Mashhood Muhammad

Skateboarding culture in Pakistan

Skateboarding is an old and popular sport all over the world, specially in the United States skateboarding is a common everyday sight. It started in California in 1950s. It was invented by the surfboarders who wanted to have some other activity when the waves were low, so they attached roller skate wheels to a piece of wood. It started growing rapidly and became a whole new culture. Skateboarding is not all that popular in Pakistan, yet there are few groups in who are skateboarding enthusiasts, but there is no any formal platform for these skateboarders to quench their thirst for this sport.

My project is about creating awareness and establishing a platform to promote skateboarding in Pakistan. My project entails digital media campaign and online platforms which would help popularizing skateboarding in Pakistani youth, it would also help the existing skateboarding communities in Pakistan to interact with international skateboarding communities and bring this sport to limelight in our country.