Library Guides


Architecture & Design


Digital Maping

Digital mapping (also called digital cartography) is the process by which a collection of data is compiled and formatted into a virtual image. The primary function of this technology is to produce maps that give accurate representations of a particular area, detailing major road arteries and other points of interest. The technology also allows the calculation of distances from once place to another.


Karnak logoDigital Karnak

Includes a 3-D Virtual Reality  of Amun-Ra at Karnak and more.


Digital Roman Forum  

A digital model of the Roman Forum as it appeared in late antiquity.



HyperCities is a digital research and educational platform for exploring, learning about, and interacting with the layered histories of city and global spaces.

Mapping Gothic France  

Mapping Gothic France builds upon a theoretical framework derived from the work of Henri Lefèbvre (The Production of Space) that seeks to establish linkages between the architectural space of individual buildings, geo-political space, and the social space resulting from the interaction (collaboration and conflict) between multiple agents -- builders and users.

St. Gall site headerPlan of St. Gall  

Digital representations of the Carolingian St. Gall monastic complex.