COMSATS LHR IEEE WIE women in engineering affinity group of CIIT IEEE LHR BRANCH has won the best WIE branch and best volunteer award.

2015 has been a year of glory for CIIT Lahore. One extraordinary society in particular limelight is IEEE-WIE CIIT Lahore, dedicated to the promotion of technology for the betterment of humanity by supporting women of the STEM fields. In addition to being the proud winners of the support funds from IEEE-WIE Region 10-2015 from amidst proposals sent in from 10+countries in the Asia Pacific Region, IEEE-WIE CIIT has bagged 2 more awards at the section level-the Best WIE Student Branch Award of the Lahore Section which includes institutes from all parts of Punjab, as well as the runner up to IEEE-WIE Best Student Volunteer Award for the Lahore Section for Ms. Rameesha Fatima, current chair of IEEE-WIE CIIT Lahore.

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