of PV systems for complex partial shading conditions", Solar Energy, pp: 499-518, Vol: Volume 198, Standard: 0038-092X, Impact Factor: 4.674
  • Jawaid, Iqra, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Mujtaba H. Jaffery, Aftab Akram, Umair Safder, and Sarmad Hassan (2020), "Robotic system education for young children by collaborative-project-based learning", Computer Applications in Engineering Education, pp: 1-15, Standard: 1099-0542, Impact Factor: 1.435
  • Javed, Muhammad Yaqoob, Adeel Feroz Mirza, Ali Hasan, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi, Qiang Ling, Muhammad Majid Gulzar, Muhammad Umair Safder, and Majad Mansoor (2019), "A Comprehensive Review on a PV Based System to Harvest Maximum Power. ", Electronics , pp: 1-66, Vol: 8 no 12, Issue: 12, Standard: 2079-9292, Impact Factor: 1.764
  • Mingyang Xie, Muhammad Majid Gulzar, Huma Tehreem, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi (2019), "Automatic Voltage Regulation of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System Using Lyapunov Based Sliding Mode Controller: A Finite—Time Approach", International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, pp: 1-11, Vol: 18, Standard: 1598-6446, Impact Factor: 2.181
  • Zhaobin Du, Zhuo Chen, Guanquan Dai, Mohammed Yaqoob Javed, Chuanyong Shao and Haoqin Zhan (2019), "Influence of DVR on Adjacent Load and Its Compensation Strategy Design Based on Externality Theory", Energies, pp: 1-19, Vol: 12, Issue: 3716, Standard: 1996-1073, Impact Factor: 2.707 
  • Muhammad Majid Gulzar, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi, , Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Daud Sibtain and Rubab Salah ud Din (2019), "Mitigating the Load Frequency Fluctuations of Interconnected Power Systems Using Model Predictive Controller", Electronics, pp: 1-18, Vol: 156, Issue: 8 (2), Standard: 2079-9292, Impact Factor: 2.110
  • AF Mirza, Q Ling, MY Javed, M Mansoor (2019), "Novel MPPT techniques for photovoltaic systems under uniform irradiance and Partial shading", Solar Energy, pp: 628-648, Vol: 184, Standard: 0038-092X, Impact Factor: 4.374
  • Aftab Akram, Chengzhou Fu, Yuyao Li, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Ronghua Lin, Yuncheng Jiang, and Yong Tang (2019), "Predicting students’ academic procrastination in blended learning course using homework submission data", IEEE Access, pp: 102487-102498, Vol: 7, Standard: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 4.1
  • Rahman, Hassan, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Yasir Saleem, Qiang Ling, and Muhammad Majid Gulzar (2018), "Cascaded Hybrid Multi-level Inverter for Selective Harmonics Elimination", Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, , Transactions of Electrical Engineering, pp: 135–148, Vol: 42, Issue: 2, Standard: 2228-6179, Impact Factor: 0.519
  • Mujtaba Jafferey, Muhammad Umair Safder, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed*, Aasia Malik, Saeed Ur Rehman, Ali Ahmad (2018), "Convolution of Time Series Electrical Load Forecasting Using Recurrent Neural Network Techniques", Journal of Engineering Technology, pp: 130-144, Vol: 7, Issue: Internet of Things, Standard: 0747-9964, Impact Factor: 1.26
  • Rizvi, Syed Tahir Hussain, Mansoor Karim, Muhammad Majid Gulzar, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, and Muhammad Furqan (2018), "Implementation of electroencephalography controlled prosthetic hand", International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications , pp: 136-147, Vol: 9, Issue: 2, Standard: 1755-9340, Impact Factor: 0 
  • M Umair Safder, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Subhan Khan, Mujtaba Hussain Jeffer, Arsalan Ashraf, Noman Naeem (2018), "Learning Outcome-Based Teaching of Power Electronics and Electric machines hybrid laboratory using ABAL Method", Arctic Journal , pp: 40-52, Vol: 7, Issue: 71, Standard: 0004-0843, Impact Factor: 1.02
  • Gulzar, Muhammad Majid, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Umer Munir, and Haleema Asif (2018), "Multi-Agent Cooperative Control Consensus: A Comparative Review", Electronics, pp: 1-20, Vol: 7(2), Issue: 22, Standard: 2079-9292, Impact Factor: 2.110
  • Muhammad Majid Gulzar, Ali Faisal Murtaza, K M Hasan, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Sajid Iqbal. “Design and Implementation of FPGA-Based Concurrent Controller”, Pakistan Academy of Sciences. Vol. # 55 (1), pp 59–69, March 2018.
  • Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Ali Faisal Murtaza, Qiang Ling, Shahid Qamar, and M. Majid Gulzar. (2016), " A novel MPPT design using generalized pattern search for partial shading", Energy and Buildings , pp: 59-69, Vol: 133, Standard: 0378-7788, Impact Factor: 4.59
  • Ahmad, Ali, Muhammad Asghar Saqib, Syed Abdul Rahman Kashif, Muhammad Yaqoob Javed, Abdul Hameed, and Muhammad Usman Khan (2016), "Impact of wide-spread use of uninterruptible power supplies on Pakistan's power system.", Energy Policy, pp: 629-636, Vol: 98, Standard: 0301-4215, Impact Factor: 4.039

Dr. Aamer Bilal Asghar
Journal Papers:

  • Yashuang Mu, Lidong Wang, Xiaodong Liu and Aamer Bilal Asghar (2019), "A parallel tree node splitting criterion for fuzzy decision trees", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol: Accepted, Impact Factor: 1.114 
  • Aamer Bilal Asghar, Xiaodong Liu (2018), "Adaptive neuro-fuzzy algorithm to estimate effective wind speed and optimal rotor speed for variable-speed wind turbine", Neurocomputing, pp: 495-504, Vol: 272, Impact Factor: 3.317   
  • Aamer Bilal Asghar, Xiaodong Liu (2018), "Estimation of wind speed probability distribution and wind energy potential using adaptive neuro-fuzzy methodology", Neurocomputing, pp: 58-67, Vol: 287, Impact Factor: 3.317   
  • Aamer Bilal Asghar, Xiaodong Liu (2018), "Online estimation of wind turbine tip speed ratio by adaptive neuro-fuzzy algorithm", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, pp: 28-33, Vol: 9, Issue: 3  
  • Aamer Bilal Asghar, Xiaodong Liu (2017), "Estimation of wind turbine power coefficient by adaptive neuro-fuzzy methodology", Neurocomputing, pp: 227-233, Vol: 238, Impact Factor: 3.317  

