Library Guides


Software engineering

Software Engineering: Video Lectures

 Video Lectures

  Graduates of MIT's electrical engineering and computer science department work in diverse industries and conduct research in a broad range of areas. Here are some lectures regarding computer science.


  NPTEL :: CoursesNPTEL provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses in Engineering,  Computer Science and humanities streams. The mission of NPTEL is to enhance the quality of education in the country by providing free online courseware.


 VideoLectures.NET is a website for academic talks launched February 6, 2007. It hosts free online video lectures from open learning incentives such as MIT OpenCourseWare, and many others. Its videos are from research subjects of Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, and mostly Computer Science. 

This is a comprehensive site providing thousands of downloadable Video lectures on Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Medicine, Management and Accounting, Dentistry, Nursing, Psychology, History, Language Training, Literature, Law, Economics, Philosophy,Astronomy, Political Science etc.

Harvard Extension School Logo, HD Png Download - kindpng   Harvard University Extension School provides the video lectrues on Computer Science.