R10-WIE 2017 Support Fund Sponsored WIE LEAD’17

Date: 16thNovember, 2017 – 17thNovember, 2017
Number of Participants: 200 
List of speakers:
Chief Guest Dr. Qaisar Abbas, Director CIIT Lahore
Ms. Ramsha Bukhari
Ms. Mehwish Zahoor
Dr. Sobia Baig
Venue: COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
WIE is not just a program, it’s a vision. And it takes its steps, gradually embodying the beautiful foundation of strong and independent women in the modern day competitive fields of profession. Another step that was taken on the 17th of November 2017 was the WIE Lead, where the major beacons of female success stories and the epitomes of excellence achieved by women was brought in the common limelight in front of a vastly diverse audience.
WIE-Lead’17 was hosted by IEEE CIIT Lahore branch. It was a two-day event, on first day seminars and meetings were scheduled and sports activities were scheduled on second day. Event was conducted by Ms. Arooj Fatima, General Secretary WIE-IEEE CIIT Lahore exactly at 10:30 am. Mr. Syed Khubaib Ali, Volunteer-IEEE CIIT Lahore, was called upon to recite verses of Holy Quran to have a venerated beginning. Ms. Arooj Fatima (General Secretary WIE-IEEE CIIT Lahore) briefed audience by importance of WIE and WIE-Lead. Her words are summed up as “the growing participation of women in politics and various leadership roles in government, business, and society, gaps still exist in both developed and developing countries that need to be addressed and WIE is an affinity group working for acknowledgment of women rights and leadership spaces.” After her address to audience chief guest Dr. Qaiser Abbas, Director CIIT Lahore, was invited to express his views for the event which are summarized as “Women have had to struggle a lot more to break glass ceilings and to push society as a whole out of their old ways of thinking to realize the crucial roles women can and do play in helping building democratic systems and sustainable economies.”
Available Scholarships- Ms. Ramsha bukhari:
Ms. Ramsha Bukhari is a fearlessly motivated Electrical Engineer hailing from COMSATS Lahore, who gained her Masters’ degree from Sheffield University, UK. She is a motivation for the female students in CIIT Lahore. She began by analyzing the recent start up culture that is revealing itself in modern fields. Getting a sponsor and getting your own cart to go is a very good way to hone your skills and gain from them. She advised to take a break from study after graduation degree and do a job before starting Post Graduation. Doing so will help you to develop your already strong bedrock of theoretical skills.
Woman Empowerment-Ms. Mehwish Zahoor (Former IEEE Region-10 Student Representative):
The second part of the Meet the Woman was with Ms.Mehwish Zahoor is former IEEE Region 10 (Asia & Pacific) Student Representative (RSR) and PhD scholar in Nano biotechnology group at National Institute for Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) Faisalabad, Pakistan. Her research interests include development of nano-materials and understanding the behavior of the nano-materials used for photo catalysis. She has been part of IEEE since 09 years. She is founder of IEEE Pakistan WIE Forum, which was formulated in 2010.She came in front of the vast variety of audience and introduced the mass to IEEE with conviction. She explained how IEEE has amassed many skilled professionals worldwide to help speed up the race towards the headway of technological exemplar. Then she proceeded to empower all the women audience about their potential and verdure. She finalized her speech by giving tips on how to build that lack of confidence in women, how she did it, how so many other women did it and how women can do it themselves.
Final Year Projects-Dr. Sobia baig:
Dr. Sobia Baig (Ex- HoD Electrical Engineering Department and Branch Counselor IEEE CIIT Lahore) gave presentation on Final Year Projects. There was then a very detailed discussion on the final year projects that students have to tackle in the last semesters. There was a detailed explanation on how and when should the groups be finalized and what importance was in the division of the tasks that they had to tackle as a team. She urged students to do FYP themselves this will help them throughout their career and choose FYPs which have some industrial application, for that purpose one must select his FYP keeping in view any common social problem.
Meet The Women:
This was the final session where the IEEE team and all the speakers personally went and met the audience, talking to them in person. Ms. Ramsha Bukhari and Ms. Mehwish Zahoor gave tips to the young female audience on personal grooming, polishing of the personality and time management. They are pillars of motivation and many young women idealize them, aspire to achieve what they have in their life. Inspiring the young hearts and in turn placing the foundation blocks of more such strong and independent women to arise from the young generation.

IEEE-WIE and IEEE Meeting with SSR IEEE Lahore Section:
Ms. Khadija Shabbir, the IEEE-WIESSR Lahore Section met with all the Ex-Com of IEEE CIIT Lahore and IEEE-WIE CIIT Lahore and discussed future plans for the branch. She gave pointers on how to handle branch functions properly, and ideas about making the society beneficial to the humanitarian cause.


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