Visit to transfopower industry
Industrial visit is considered as one of the tactical methods of teaching. Industrial visits provide students with a chance to meet industry leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and corporates who share their wisdom, learning, and experiences. Transfopower Industry (Pvt) Limited is a leading company in Pakistan’s transformer manufacturing sector. Established in 1990 by a team of engineers who literally pioneered transformer manufacturing and design in the country. The students of FA19 BEE and FA20 BEE power batch visited this industry on 26th and 27th October, 2022 respectively.
Transfopower Industry (Pvt) Limited is a leading company in Pakistan’s transformer manufacturing sector. Established in 1990 by a team of engineers who literally pioneered transformer manufacturing and design in the country.
The highly qualified engineer from the industry gave a brief virtual introduction of transformer manufacturing during his presentation in the presentation room. The session was quite interactive, and students learnt a lot from the session.
Sectors of transfopower industy:
Winding and insulating sector:
There is a difference between low and high voltage of coils that are made up of copper. Basically the coils are of two type
- Primary coil
- Secondary coil
Depending upon the number of turns these are classified as high and low voltages coils
Manufacturing of transformer body
he Body of transformer is manufactured in this sector . It includes insulting disc, vacuum body having oil in it,etc
Transformer testing
Ready to sale:
After passing through the different process’s transformers are ready to sale. The price of transformer is round about 5 lac and their sale is 176 crore.
This visit was aimed to enhance the knowledge of students practically. The students understood all the operations and different process that were implemented in transfopower industry.

Reception of Transforpower

Presentation Room

Manufacturing Section

Testing Unit

Ready to Sale

Group Picture