Ms. Amna Arif
Journal Papers:

  • Arsla Khan, Amna Arif, Tabassum Nawaz, Sobia Baig (2016), "Walsh Hadamard Transform Based Transceiver Design for SC-FDMA with Discrete Wavelet Transform", China Communications, pp: 193-206, Issue: May 2017, Impact Factor: 0.4


Ms. Tabassum Nawaz Bajwa
Journal Papers:

  • Arsla Khan, Amna Arif, Tabassum Nawaz, Sobia Baig (2017), "Walsh Hadamard Transform Based Transceiver Design for SC-FDMA with Discrete Wavelet Transform", China Communications, pp: 193-206, Issue: May 2017, Impact Factor: 0.4
  • Tabassum Nawaz Bajwa, Arsla Khan, Sobia Baig (2015), "Coded Wavelet OFDM based Communication System for Rayleigh Fading Channel", Science International, Lahore, pp: 1041-1047, Vol: 27, Issue: 2, Standard: 1013-5316   
  • ARSLA KHAN, SOBIA BAIG, TABASSUM NAWAZ (2015), "DWMT transceiver equalization using overlap FDE for downlink ADS", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, pp: 681-697, Vol: 23, Issue: 3, Standard: 1300-0632, Impact Factor: 0.644
  • T. Nawaz, S. Baig and A.Khan (2011), "The Performance Comparison of Coded WP-OFDM and DFT-OFDM in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel", International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), pp: 500-505, Vol: 1, Issue: 3

Conference Papers:

  • T. Nawaz, S. Baig and A.Khan (2012) "Wavelet OFDM-A Solution for Reliable Communication in a Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel", International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology (IBCAST), pp: 413-417 
  • T. Nawaz, A. khan and S. Baig (2011) "Evolution of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Modulation to Discrete Wavelet Multitone", International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT), pp: 63-68

Ms. Nisma Saleem
Journal Papers:

  • Nisma Saleem, Aftab Ahmad, Salman zafar (2014), "A Modified Differential Evolution Algorithm for the Solution of a Large-Scale Unit Commitment Problem", Springer: Arabian Journal for science and engineering, pp: 8889–8900, Vol: 39, Issue: 12, Standard: 1319-8025, Impact Factor: 0.6 

Ms. Madiha Sultan
Conference Papers:

  • M. Arif, M. Sultan, J. Saleem, A. Javaid, U. Khan, A. Majid (2016) "Comparative analysis of performance for seven and five levels inverter", Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC), 2016 19th International conference
  • M. Arif, M. Sultan, J. Saleem and A. Majid (2016) "THD Analysis of Reduced Switch Five Level Inverter Using Multicarrier PWM Schemes", Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT), 2016 International Conference 

Mr. Muhammad Umair Safdar
Journal Papers:

  • Muhammad Umair Safder , Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi , Yongqing Meng , Muhammad Yaqoob Javed , Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery and Muhammad Sarmad Hassan (2020), "Low-Frequency AC Power Transmission and Distribution for Subsea Application Using Hexverter", Electronics, pp: 1-33, Vol: 9, Issue: 1, Standard: 2079-9292, Impact Factor: 1.764 
  • Muhammad Yaqoob Javed 1,*, Adeel Feroz Mirza 2, Ali Hasan 1, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi 3, Qiang Ling 2, Muhammad Majid Gulzar 4, Muhammad Umair Safder 1 and Majad Mansoor (2019), "A Comprehensive Review on a PV Based System to Harvest Maximum Power", Electronics (MPDI), Vol: 8, Issue: 12, Standard: 2079-9292, Impact Factor: 1.764    
  • Iqra Jawaid Muhammad Yaqoob Javed Mujtaba H. Jaffery Aftab Akram Umair Safder Sarmad Hassan (2019), "Robotic system education for young children by collaborative-project-based learning", Computer Applications in Engineering Education , Vol: 27, Issue: 6, Standard: 1099-0542, Impact Factor: 1.435    
  • Subhan Khan , Yiqun Zhu , Muhammad Jawad , Muhammad Umair Safder , Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery , Salman Javid (2018), "Analysis of the satellite navigational data in the Baseband signal processing of Galileo E5 AltBOC signal", ARCTIC Journal, Standard: 0004-0843, Impact Factor: 1.022
  • Mujtaba Jaffery, Muhammad Umair Safder, Yaqoob Javed,Aasia Malik,Saeed u rRehman,Ali Ahmad (2018), "Convolution of Time Series Electrical Load Forecasting Using Recurrent Neural Network Techniques", Journal of Engineering Technology, pp: 130-144, Vol: 7, Issue: Special Issue (Internet of Things), Impact Factor: 1.26 
  • M.Umair Safder, Y. Javed, S. Khan, M.H. Jeffery, A. Ashraf, N. Naeem (2018), "Learning Outcome-Based Teaching of Power Electronics and Electric machines hybrid laboratory using ABAL Method", ARCTIC Journal, pp: XX, Vol: 71, Issue: 7, Standard: 0004-0843, Impact Factor: 1.022     

Ms. Sara Sajid
Journal Papers:

  • S. Sajid, M. Jawad, K. Hamid, M.U.S Khan, S.M. Ali, A. A and S.U. Khan (2020), "Blockchain-based Decentralized Workload and Energy Management of Geo-distributed Data Centers", Elsevier. on Sustainable Compting: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM), Impact Factor: 2.798

Conference Papers:

  • S. Sajid, M. Jawad, K. Hamid, M.U.S Khan, S.M. Ali, A. A and S.U. Khan (2020), "Blockchain-based Decentralized Workload and Energy Management of Geo-distributed Data Centers", 11th Int. Green and sustainable Computing Conf., Alexandria, VA, USA   
  • S. Sajid, M. Jawad, M.B. Qureshi, M.U. Khan, S.M. Ali, and S.U. Khan (2019), "A Conditional-Constraint Optimization for Joint Energy Management of Data Center and Electric Vehicle Parking-Lot", 10th Int. Green and sustainable Computing Conf., Alexandria, VA, USA   


Dr. Muhammad Naeem Awais


  • Jin Ho Bae, Kyung Hyun Choi, Yang Hoi Doh, Muhammad Naeem Awais (2014), "OLED DEVICE FOR BOTH-SIDES DISPLAY", Patent No: 1020130072165   

