DICE Information & Enabling Technologies (IET) Innovation mega even 2017 was organized and hosted by Electrical Engineering Department of CIIT Lahore and the event was scheduled on 15 th & 16 th December 2017 at COMSATS institute of Information Technology Lahore, Pakistan. DICE Foundation in collaboration with its domestic and international partners, is pursuing a DICE Program in Pakistan, to foster culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the country and transform Pakistan into an innovation driven economy. The current partners of DICE program in Pakistan are: HEC, PCST, ISESCO, British Council, COMSATS, IBA, LUMS, IST, NUST, NED, SMEDA, PSF, ICT R&D Fund, UOG, DUHS, UET-KPK and UET-Taxila, UAF and NTU. Annual DICE Mega Innovation Event is one of the major initiatives of the DICE Program and has been conducted every year since 2007. The idea behind the event is to motivate academia, industry, government, entrepreneurs and expatriates to come to a common platform to showcase innovations and technologies, share knowledge and further collaborate with each other for the rapid development of innovative products, necessary for the economic development of the country.

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Off Raiwind Road, Lahore

+92 (42) 111-001-007
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E-Mail: admissions@CUIlahore.edu.pk

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