IEEE CIIT Lahore Student Branch’s Appraisal Dinner 2017 with Worthy Director CIIT Lahore.

An informal dinner was hostel by IEEE CIIT Lahore Student Branch on                      25th May, 2017. The dinner was in honor of all the volunteers who worked dedicated                     throughout the semester and made it all possible for ICLSB. It was also in honor of all the       faculty members who supported the branch, both morally and mentally, throughout the        semester. They guided at every turn, sharing their experience, making the branch grow         more mature with every dawn. The paramount importance was the participation of worthy           Director COMSATS Lahore (Prof. Dr. Qaiser Abbas), in this informal dinner, to            appreciate the efforts of both faculty members and student volunteers. The visit was           supposed to be short but with passion, appreciation seen in volunteers eyes, worthy         Director extended his stay and enjoy meal with them.In this regards, he extended his well         wishes for the branch and for the institute. He also added that the branch has his full        support and with this passion, the students will take achieve abundantly, in future,    Insha-ALLAH..  The distinguished guests of the dinner were:

  • Prof. Dr. Qaiser Abbas                   (Director CIIT Lahore)
  • Dr. Ejaz A. Ansar                          (Associate Head, Electrical Engineering Department)
  • Dr. Sobia Baig                                           (Counselor IEEE CIIT Lahore)
  • Dr. Ali Nawaz Khan                      (Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department)
  • Dr. Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery           (Advisor IEEE-PES CIIT Lahore)
  • Mr. Junaid Akhtar                          (Convener Extra Curricular Events, EE Dept.)
  • Mr. Haad Akmal                            (Vice Branch Counselor, IEEE CIIT Lahore)
  • Mr. Ahmad Ejaz                            (Staff Office to Director, COMSATS Lahore)
  • Mr. Roohan Amir Hamza   (Chair, IEEE CIIT Lahore Student Branch)
  • Ms. Khadija Shabbir                      (Chair, WIE CIIT Lahore Student Branch)
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