Final Year Project: Selection, Execution and Report Writing

 Students pursuing a B.Sc. degree are required to complete a project in their final year of study. Therefore, they have to think of a suitable project, find a supervisor, prepare a synopsis report and register the project at the start of the seventh semester in a very short period of time. For a smooth project, the groundwork for all this activity should be completed as early as possible. It is advisable that the students should start preparing for this activity in their sixth semester. After the project has been registered, the students should be able to achieve milestones and complete the project well before time. A project report also needs to be submitted. The seminar provided guidance for the students about all these aspects of a final year project. The project selection process and the role of the project supervisor were described. Different milestones and evaluation criteria were also described. An overview of the final year report, its structure and various other requirements of the report were also discussed. In addition, the seminar highlighted various issues that need to be addressed while completing the final year project. A large gathering of B.Sc. Electrical and Computer Engineering degree students attended the seminar.

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