Iqra Munawar

Self Acceptance

Self-acceptance is critical aspect of health and happiness. These are the attributes that shape our physical, mental and emotional well-being in real and concrete way. When we refuse to accept ourselves, we cut ourselves from the energy that sustain our lives. Absence of self-acceptance can make psychological well-being issues and impacts mental health amongst the young girls. No single solution can be provided that would work for everyone. The least can be done is to create awareness for self-help and mindfulness.

My project is a social media awareness campaign and an animated film to help affected people. This campaign encourages to love yourself and heal the damages. It engages their mind in present. The simple idea of being mindful, being present and being aware of your surroundings can help you thrive in the moment and live life to the fullest. My aim is to inspire everyone towards happier and healthier minds.