Journal Papers:

  • Muhammad Naeem Awais and Muhammad Naeem Shehzad (2019), "Prediction of the Current-Voltage Characteristics and the Bipolar Resistive Switching Mechanism in Polymer-Based Sandwiched Structures", Journal of the Korean Physical Society, pp: 1~6, Vol: 75, Standard: 0374-4884, Impact Factor: 0.630 
  • Qaisar Bashir, M.Naeem Shehzad, M.Naeem Awais, Umer Farooq, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, Irfan Ali (2018), "A scheduling based energy-aware core switching technique to avoid thermal threshold values in multi-core processing systems", Microprocessors and Microsystems, Standard: 0141-9331, Impact Factor: 1.045
  • Qaisar Bashir, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Sobia Baig, Muhammad Ghaffar Dogar, Aamir Rashid (2018), "An online temperature-aware scheduling technique to avoid thermal emergencies in multiprocessor systems", Computers & Electrical Engineering, pp: 83–98, Vol: 70, Standard: 0045-7906, Impact Factor: 2.189
  • Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Qaisar Bashir, Ghufran Ahmad, Adeel Anjum, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Umar Manzoor, Zeeshan Azmat Shaikh, Muhammad A Balubaid and Tanzila Saba (2018), "Thermal-aware resource allocation in earliest deadline first using fluid scheduling", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, pp: 1~11, Vol: 15, Issue: 3, Standard: 1550-1477, Impact Factor: 1.614
  • Mubeen Zafar, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Muhammad Asif Hassan, Aamir Razaq, and Amin Gul (2017), "Fabrication and characterization of piezoelectric nanogenerator based on Al/ZnO/Au structure", Microelectronics International, pp: 35-39, Vol: 34, Issue: 1, Standard: 1356-5362, Impact Factor: 0.840   
  • M. Hassan Aslam · Umer Farooq · Muhammad Naeem Awais · M. Khurram Bhatti · Naeem Shehzad (2016), "Exploring the Effect of LUT Size on the Area and Power Consumption of a Novel Memristor-Transistor Hybrid FPGA Architecture", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pp: 1-15, Vol: 41, Standard: 2193-567X, Impact Factor: 1.518
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais, Maria Mustafa, Muhammad Naeem Shehzad, Umer Farooq, Mirza Tariq Hamayun, and Kyung Hyun Choi (2016), "Resistive-Switching and Current-Conduction Mechanisms in F8BT Polymer Resistive Switch", Micro & Nano Letters, pp: 712–714, Vol: 11, Issue: 11, Standard: 1750-0443, Impact Factor: 0.975
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais and Kyung Hyun Choi (2015), "Resistive switching mechanism in printed non-volatile Ag/ZrO2/ITO sandwiched structure", Electronics Letters, pp: 2147~2149, Vol: 51, Issue: 25, Standard: 0013-5194, Impact Factor: 1.343
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais and Kyung-Hyun Choi (2014), "Resistive switching and current conduction mechanism in full organic resistive switch with the sandwich structure of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate)/poly(4-vinylphenol)/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate)", Electronic Materials Letters, pp: 601~606, Vol: 10, Standard: 1738-8090, Impact Factor: 1.881
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais, Nauman M Muhammad, Navaneethan Duraisamy, Hyung Chan Kim, Jeongdai Jo, and Kyung-hyun Choi (2013), "Fabrication of ZrO2 Layer through Electrohydrodynamic Atomization for the Printed Resistive Switch (Memristor)", Microelectronic Engineering, pp: 167~172, Vol: 103, Standard: 0167-9317, Impact Factor: 1.654
  • Kyung-hyun Choi, Navaneethan Duraisamy, Awais Muhammad Naeem, Nauman Malik Muhammad, Hyung-Chan Kim, and Jeongdai Jo (2013), "Investigation on switching behavior of ZrO2 thin film for memory device applications ", Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, pp: 1285~1291, Vol: 16, Standard: 1369-8001, Impact Factor: 2.722
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais and Kyung-Hyun Choi (2013), "Memristive Behavior in Electrohydrodynamic Atomized Layers of Poly[2-Methoxy-5-(2'-Ethylhexyloxy)-(P-Phenylenevinylene)] for Next Generation Printed Electronics", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, pp: 05DA05-1~5, Vol: 52, Standard: 0021-4922, Impact Factor: 1.471
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais, Jeong-Dai Jo, and Kyung-Hyun Choi (2013), "Negative Differential Resistive Switching in Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) Thin Film through Electrohydrodynamic Atomization", Applied Physics A, pp: 89~96, Vol: 113, Standard: 0947-8396 , Impact Factor: 1.784
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais and Kyung-Hyun Choi (2013), "Resistive Switching in a Printed Nanolayer of Poly (4-vinylphenol) (PVP)", Journal of Electronic Materials, pp: 1202~1208, Vol: 42, Standard: 0361-5235, Impact Factor: 1.676
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais, Hyung Chan Kim, Yang Hui Doh, and Kyung-Hyun Choi (2013), "ZrO2 Flexible Printed Resistive (Memristive) Switch through Electrohydrodynamic Printing Process ", Thin Solid Films, pp: 308~312, Vol: 536, Standard: 0040-6090, Impact Factor: 1.888
  • Maria Mustafa, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Ganeshthangaraj Poonia, and Kyung Hyun Choi (2012), "Electrospray Deposition of Graphene Oxide Thin Film, its characterization and investigation of its resistive switching performance", Journal of the Korean Physical Society, pp: 470~475, Vol: 61, Issue: 3, Standard: 0374-4884, Impact Factor: 0.630
  • Nauman Malik Muhammad, Awais Muhammad Naeem, Navaneethan Duraisamy, Dong-Soo Kim, and Kyung-Hyun Choi (2012), "Fabrication of high quality zinc-oxide layers through electrohydrodynamic atomization", Thin Solid Films, pp: 1751~1756, Vol: 520, Issue: 6, Standard: 0040-6090, Impact Factor: 1.888
  • Kyung-Hyun Choi and Muhammad Naeem Awais (2012), "Versatile Resistive Switching (Memristive) Behavior in an ITO/ZrO2/Ag Sandwich Fabricated Using Electrohydrodynamic Printing ", Journal of the Korean Physical Society, pp: 119~123, Vol: 61, Issue: 1, Standard: 0374-4884, Impact Factor: 0.630

