About Us

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at CUI, Lahore was established in March 2002. During this short span it has made big strides by offering conducive environment for studying various disciplines of Electrical Engineering. The curriculum ensures that the students learn not only the theoretical knowledge required in solving complex engineering problems but at the same time acquaints them with state of the art tools and techniques used in practice.

We are offering two programs in undergraduate level i.e. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Program is designed to provide its graduates with a solid educational foundation on which they can build successful and sustainable careers in electrical engineering and related fields. This curriculum is developed with the objective to facilitate the teaching of common core courses and selection of courses of a particular major area like Power, Telecommunication, Electronics. To enhance learning, workshops are often held and and industrial tours, project exhibition events like ‘TechnoMoot and EMCOT and seminars on ‘Mobile Technology Development in Pakistan’, ‘High speed Optical Communication’, ‘Design and Development of Multi-channel Digital Filters and their Applications in Tracking’ and advanced mobile communication standards such as WiMAX and LTE etc are some of the strengths of the department. Computer Engineering is an enormously vibrant area of study. It focuses on the design, analysis and application of the computer system. This curriculum is developed in such ways that during the first year, reinforcement in science and mathematics subjects are provided. During the second year, graduates are reinforced with the Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering fields. In the third and fourth year, major emphasis is on Computer Architecture and Interfacing, Digital Systems and Computer Science.

The Master of Science in Electrical Engineering program is designed to prepare students for technically demanding careers in industry as well as for PhD studies in Electrical Engineering. It allows students to take up rigorous and appropriately structured advanced engineering courses for employment/research in industry. The program includes 24 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours of research work. Our primary aim is to provide a learning experience which maximizes our students employability in a competitive job market and subsequently accelerates their career progression with an excellent preparation for PhD studies. On successful completion of the course the graduates will have an excellent opportunity in finding employment in areas with a broad, critical and practice based understanding of Electrical Engineering and specialized disciplines. This knowledge makes them ready for variety of leadership positions in complex contemporary environments and teaching careers in universities.

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers PhD in Electrical Engineering and conducts research in various specialized areas. The quality and impact of the research are demonstrated by many highly cited publications in National/International ISI indexed journals. Students enrolled in the program complete the required number of courses and then proceed to do research in the area of specialization. PhD in Electrical Engineering program is usually completed in three to five years and it requires course work as well as research work.

Get in touch with us
Computer Engineering Department
1.5 KM Defence Road
Off Raiwind Road, Lahore

+92 (42) 111-001-007
Fax: +92 (42) 99203100


Tel: +92 (42) 111-001-007

Fax: +92 (42) 99203100

E-Mail: admissions@CUIlahore.edu.pk

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