Library Guides
Islamic Finance
Islamic Finance: Journals / Magazines
Importnat list of online Journals |
Important List of Online Magazines |
Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance The aim of the journal is to be the leading outlet for the best research in Islamic banking and finance. All papers are subject to a minimum of double blind refereeing. The journal publishes the papers that provide in-depth insight and analysis into current issues within Islamic finance and bank management, Issue- or results-focused case studies, illustrating research and product developments, and instances of best practice. Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance (JIBEF) The Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance is a peer-reviewed refereed journal published by the Islamic Bank Training and Research Academy (IBTRA) of Islamic Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) since 2005. Al-Iqtishad: Journal of Islamic Economics The Journal is published by Faculty of Shariah and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in cooperation with The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economist. This journal focused on Islamic Economics and Finance studies. The Journal is published twice a year on January and July. The aim of the journal is to disseminate the Islamic economics and finance researches done by researchers both from Indonesian and overseas. Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business: This journal is designed to provide a forum for researchers/ academicians and also practitioners who are interested in knowledge and in discussing ideas, issues and challenges in the field of Islamic economics and business, finance, banking, accounting. In addition, this journal can contribute to solve the problem of the ummah, gap between theory and practice etc. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting: International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting formerly known as IIUM Journal of Economics and Management is an internationally refereed journal published twice yearly by the Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Malaysia. International Journal of Excellence in Islamic Banking and Finance The mission of the journal is to be the leading outlet for the best research in Islamic banking and finance. The journal is simultaneously published in print and digital formats. The author and the publisher take equal rights of individual articles. International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies The Journal particularly focuses on topics related to Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking, Islamic Financial Markets, Islamic Management, Fiqh and other relevant topics.
AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics is working diligently since its existence 10 years ago. AlHuda CIBE has been acknowledged as a distinguished service provider due to our notable services, team of dedicated professionals and one stop solutions of Islamic banking and finance. Islamique Magazine covers a range of topics in the areas of encouraging Islamic and discouraging un-Islamic conduct, advice and Q&A, family, community and the world. Our Islamic articles are written and edited by ulama ensuring their authenticity and accurate representation of Islam and the Islamic way. The overall content is a great mix of scholarly contribution as well as diverse input by talented writers and thinkers. The Islamic Online University (IOU) aims to grant global access to quality undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level education programs for students at virtually no cost. Its mission is to “Change the Muslim nation and the world situation through appropriate education.” AL-SHIRKAH SHARIA Sagl PUBLISHING HOUSE aims to produce and edit books, journals and special issues covering the fields of Islamic Finance, Islamic Culture and about Islamic World in general in all its scholarly aspects. In this its effort, is honored to be assisted by prominent Scholars, highly experienced and world well reputed in those fields. Global Finance is a monthly magazine founded in 1987 by publishing entrepreneurs Joseph Giarraputo and Carl Burgen. Giarraputo continues as Publisher and Editorial Director. Its mission is to help corporate leaders, bankers and investors chart the course of global business and finance. True Banking is a Bi-Monthly magazine working to deliver Islamic banking & financial services with specific focus on research development, market analysis, training and advancements. The prime aim of True Banking is to create awareness of Islamic banking and finance in the masses and to make available a platform to get the latest news, innovations and updates of national and international banking and finance industry. |