Menahil Afzal

PTSD Leading Towards Aggressive Behaviors

Post-traumatic stress disorder amongst the youth is a very common factor that triggers aggressive behavior. PTSD can be caused by various unpleasant experiences in life that impact fragile minds and get imprinted in brain on subconscious level. PSTD can lead to a range of behavioral issues amongst youth, which includes aggression, impaired analyzing, thinking and performing ability and low self-esteem. There is a need to identify this disorder and a professional help should be provided to overcome the trauma impacts and behavior changes.

Through research I found that internationally many games are being designed for the youth to help them deal with psychological issues. My project is a game which is meticulously designed to address PSTD, it provides an outlet for the youth to release their stress and aggression. The game is designed in an entertaining fashion around their fears so they face and learn to deal with them. This game would help them control their reactions in odd circumstances while enhance their thinking, performing and analyzing abilities.