On 8th & 9th March 2019, COMSATS university Islamabad, Lahore campus organized DICE- IET, 2019, a two day event of innovation and entrepreneurship.
Mr. Ameer Muhammad khan, Special Assistant to CM, Punjab graced the opening ceremony as chief guest. Dr. Khursheed Qureshi, Chairman DICE, Ms Afia Khan from DESCON, Dr. Junaid Mughal Chairman ECE department, Dr. Qaiser Abbas Director CUI Lahore campus and representative of Hong Kong Institute of surveyors were on hand to open the Conference with the chief guest. Dr. Khursheed Qureshi represented DICE foundation. Ms Afia Khan joined as key note speaker and Dr. Junaid Mughal welcomed all on behalf of host organization. Dr. Qaiser Abbas Director Lahore campus uttered a note of thanks to all the distinguished guest for gracing the occasion.
This year the major theme of the event was Control and Automation. The filed is one of the most important part of Electrical Engineering and highly demanded by the Industry in this fast age. The event was visited by more than 2000 participants from industry, academia and Govt. sector organizations. More over a panel discussion moderated by and international moderator among the representatives of all the stakeholders were also be a conspicuous part of this event. Major highlights of the event were

  1. Project exhibition
  2. Symposium
  3. Panel discussion
  4. DICE Sharks session

More than 40 student projects from universities and 15 industries and companies from all across Pakistan exhibited their projects and products. The exhibition was open to public and was covered by all prominent Print, social and electronic media channels. Young Students from all over all Pakistan showcased their innovative projects especially to be evaluated by industry people.
Keynote speakers were a part of the symposium. Our Keynote speakers for panel symposium were qualified scholars from academia and skillful professional from industry. The symposium session was concluded by a panel discussion on emerging trends in Automation and its scope in Pakistan. DICE Sharks sessions was wonderful opportunity for our students to get their prototypes transformed into a viable commercial product. The top teams, with high commercial potential projects presented their projects in front of our industrial sponsors, entrepreneurs and investors.

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Computer Engineering Department
1.5 KM Defence Road
Off Raiwind Road, Lahore

+92 (42) 111-001-007
Fax: +92 (42) 99203100


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Fax: +92 (42) 99203100

E-Mail: admissions@CUIlahore.edu.pk

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