Recent Publications

  1. Ali Nawaz Khan, Xue-Jun Sha, Waqas Anwar and Abid Khan, Performance Analysis of Prioritized and Non Prioritized Handoff Call Queuing Schemes in Mobile Cellular Networks, Proc. of ACM FIT 09, Abbottabad, Pakistan, December 2009.

  2. Abid Khan, Mansoor Awan, Waqas Anwar, Ali Nawaz Khan, Usman Sharif, Mobile Agent Watermarking: Security Properties and Attacks revisited, Proc. of ACM FIT 09, Abbottabad, Pakistan, December 2009.

  3. Usman Sharif, Mansoor Awan, Waqas Anwar, Abid Khan, Ali Nawaz Khan, CLUSMA: A Mobile Agent based clustering middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks, Proc. of ACM FIT 09, Abbottabad, Pakistan, December 2009.