Mafaza Adnan


An Anamorphic Indoor Amusement Center

From a young age, I have been captivated by the power of perspective—the ability to perceive the world from different vantage points. This deep appreciation led me to explore anamorphism, a fascinating artistic technique that distorts and transforms visuals. In this thesis, I delve into the fascinating realm of anamorphic amusement centers, where reality merges with illusion to create an unforgettable experience. By analyzing the concept, design, and impact of these centers, we explore how anamorphic art, utilizing distorted perspectives and visual trickery, stimulates the senses and challenges perception. Choosing Multan as the focus, being my hometown and an emerging capital of southern Punjab, the absence of an amusement center in Multan underscores the untapped potential and demand for a dedicated entertainment destination, offering diverse recreational experiences to its residents and attracting local tourists. This research reveals the need for an amusement center to fulfill the demand for diverse recreational experiences, offering an escape from worldly tensions.