Workshop, Seminars and Short Courses by Dr. Shahid Mumtaz, Principal Research Scientist and Technical Manager, Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT), Portugal on various research topics

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) held a series of workshop/seminars and short courses from Monday, 26 th November to Thursday, 6 th December, 2018. Dr. Shahid Mumtaz, Principal Research Scientist and Technical Manager at Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) Portugal conducted various seminars/workshops/courses on following topics for graduate students/faculty members for their future research plans and opportunities to study/work abroad:

  • Seminar 1: 5G Standardization, New Radio and Next Generation Core (NGC)- 3GPP Release 15-16.
  • Seminar 2: Ultra Reliable and Low latency Communication (URLCC) for 5G, IoT, Time Sensitive networking and communication.
  • Workshop 1: 4G-LTE - RF Engineer ing, Air Interface, and Core Network.
  • Workshop 2: LTE to 5G: Vision, Requirement, Technical Challenges and Technologies for 6G.
  • Workshop 3: Machine learning, Block Chain, Big Data.
  • Crash course on Wireless communication for Undergraduate Student.
  • Potential Ph.D. and Master thesis discussion with the graduate student.
  • Course 1: Antenna design, Beamforming, Precoding, Massive MIMO, mmWave/THz. Communication, and System Modelling.
  • Course 2: Network Sharing, Network Slicing, NVF, SDN, Edge computing, and Caching.
  • Course 3: Dynamic Spectrum Management: spectrum shar ing. LTE-U/LAA,WiFi –LTE aggregation, Multefire, Satellite, terrestrial spectrum sharing.
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