
Journal Papers

Faizan Ahmad, Zeeshan Ahmed, Sara Muneeb (2021), "Effect of Gaming Mode Upon the Players’ Cognitive Performance During Brain Games Play: An Exploratory Research", International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), Vol: 11, Issue: 1, Impact Factor: 1.43 (In Press)    (External URL)
Faizan Ahmad, Luo Zongwei, Zeeshan Ahmed, Sara Muneeb (2020), "Behavioral profiling: a generationwide study of players' experiences during brain games play", Interactive Learning Environments, Impact Factor: 1.94    (External URL)
Faizan Ahmad, Yiqiang Chen, Lisha Hu, Shuangquan Wang, Jindong Wang, Zhenyu Chen, Xinlong Jiang & Jianfei Shen (2017), "BrainStorm: a psychosocial game suite design for non-invasive cross-generational cognitive capabilities data collection", Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence , pp: 1311-1323, Vol: 29,2017, Issue: 6, Impact Factor: 1.703    (External URL)

Conference Papers

Faizan Ahmad, Yiqiang Chen, Shuangquan Wang, Zhenyu Chen, Jianfei Shen, Lisha Hu, Jindong Wang (2016) "A Study of Players’ Experiences During Brain Games Play", ACM 14th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence , pp: 3-15, Standard: 978-3-319-42911-3    (External URL)