Bachelor of Science in Economics: BS (EC)

Program Overview

Bachelor of Science in Economics program is designed to equip graduates with comparative knowledge of economic theory and applied economics. This program offers a combination of theoretical and practical courses with economic application to illustrate their abilities at workplace. The degree is based around the core of micro and macroeconomics, focusing on behaviour of individuals and firms and broader issues such as employment and inflation. The graduates of this program will be able to work as economists in public or private sector; commercial banks, NGOs, teaching and other institutions involved in training, consultancy, research, and policy development and formulation, and further their education by joining research areas in MS/PhD.

Entry Requirements
Intermediate or equivalent with minimum 50% marks from an accredited institution
Valid NTS test score as per CUI policy

Minimum: 8 Semesters; 4 years
Maximum: 12 Semesters; 6 years

Credit Hours Requirements
Minimum 132 Cr. Hrs.

Offering Semesters
Fall and Spring

Offering Campuses
Islamabad, Abbottabad, Lahore

Minor of BS Economics Program

Sr# Course                             Course Title Code Credit Hours Pre- requisite(s)
1. ECO111 Principles of Microeconomics 3(3,0)  
2. ECO120 Principles of Macroeconomics 3(3,0)  
3. ECO200 Introduction to Development Economics 3(3,0)  
4. ECO206 Economics of Environment 3(3, 0)  
5. ECO212 Economics of Pakistan 3(3,0)  
6. ECO251 Economics of Population 3(3, 0)  
7. ECO352 Agriculture Economics 3(3, 0)  
Get in touch with us
Department of Economics
CUI Lahore
1.5 KM Defence Road
Off Raiwind Road Lahore

+92 (42) 111-001-007
Fax: +92 (42) 99203100


Tel: +92 (42) 111-001-007

Fax: +92 (42) 99203100


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