Usman Inayat

Integrating Web 3 Technology into the PSL Fantasy League

Fantasy sports have become increasingly popular in recent years with millions of sports enthusiasts participating in these activities but despite all this progress the current ecosystem remains greatly dependent on centralized platforms which limits innovation opportunities while hampering the adoption of cutting-edge tech that can improve user experience while increasing transparency; This study therefore looks at how web 3 technologies could be integrated into Pakistan Super League (PSL) Fantasy League environment as it seeks to enhance decentralization. Thus, this report begins with an overview of traditional fantasy football before diving into challenges associated with centralization including vulnerability to fraudulence or lack of transparency among others. While presenting various concepts applicable under Web3 technology such as blockchain and other dApps it demonstrated how these innovations can transform Fantasy Sports across the board. The current structures challenges involved particularly considering how the proposed system augments unique desirable features using Web 3 tech for example immutable player statistics and Secure Asset Ownership coupled with peer-to-peer asset exchange to improve user experience and meet the challenges mentioned. The study finally determines the viability of the proposal by implementing a proof-of-concept that involves creating a decentralized application that employs Blockchain & smart contracts to manage various tasks ranging from player info management and scoring outcomes to asset ownership management under Real-world scenarios in addition to input received from users.

Through this investigation, it has become evident that utilizing Web 3 technology in PSL Fantasy League offers a range of advantages. These benefits entail giving users greater dominion over virtual assets, enhancing security measures significantly, and introducing unique gameplay components. Nonetheless, some hurdles were identified such as addressing scalability issues and overcoming user adoption obstacles before this innovation can be widely implemented throughout the community meaningfully. In sum, this research expands knowledge on utilizing cutting-edge tech in the context of fantasy sports communities efficiently. Specifically, through observing PSL Fantasy League as a reference point for how Web 3 could revolutionize existing fantasy sports ventures which will inevitably result in more engrossing gaming experiences with improved transparency for players.

Keywords: Fantasy league, blockchain, web3, PSL