Library Guides
Islamic Finance
Islamic Finance: Socities
Socity of Islamic Finnace |
The International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) "The International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance, more commonly known by its acronym, ISRA, has been established to promote applied research in the area of Shari'ah and Islamic finance." Kuwait Finance House (KFH) is considered a pioneer in the banking phenomenon known as Islamic Finance or Shari’a Compliant Banking. KFH is the first Islamic bank established in 1977 in the State of Kuwait and today it’s one of the foremost Islamic financial institutions in the world. Malaysian Takaful Association (MTA) "The Takaful industry in Malaysia started to gain momentum when, in October 1982, the Malaysian government formed a special task force to explore the viability of setting up an Islamic insurance company. Out of that study and based on its recommendations, the Takaful Act 1984 was gazetted and came into force thereafter." "Officially registered on 11 August 2006, HSBC Amanah Takaful offers a wide range of Family Solidarity and General Takaful to both consumers and corporate customers. The International Islamic Financial (IIFM) "IIFM is the International Islamic Financial Services Industry’s standard setting organization focused on the Islamic Capital & Money Market (ICMM) segment of the industry. Its primary focus lies in the standardization of Islamic financial products, documentation and related processes at the global level. " Islamic Relief is an independent humanitarian and development organisation with a presence in over 40 countries around the globe. We have been fighting poverty and injustice for 30 years, in a world in which over three billion people still live in poverty.