Two Students of CIIT Qualified in Huawei ICT Competition

Huawei in collaboration with IEEE Student Branch CIIT Lahore and Industrial Liasion Committee (ILC) CIIT Lahore organized an iteration of their country wide Flagship ICT talent hunt competition on November 23, 2016 in CIIT Lahore. Around 109 students of CIIT under took this exam and by the grace of ALLAH Almighty two of them (i.e. Mr. Salman Ahmed & Mr. Ghayour Hassan) have won the Free HCNA Exam Coupons (worth 200 USD each) and there by qualifying for the second round to be held on December 7, 2016. The successful candidates of the 2nd round of competition will get a chance to visit China at the expense of Huawei for the worldwide final competition.

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