Muhammad Ibtesam Arif

English-Urdu Conspiracy: A Quest of Language and Identity

The present research project aims at exploring the relationship between language and Pakistani identity. It posits that advocating for Urdu as a primary national language can go a long way towards preserving Pakistan's sense of nationality while championing linguistic diversity within our borders. One major argument presented here is that relying strongly on our own vernacular dialects is integral to upholding Pakistani culture. To substantiate these contentions made here through analytical rigor upon an important decision impacting state policy influencing society for years on end – attention is also paid to examining English and Urdu's respective roles within Pakistan historically. It emerges clearly from this investigation that whilst English has maintained its swaggering symbology within elite strata under colonial influence over much time since independence; Urdu languishes at being spoken primarily by enormous numbers who have yet remained pushed out on its margins. Overall narrative suggests how crucial any given tongue becomes into molding oneself into nationalist fervor indicative for large swaths of ethnic coherence among the people. This thesis insists that promoting Urdu using modern technology can help foster increased pride among the Pakistani population for their heritage, enabling formation of stronger national bonds for us to grow together.

Keywords: English language, Urdu language, Identity, National Identity.