Conference Papers:

  • Kyung Hyun Choi, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Hyung Chan Kim, and Yang Hui Doh (2012) "Cost-effective Printed Memristor Fabrication and Analysis", Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Their Applications (CNNA), 2012 13th International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, pp: 1~4
  • Kyung Hyun Choi, Muhammad Naeem Awais, Hyung Chan Kim, and Yang Hui Doh (2012) "Flexible Memristor Fabrication for Printed Electronics", International Conference Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP)
  • Kyung Hyun Choi, Muhammad Naeem Awais, and Yang Hui Doh (2012) "Memristive Behavior in Electrohydrodynamic Atomized Layers of MEH:PPV for Next Generation Flexible Electronics ", The 2012 International Conference on Flexible and Printed Electronics (ICFPE2012)
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais, Nauman Malik Muhammad, Duraisamy Navaneethan, Dong-Soo Kim, Hyung Chan Kim, and Kyung Hyun Choi (2011) "Deposition of Non-stoichiometric ZrO2 Thin Film through Electrohydrodynamic Atomization", NANO KOREA 2011 Symposium
  • Muhammad Naeem Awais, Yang Hui Doh, Ki Rin Kwon, and Kyung Hyun Choi (2011) "Patterning of Ag Electrode for the Printed Memristor through Electrohydrodynamic Printing Technique ", Korea Society of Manufacturing Systems 2011 Spring Conference, pp: 209~210

Dr. Ikram Ullah Khosa
Journal Papers:

  • Nadeem Tariq, Beenish Abid, Khawaja Ali Qadeer, Imran Hashim, Zulfiqar Ali, Ikramullah Khosa (2019), "Breast Cancer Classification using Global Discriminate Features in Mammographic Images", International Journal of Advance Computer Science and Applications, pp: 381-387, Vol: 10, Issue: 2,
  • Muhammad Jawad, Abubakar Rafique, Ikramullah Khosa, Imran Ghous, Jahanzeb Akhtar, Sahibzada Muhammad Ali (2019), "Improving Disturbance Storm Time Index Prediction Using Linear and Nonlinear Parametric Models: A Comprehensive Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, pp: 1429-1444, Vol: 47, Issue: 2, Standard: 0093-3813 , Impact Factor: 1.25
  • Zhaoxia Duan, Jahanzeb Akhtar, Imran Ghous, Muhammad Jawad, Ikramullah Khosa, Khurram Ali (2019), "Improving the tracking of subatomic particles using the Unscented Kalman filter with measurement redundancy in high energy physics experiments", IEEE Access, pp: 61728-61737, Vol: 7, Standard: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 3.55
  • Abdul Khaliq, Ikramullah Khosa, Muhammad Muneeb (2019), "Short term electrical load forecasting for an urban 11 KV feeder using machine learning techniques", Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences, pp: 1-11, Vol: 1, Issue: 1
  • Ikramullah Khosa, Eros Pasero (2016), "A machine vision system for quality inspection of pine nuts", International Journal of Advance Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol: 7, Issue: 9, Standard: 2158-107X
  • Siamak Aram, Ikramullah Khosa, Eros Pasero (2015), "Conserving Energy through Neural Prediction of Sensed Data", Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous computing and dependable Applications (JoWUA), Vol: 6, Issue: 1

Conference Papers:

  • Arslan Khalid, Zulqarnain Haider, Ikramullah Khosa (2019) "Malarial Parasite Detection and Recognition using Microscopic Images", 16th IEEE International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST), pp: 304-308, Standard: 2151-1411/978-1-5386-7729-2 
  • Khosa, I. ; Pasero, E. (2014) "Artificial neural network classifier for quality inspection of nuts", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Emerging Allied Technologies in Engineering (iCREATE) , Standard: 978-1-4799-5131-4  
  • Khosa, I. ; Pasero, E. (2014) "Defect detection in food ingredients using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network", IEEE World Symposium on Computer Applications and Research (WSCAR), Standard: 978-1-4799-2805-7
  • Khosa, I. ; Pasero, E. (2014) "Feature extraction in X-ray images for hazelnuts classification", IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks , Standard: 978-1-4799-6627-1    
  • Khosa, I. ; Pasero, E. (2014) "Pine nuts selection using X-ray images and logistic regression", IEEE World Symposium on Computer Aplications & Research (WSCAR), Standard: 978-1-4799-2805-7    
  • Omar Ahmad, Basilio Bona, Muhammad Latif Anjum, Ikramullah Khosa (2013) "Using Time Proportionate Intensity Images with Non-linear Classifiers for Hand Gesture Recognition", The 8th International Conference on Robotic, Vision, Signal Processing & Power Applications, Standard: 978-981-4585-42-2
  • Khosa, I ; Haider, U. ; Mosood, H. (2010) "Evaluating the performance of IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol using OpNET modeler", IEEE International Conference On Electronics and Information Engineering (ICEIE). , pp: 91-95, Vol: 2, Standard: 978-1-4244-7681-7
  • Masood. H, Haider, U. ; Sadiq-ur-Rehman ; Khosa, I (2010) "Secure Communication in WMSN", IEEE International Conference on Information Networking and Automation (ICINA)., pp: 37-42, Vol: 1, Standard: 978-1-4244-8106-4

Dr. Muhammad Jawad

Journal Papers:

