Abstract Submission
The Second International Conference on Energy Systems for Sustainable Development (ESSD-2017) aims at sharing the latest research and innovations, review achievements and shortcomings relevant to the international efforts to counter looming energy crises and consequential threat to world economies and future direction for enhancing the global energy security with focusing on developing countries with special emphasis on Pakistan. ESSD-2017 will be a useful forum to academicians, technologists, entrepreneurs and policy makers worldwide for exchange of concepts and emerging technologies in the fields. It will include a highly focussed technical program consisting of presentations on regular and specialized tracks at the intersection of business and technology; exhibits of new products, technologies and solutions from academia and industry. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers, scientists, scholars/students and policy makers in these sectors from around the world.
Download Template for Extended Abstract and submit your extended abstract (filled in the template) by login to “ESSD-2017 EasyChair Paper Submission link”. Keep secure your login details for future correspondence, to receive notifications and for further processing of your submitted abstract paper.
Note: Submit your abstract both as text (paste in designated box) and extended abstract as attachment
Papers submitted for the conference will be reviewed on the basis of extended abstract of sufficient detail to permit reasonable evaluation.