Library Guides


Mass communication

Mass Communication: Journals / Magazines

Importnat list of online Journals
Important List of Online Magazines 

 Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism

 At the outset when the media of mass communications are pervasive and ubiquitous, Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism owes the major responsibility to explore what these developments mean to the audience and the way audience is influencing the media of mass communications

Media & Mass Communication

 International Scientific Publications represents an aggregate of online-based scientific journals with open access, published by Science Events Ltd and peer-reviewed by experts in the relevant field.

International Journal of Journalism & Mass Communication

is an international peer reviewed journal devoted towards journal & mass communication. All the articles published under IJJMC, include high quality papers, which cover all the major field journalism & mass communication. IJJMC keeps updating day-to-day research & development to the scientific niche around the world.

 International Journal of Communication

 The International Journal of Communication is an online, multi-media, academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world.

 Media and Communication

 Media and Communication (ISSN: 2183-2439) is an international open access journal dedicated to a wide variety of basic and applied research in communication and its related fields.

Critical Studies in Media Communication

Critical Studies in Media Communication (CSMC) is a peer-reviewed publication of the National Communication Association. CSMC publishes original scholarship in mediated and mass communication from a cultural studies and/or critical perspective. It particularly welcomes submissions that enrich debates among various critical traditions, methodological and analytical approaches, and theoretical standpoints.

International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication

 IJAMC is a refereed scholarly journal that provides an open forum for researchers, academics, engineers, and service providers in multimedia, particularly new media and communications protocols. It focuses on the role of new media and communication technologies as the knowledge infrastructure and the effect of representing information in various formats according to quality of service and quality of experience.

AEMJC Magazine

The Magazine Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is composed of journalism professors who teach courses in magazine writing, editing, management, and design at colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. We publish the scholarly online Journal of Magazine Media and a biannual newsletter. Our teaching activities include the popular Student Magazine Contest and faculty development tour as well as a syllabus exchange and student magazine exchange.