  • N. Shabbir, M. Usman, M. Jawad, M. H. Zafar, M. N. Iqbal, and L. Kutt, Economic analysis and impact on national grid by domestic photovoltaic system installations in Pakistan, Renewable Energy, Volume 153, June 2020, Pages 509-521
  • M. Jawad, S. M. Ali, S. U. Khan (2019), "A Robust Optimization Technique for Energy Cost Minimization of Cloud Data Centers", IEEE Transaction on Cloud Computing, pp: 1-14, Vol: xx, Issue: pp, Standard: 2168-7161, Impact Factor: 7.928 
  • Imran Ghous, Zhaoxia Duan, Jahanzeb Akhtar,Muhammad Jawad, “Robust stabilization of Uncertain 2-D discrete time delay systems using sliding mode control”, The Journal of the Franklin Institute, Elsevier, 2019
  • M. Jawad, A. Rafique, I. Khosa, I. Ghous, J. Akhtar, S.M. Ali, “Improving Disturbance Storm Time Index Prediction Using Linear and Nonlinear Parametric Models: A Comprehensive Analysis”, IEEE Transaction on Plasma Science, 2019
  • S. M. Ali, B. Khan, G. Mokryani, C. A. Mehmood, M. Jawad, U. Farid (2019), "Environment Driven Consumer Energy Consumption Model Incorporating Complexities of Consumer Body Dynamics", IET Energy System Integration, pp: 53-66, Vol: 1, Issue: 2, Standard: 2516-8401, Impact Factor: 0.96
  • M. Jawad, A. Rafique, I. Khosa, I. Ghous, J. Akhtar and S. M. Ali (2019), "Improving Disturbance Storm Time (DST) Index Prediction using Linear and Nonlinear Parametric Models: A comprehensive Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, pp: 1-16, Vol: PP, Issue: 99, Standard: 1939-9375, Impact Factor: 1.253
  • Z. Duan, J. Akhtar, I. Ghous, M. Jawad, I. Khosa and K. Ali (2019), "Improving the Tracking of Subatomic Particles Using the Unscented Kalman Filter With Measurement Redundancy in High Energy Physics Experiments", IEEE Access, pp: 61728-61737, Vol: 7, Standard: 2169-3536, Impact Factor: 4.098
  • I. Ghous, Z. Duan, J. Akhtar, and M. Jawad (2019), "Robust Stabilization of Uncertain 2-D discrete-time delaye systems using sliding mode control", The Journal of the Franklin Institute, Elsevier, pp: 9407-9431, Vol: 356, Issue: 16, Standard:, Impact Factor: 3.653
  • Hussain, S.M.Ali, B.Khan, Z.Ullah, C.A.Mehmood, M.Jawad, U.Farid, A.Haider (2019), "Stochastic Wind Energy Management Model within Smart Grid Framework: A Joint Bi-directional Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Smart Grid and Wind Energy District Prosumers", Renewable Energy Elsevier, pp: 1017-1033, Vol: 134, Standard:, Impact Factor: 4.90
  • N. Shaukat, S. M. Ali, B. Khan, C. A. Mehmood, M. Jawad, Z. Ullah. M. Anwar, M. Majid (2018), "A Survey on Consumers Empowerment, Communication Technologies, and Renewable Generation Penetration within Smart Grid", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp: 1453-1475, Vol: 81, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 8.05 
  • N. Shaukat, B. Khan, S. M. Ali, C. A. Mehmood, J. Khan, U. Farid, M. Majid, M. Anwar, M. Jawad, Z. Ullah (2018), "A Survey on Electric Vehicle Transportation within Smart Grid System", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Elsevier, pp: 1329-1349, Vol: 81, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 8.05
  • S. Khan, Y. Zhu, M. Jawad, M. H. Jaffery, M. Ahmad (2018), "Analysis of Baseband Signal Processing of Galileo E5 AltBOC under Clean, Noisy, and Filtered Conditions", Arctic Journal, Vol: 71, Issue: 5, Impact Factor: 1.022
  • Subhan Khan, Yiqun Zhu, Muhammad Jawad, M. Umair Safder, Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery, Salman Javid, “Analysis of the satellite navigational data in the Baseband signal processing of Galileo E5 AltBOC signal,” ARCTIC Journal, Vol: 71, Issue: 5
  • Sahibzada M. Ali, Muhammad Jawad, Feng Guo, Arshad Mehmood, Bilal Khan, Jacob Glower, and Samee U. Khan (2018), "Ancillary Services Model for Data Centers and Power Systems", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Impact Factor: 7.928
  • M. Jawad et al. (2018), "Genetic algorithm-based non-linear auto-regressive with exogenous inputs neural network short-term and medium-term uncertainty modelling and prediction for electrical load and wind speed", The Journal of Engineering, pp: 721-729, Vol: 2018, Issue: 8, Standard: 2051-3305
  • Sahibzada M. Ali, Muhammad Jawad, Feng Guo, Arshad Mehmood, Bilal Khan, Jacob Glower, and Samee U. Khan (2016), "Exact feedback linearization-based permanent magnet synchronous generator control", INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS, Impact Factor: 1.0
  • MUS Khan, A Abbas, M Ali, M Jawad, SU Khan, K Li, AY Zomaya (2016), "On the Correlation of Sensor Location and Human Activity Recognition in Body Area Networks (BANs)", IEEE Systems Journal, pp: 1-10, Vol: PP, Issue: 99, Standard: 1932-8184, Impact Factor: 3.882
  • S. M. Ali, C. A. Mehmood, M. Jawad, B. Khan, U. Farid, A. Majid, N. Tareen, M. Ali, S. Usman (2016), "Stochastic and Statistical Analysis of Utility Revenues and Weather data Analysis for Consumer Demand Estimation in Smart Grids", PLOS ONE J., pp: 1-20, Vol: 11, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 3.23
  • S.M.Ali, M.Jawad, B.Khan, C.A.Mehmood, N.Zeb, A.Tanoli, U.Farid, J.Glower, S.U.Khan (2016), "Wide area smart grid architectural model and control: A survey", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp: 311-328, Vol: 64, Standard: 1364-0321, Impact Factor: 8.05
  • M Jawad, S Ali, J Jorgenson, SU Khan (2015), "JEM: Just in Time/Just Enough Energy Management Methodology for Computing Systems", IEEE Transaction on Computers, pp: 1798-1804, Vol: 64, Issue: 06, Standard: 10.1109/TC.2014.2345394, Impact Factor: 3.052 

Conference Papers:

