Faculty Get - Together

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus held a long-awaited faculty get-together on the evening of May 22nd, 2024, at Al Khan Restaurant. Taking some time off from their busy schedules, the faculty enjoyed a relaxing evening and the opportunity to connect with colleagues outside the classroom. The department also took this opportunity to bid farewell to Mr. Hassan Aslam. Mr. Hassan Aslam resigned from COMSATS and is moving abroad for future endeavors. We wish him the very best in his next chapters.

Get in touch with us
Computer Engineering Department
1.5 KM Defence Road
Off Raiwind Road, Lahore

+92 (42) 111-001-007
Fax: +92 (42) 99203100


Tel: +92 (42) 111-001-007

Fax: +92 (42) 99203100

E-Mail: admissions@CUIlahore.edu.pk

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