Achievements of IEEE/WIE CIIT Lahore Student Branch in IEEE Lahore Section, Region 10

IEEE Lahore Section Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an annual gathering of all office bearers, students and faculty, to discuss all the activities organized by difference IEEE branches in Lahore Section, the budget and elect the new Executive Committee.
IEEE Lahore Section AGM 2016 was held in FAST-NU Lahore campus on 7th January,   2017 and all the activities were discussed. IEEE CIIT Lahore achieved the following,

  • Almost 30% of all the activities were organized by CIIT Lahore branch (out of 24 branches)
  • All activities, of WIE Lahore Section, were organized by CIIT Lahore branch (out of 14 branches)
  • 32% of the total student members were from CIIT Lahore (out of 24 branches)
  • Dr. Sobia Baig (Counselor IEEE CIIT Lahore, Associate Professor, E.E Department) was awarded a shield of honor for her services as Vice Chairperson (IEEE Lahore Section) 2014-16
  • Outstanding WIE Affinity Group (Lahore Section) – 2016        


  • Outstanding WIE Student Volunteer (Lahore Section) - Runner-up 2016

Ms. Khadija Shabbir (Chairperson WIE-IEEE CIIT Lahore)

It was not a year’s work but a building process of which spans almost a decade now. The current student branch, under the leadership of Chairperson Mr. Roohan Ameer Hamza, has laid the foundation to make the branch a comprehensive platform which benefits students of COMSATS Lahore as well as making an impact in IEEE Lahore Section.All the student members worked hard for these achievements, helping them were the following people:

  • Dr. Sobia Baig (Counselor IEEE CIIT Lahore)
  • Mr. Haad Akmal (Vice Counselor, Adviser IEEE CIIT Lahore)
  • Ms. Rameesha Fatima (Student Mentor, WIE-IEEE CIIT Lahore)
  • Mr. Abdullah Maqsood (Student Mentor, IEEE CIIT Lahore)

Congratulations to all WIE-IEEE CIIT Lahore members, for making the university proud.

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