  • S. M. Ali, Zahid Ullah, B. Khan, U. Farid, C. A. Mehmood, and M. Jawad (2020) "Mutual Interactive Effects of Environment and Consumer Biological Dynamics on Energy Consumption", IEEE International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET)
  • S. Sajid, M. Jawad, M. B. Qureshi, M. U. S. Khan, S. M. Ali, and S. U. Khan (2019) "A Conditional-Constraint Optimization for Joint Energy Management of Data Center and Electric Vehicle Parking-Lot", 10th International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC)
  • M. Jawad, M. B. Qureshi, A. Nadeem, S. M. Ali, N. Shabbir and M. N. Rafiq (2018) "Bi-Directional Nano Grid Design for Organizations with Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging at Workplace", IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), pp: 357-361, Vol: 2018, Issue: 18192934, Standard: 978-1-5386-5398-2
  • M. Jawad, B. Khan, S. M. Ali, and Z. Ullah (2018) "Design of a Self-Sustained Farming System (SFS) for Pakistan", IEEE International Conference on Energy Conservation and Efficiency (ICECE)
  • M. Jawad, S. M. Ali, I. Sami, Z. Ullah, U. Farid, B. Khan, C. A. Mehmood (2018) "Failure Influence Index for Power Transmission Systems", International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET)
  • S. M. Ali, N. Tareen, I. Sami, Z. Ullah, M. Jawad (2018) "Fault Tolerance of Data Center under Multi-Correlated Failures", International Symposium on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (RAEE)
  • A. A. Khan, M. H. Jamaluddin, M. B. Qureshi, S. M. Ali, Owais and M. Jawad (2018) "High Isolation Dual-Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna for MIMO LTE Applications", IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), pp: 208-211, Vol: 2018, Issue: 18183524, Standard: 978-1-5386-5398-2
  • S. M. Ali, M. Jawad, Z. Ullah, B. Khan, C. A. Mehmood, and U. Farid (2017) "Fault-ride-through schemes of grid-interfaced DFIG: A comparative study under symmetrical grid faults", International Symposium on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (RAEE), pp: 1-6, Issue: 17485036, Standard: 978-1-5386-2234-6
  • A. Nadeem, M. N. Rafiq, M. B. Qureshi, M. Jawad (2017) "Joint Power Management of Telecom Exchanges and Electric Vehicles Using Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid", International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT), pp: 127-132, Issue: 17521749, Standard: 978-1-5386-3567-4
  • M. Jawad and S. U. Khan (2015) "A Cloud-based Recommendation Framework for Optimized Power Generation and Utilization for Power Systems and Data Centers", ND EPSCoR State Conference
  • Z. Mahmood, M. U. S. Khan, M. Jawad, S. U. Khan, and L. T. Yang (2015) "A Parallel Framework for Object Detection and Recognition for Secure Vehicle Parking", IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), pp: 892-895, Issue: 15635094, Standard: 978-1-4799-8937-9


Dr. Abbas Javed
Journal Papers:

  • Abbas Javed, Hadi Larijani, Andrew Wixted, “Improving Energy Consumption of a Commercial Building with IoT and Machine Learning”, IEEE IT Professional, 2018
  • Jawad Ahmad, Hadi Larijani, Rohinton Emmanuel, Mike Mannion, Abbas Javed, “Occupancy Detection in Non-residential Buildings–A Survey and Novel Privacy Preserved Occupancy Monitoring Solution.”, Applied Computing and Informatics., 2018
  • Javed, A., Larijani, H., Ahmadinia, A., & Emmanuel, R. (2017). RANDOM NEURAL NETWORK LEARNING HEURISTICS. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 1-21. (IF: 0.562)
  • Javed, A., Larijani, H., Ahmadinia, A., Emmanuel, R., Mannion, M., & Gibson, D. (2017). Design and Implementation of a Cloud Enabled Random Neural Network-Based Decentralized Smart Controller With Intelligent Sensor Nodes for HVAC. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4(2), 393-403. (IF: 7.596)
  • Javed, A., Larijani, H., Ahmadinia, A., & Gibson, D. (2017). Smart random neural network controller for HVAC using cloud computing technology. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 13(1), 351-360. (IF: 6.764)
  • Saeed, A., Ahmadinia, A., Javed, A., & Larijani, H. (2016). Intelligent intrusion detection in low-power IoTs. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 16(4), 27. (IF: 0705)
  • Javed, A., Larijani, H., Ahmadinia, A., Emmanuel, R., Gibson, D., and Clark, C. (2015). Experimental testing of a random neural network smart controller using a single zone test chamber. IET Networks, 4(6):350–358.
  • Adeel, A., Larijani, H., Javed, A., and Ahmadinia, A. (2015). Impact of Learning Algorithms on Random Neural Network based Optimization for LTE-UL Systems. Network Protocols and Algorithms, 7(3), 157-178.

Conference Papers:

  • Ahmad, J., Larijani, H., Emmanuel, R., Mannion, M., Javed, A., & Phillipson, M. (2017, April). Energy demand prediction through novel random neural network predictor for large non-domestic buildings. In Systems Conference (SysCon), 2017 Annual IEEE International (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  • Saeed, A., Ahmadinia, A., Javed, A., & Larijani, H. (2016). Random neural network based intelligent intrusion detection for wireless sensor networks. Procedia Computer Science, 80, 2372-2376.
  •  Javed, A., Larijani, H., Ahmadinia, A., Emmanuel, R., and Gibson, D. (2016) Cloud Enabled Smart Controller for Non-Domestic Building. In 9th International Conference Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities (IEECB&SC’16)
  • Adeel, A., Larijani, H., Javed, A., and Ahmadinia, A. (2015, June). Random neural network based power controller for inter-cell interference coordination in LTE-UL. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW), (pp. 340-345). IEEE.
  • Adeel, A., Larijani, H., Javed, A., and Ahmadinia, A. (2015, May). Critical Analysis of Learning Algorithms in Random Neural Network Based Cognitive Engine for LTE Systems. In 2015 IEEE 81st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • Javed, A., Larijani, H., Ahmadinia, A., and Emmanuel, R. (2014, December). Comparison of the Robustness of RNN, MPC and ANN Controller for Residential Heating System. In 2014 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BdCloud), (pp. 604-611). IEEE.
  • Javed, A., Larijani, H., Ahmadinia, A., and Emmanuel, R. (2014, December). Modellingand optimization of residential heating system using random neural networks. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (CCSSE), (pp. 90-95). IEEE.
  • Javed, A., Larijani, H., Ahmadinia, A., and Emmanuel, R. Intelligent RNN Controller for domestic (residential) heating system. In Proceedings of iiSBE Net Zero Built Environment 2014, 17th Rinker International Conference, 2014, pp. 326–343.

