Faris Rab Nawaz


Audio plays a vital role in understanding and interpreting the hearable environment. Audio has a complex structure and comes in various forms, but visualization can help make it accessible and comprehensible for a general audience while conveying the feelings and concepts behind the audio. It also serves as a vital tool for those who have difficulty understanding and connecting with various audio and video services to be able to strengthen their imagination and critical thinking. The techniques used to visualize audio data are examples of new media art. New media art is a great new media technology that includes all forms of media due to its roots in network-based design. It consists of both connection and interaction characteristics. Compared to traditional media, it is more effective and helps to expand visual communication as a creative medium. This thesis project aims to use new media, art, and its strong branches to effectively establish a connection between visualization and audio. Several attempts were made to discover the most efficient mapping between sound and visualization. By planning sound levels for a variety of ranges and how those visuals respond to selected sound elements. Through the combination of technology and audio input, Auralis enhances live audio visualization for both the creator and the audience. With an experience like this, people can connect with the audible through visuals on an emotional level. It is also important for the visuals to be consistent with the audio input. Mapping functions are tested and determined to have effective results by utilizing visual perception, this approach enables us to analyze the communication of sound information and the impact of sound data visualization.

Keywords: Audio Visualization, New Media Art, Visual Mapping