First Functional Nanomaterials Summer Camp, Department of Physics CUI, Lahore (29 July-02 August, 2019)
The Department of Physics CUI Lahore is pleased to announce First Functional Nanomaterials Summer Camp under Mega Summer School jointly organized by Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Biomedical Sciences (IRCBM), Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Physics, CUI Lahore. The Summer Camp will be consisting of hands on training modules of Characterization equipment including Potentiostat, Impedance Spectroscopy ,Atomic Force Microscopy ,Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Conductivity, IV measurements for energy device, RF measurements using Vector Network Analyzer(VNA) and wet chemical synthetic procedures for films and nanoparticle growth encompassing a wide range of applications including energy devices, magnetic storage devices, sensors and biomedical applications.
The students will be trained for utilizing and adopting the safety measures for research labs, how to design a research experiment and how to draft a proposal or research based report. During 2.5 hours of extensive training in a lab for every training module, they will be taught the data analysis softwares and their use for analyzing various parameters regarding a research based study.
In addition to the above mentioned research tools, they will get an additional experience for Scanning electron Microscopy , XRD and other research facilities available at IRCBM and Chemical Eengeeenring Department of CUI Lahore.
Interested participants should download the registration form from the link below and send a scanned copy of the registration fee and form at not later than July 19, 2019.
The registration fee will be subsidized if a group of participants from an institution will apply.
The opportunity is open to final year research students, Faculty members and professionals.
Registration Form SCFM 2019