Dr. Jehangir Arshad
Journal Papers:

  • R. M. Asif, A. Rehman, S. Rehman, Jehangir Arshad, J. Hamid, M. T. Sadiq, S. Tahir (2020), "Design and analysis of robust fuzzy logic maximum power point tracking based isolated photovoltaic energy system", Engineering Reports, John Wiley & Sons
  • R. Asif, Jehangir Arshad*, Mustafa Shakir, Sohail M Noman, Ateeq Ur Rehman (2020), "Energy Efficiency Augmentation in Massive MIMO Systems through Linear Precoding Schemes and Power Consumption Modeling", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Impact Factor: 1.819
  • S. Saleem, A. Saeed, S. Usman, J. Ferzund, Jahangir Arshad, Jawad Mirza, Tareq Manzoor (2020), "Granger causal analysis of electrohysterographic and tocographic recordings for classification of term vs. preterm births", Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Impact Factor: 2.573
  • Jehangir Arshad, R. Tariq, S. Saleem, A. Rehman, H. M. Munir, N. A. Golilarz, A. Saleem (2020), "Intelligent greenhouse monitoring and control scheme: An arrangement of Sensors, Raspberry Pi based Embedded System and IoT platform", Indian Journal of Science and technology, pp: 2811-2822, Vol: 13, Issue: 27
  • Jehangir Arshad, Abdul Rehman, Ateeq Ur Rehman, Rehmat Ullah, and S. O. Hwang (2020), "Spectral Efficiency Augmentation in Uplink Massive MIMO Systems by Increasing Transmit Power and Uniform Linear Array Gain", Sensors, Impact Factor: 3.275
  • A. V. John N. Sohail, J. Ren, M. Muhammad, M. Irshad, W. Iqbal, Jehangir Arshad (2019), "A hybrid Forecast Cost Benefit Classification of diabetes mellitus prevalence based on epidemiological study on Real-life patient’s data", Scientific Reports, Impact Factor: 4.08
  • M. Irshad,W. Liu,Jehangir Arshad,M. N. Sohail,Aparna Murthy, Maryam and M. Uba (2019), "A Novel Localization Technique by using Luminous Flux", Applied Sciences , Impact Factor: 2.474
  • N. Sohail *, R. Jiadong, musa uba, S. Tahir, Jehangir Arshad, Anthony Varghese John (2019), "An Accurate Clinical Implication Assessment for Diabetes Mellitus Prevalence Based on a Study from Nigeria", MDPI Processes, Impact Factor: 2.753
  • Khalid Mahmood, Jehangir Arshad, Shahzad Ch, S. Rohi (2019), "An Enhanced Anonymous Identity-based Key Agreement Protocol for Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure", International Journal of Communication Systems, Impact Factor: 1.319
  • W. A. Wattoo, G. S. Kaloi, M. Younis, M. H. Baloch, B. A. Zardari, Jehangir Arshad, G. Farid, T. Younas, S. Tahir (2019), "An Optimal Asset Allocation Strategy for Suppliers Paying Carbon Tax in the Competitive Electricity Market", Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Impact Factor: 0.736 
  • M. A. Baqir, P. K. Choudhury, A. Farmani, T. Younas, Jehangir Arshad, A. Mir, S. Karimi (2019), "Tunable plasmon induced transparency in graphene and hyperbolic metamaterial-based structure", IEEE Photonics Journal, Impact Factor: 2.833
  • Z. Mumtaz, S. Ullah, Z. Ilyas, N. Aslam, S. Iqbal, S. Liu, Jehangir Arshad, H. A. Madni (2018), "An automation system for controlling streetlights and monitoring objects using Arduino", Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Sensors, Impact Factor: 3.031
  • Talha Younas, Jiandong Li and Jehangir Arshad (2017), "Achieving Bandwidth Efficiency by Improved Zero-Forcing Combining Algorithm in Massive MIMO", Wireless Personal Communications, Impact Factor: 1.20
  • Jehangir Arshad, Jiandong Li, Talha Younas, Min Sheng, Li Hongyan (2017), "Analysis of Energy Efficiency and Area Throughput in Large Scale MIMO Systems with MRT and ZF Precoding", Wireless Personal Communications, Impact Factor: 1.20
  • T. Younas, J. Li, Jehangir Arshad (2017), "On bandwidth efficiency analysis for LS-MIMO with hardware impairments", IEEE Access, Impact Factor: 3.557
  • T. Younas, J. Li, Jehangir Arshad, Muluneh Mekonnen Tulu (2017), "Performance analysis of improved ZF algorithm for massive MIMO in uplink", Electronics Letters, Impact Factor: 1.232

Conference Papers:

  • Jehangir Arshad, Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddique, Zainab Zulfiqar, Amna Khokhar, Saqib Salim, Talha Younas, Ateeq Ur Rehman, Adeel Asad (2020) "A Novel Remote User Authentication Scheme by using Private Blockchain-Based Secure Access Control for Agriculture Monitoring", 2020 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)    
  • Jehangir Arshad, Saqib Salim, Talha Younas, Melkamu Deressa Amentie, Ghulam Farid, Ateeq Ur Rehman, Amna Khokhar (2020) "A Study on Device Automation: An Integration of Internet protocols and Embedded System", 2020 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)
  • A. M. F. Durrani, A. Rehman, A. Farooq, Jehangir Arshad, M. T. Sadiq (2019) "An Automated Waste Control Management System (AWCMS) by using Arduino", 2019 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)
  • A. Hassan, A. Rehman, N. Shabbir, S. R. Hassan, M. T. Sadiq, Jehangir Arshad (2019) "Impact of inertial response for the Variable Speed Wind Turbine", 2019 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)
  • M. Akhtar, M. Hussain, Jehangir Arshad, M.Ahmad (2019) "User Authentication Scheme for Greenhouse Remote Monitoring System using WSNs/IOT", Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems
  • H. M. S. Badar, Jehangir Arshad, Muhammad Z. Azam and S. A. A. Bukhari (2018) "Lightweight Encryption Technique for the Transmission of Data with Secure Streaming", WORLDCIS-2018
  • Talha Younas, Jiandong Li, Jehangir Arshad, Muluneh Mekonnen Tulu, Hafiz Mudassir Munir (2018) "New Framework for analysis Of Energy Efficiency in massive MIMO With Hardware Impairments ", 2018 28th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC)
  • Jehangir Arshad, Talha Younas, Li Jiandong, Asif Suryani (2018) "Study on MU-MIMO Systems in the Perspective of Energy Efficiency with Linear Processing", 2018 10th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN)
  • Jehangir Arshad, Jiandong Li, Talha Younas (2017) "Analysis and implementation of a LS-MIMO system with optimal power allocation", 2017 IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN)
  • Talha Younas, Jiandong Li, Jehangir Arshad (2017) "Performance of ZF and RZF in massive MIMO with channel aging", International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC-2017)
  • J. Li, G. Huang, Jehangir Arshad (2015) "Cross-tier interference mitigation for RTDD-based macro-femto networks", 2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)


Mr. Ahmad Mudassir
Journal Papers:

  • Umer Mian, Ahmad Mudassir, Saleem Akhtar (2016), "A survey on Handover Issues and Management Techniques for LTE Heterogeneous networks", Journal of Networking Technology, pp: 99 -106, Vol: 7 
  • Ahmad Mudassir, SA. Hassan, H. Pervaiz, Saleem Akhtar, Hesham Kamel, “Game theoretic efficient radio resource allocation in 5G resilient Networks: Data Driven Approach”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, 2019

    Conference Papers:

  • Ahmad Mudassir, Saleem Akhtar, Hesham Kamel, Nadeem Javaid (2016) "Survey on fuzzy logic applications in wirelesss and mobile communications for LTE Networks", Complex Intelligent Software Intensive Systems CISIS-2016 
  • Ahmad Mudassir, Saleem Akhtar, Hesham Kamel (2016) "Survey on Intercell Interference Coordination in LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks", Sixth International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH), pp: 429 – 434

Mr. Muhammad Usman Rafique
Journal Papers:

  • Muhammad Usman Rafique, Sobia Baig (2012), "Design and Implementation of a Novel Wireless Home Automation System", International Review of Communication and Antenna Propagation

Conference Papers:

  • Muhammad Usman Rafique, Umama Rashid, Saba Iqbal, Qasim Shafique, Sehrish Jabeen (2012) "A Prototype Implementation of a Digital Controlled Rectifier-Based Wireless PMDC Motor Drive", International Conference on Emerging Technologies, IEEE 2012, pp: 7-12
  • Muhammad Usman Rafique (2012) "Fourier-Domain Analysis and Design of an Improved TRIAC-Based Variable Speed AC Motor Drive", Conference on Emerging Technologies, IEEE 2012, pp: 230-235
  • Muhammad Usman Rafique (2011) "A Universal and Optimized Embedded System to Control Firing Angle of Thyristors with Double-Sided Isolation", Third International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC) IEEE, 2011
  • Jahanzeb Anwer, U. Rafique, Ahmad Fayyaz, S. Aslam, Usman Khalid, N. H. Hamid (2011) "Analyzing Thermal and Flicker Noise Fault Tolerance Capability of Markov Random Field Digital Circuits", 3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development
  • Muhammad Usman Rafique, Saad Aslam, Jahanzeb Anwer (2011) "Implementation of a Novel Microcontroller-Based Voltage Source Sine-Wave Inverter", Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT), 2011, pp: 167-172

Dr. Arsla Khan
Journal Papers:

  • A. Khan and S.Y. Shin, “Wavelet OFDM-Based Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Downlink Transceiver for Future Radio Access,” in IETE Technical Review, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 17-27, 2018.
  • Arsla Khan, Saud Khan, Sobia Baig, Hafiz Muhammad Asif, Soo Young Shin, “Wavelet OFDM with Overlap FDE for Non-Gaussian Channels in Precoded NOMA based systems”, Future Generation Computer Systems, pp. 165-179, 2019
  • Arsla Khan, Sobia Baig, Tabassum Nawaz (2015), "DWMT transceiver equalization using overlap FDE for downlink ADSL", Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences , Impact Factor: 0.580
  • T. Nawaz, S. Baig and A.Khan, (2011), "The Performance Comparison of Coded WP-OFDM and DFT-OFDM in Frequency Selective Rayleigh Fading Channel", International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), , Vol: 1, Issue: 6   

Conference Papers:

  • Khan, A.; Baig, S., (2012) "Channel Equalization for Discrete Wavelet Multitone Transceiver in Wireline Channels,", International Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST), , pp: 394-398   
  • Bajwa, T.N.; Khan, A.; Baig, S (2011) "Evolution of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Modulation to Discrete Wavelet Multitone", Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT), pp: 63-68   

Mr. Mian Hassan Aslam
Journal Papers:

  • Umer Farooq, M. Hassan Aslam, MuhammadUsman, “On the comparison of memristor-transistor hybrid and transistor-only heterogeneous FPGAs”, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2018
  • Umer Farooq, M. Hassan Aslam and Muhammad Usman (2018), "On the Comparison of Memristor-Transistor Hybrid and Transistor-Only Heterogeneous FPGAs", Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, pp: 1-29
  • M.Hassan Aslam, Umer Farooq, M.Naeem Awais, M. Khurram Bhatti, Naeem Shehzad (2016), "Exploring the Effect of LUT Size on the Area and Power Consumption of a Novel Memristor-Transistor Hybrid FPGA Architecture", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pp: 3035-3049, Vol: 41, Issue: 8, Standard: 2191-4281, Impact Factor: 0.728
  • M.Hassan Aslam, Umer Farooq (2015), "A Novel FPGA Architecture using Memristor-Transistor Hybrid Approach", Journal of Electronic Systems, pp: 101-116, Vol: 5, Issue: 3, Standard: 2278 – 6538

Conference Papers:

  • Umer Farooq, M. Khurram Bhatti M. Hassan Aslam (2016) "A novel heterogeneous FPGA architecture based on memristor-transistor hybrid approach", International Conference on Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS)2016, pp: 1-6, Standard: 978-1-5090-0336-5
  •  Umer Farooq, M. Hassan Aslam (2015) "Design and implementation of basic building blocks of FPGA using memristor-transistor hybrid approach ", IEEE International Conference on Innovative Technologies in Computing (INTECH) 2015, pp: 142 - 147    
  • Muhammad Hassam Malhi, M. Hassan Aslam, Faisal Saeed, Owais Javed, Muhammad Fraz (2011) "Vision Based Intelligent Traffic Management System", IEEE International conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, 2011, pp: 137-141, Standard: 978-1-4673-0209-8

Mr. Sarmad Hassan
Conference Papers:

  • M. Sarmad Hassan, Ali Fahim Khan, Mafaz Wali Khan, M. Uzair, Khawar Khurshid. (2016) "A Computationally low-cost vision-based tracking algorithm for human following robot.", IEEE 2nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), pp: 62-65

Mr. Muhammad Usman
Journal Papers:

  • Umer Farooq, M. Hassan Aslam, MuhammadUsman, “On the comparison of memristor-transistor hybrid and transistor-only heterogeneous FPGAs”, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 2018
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