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How to Publish a Research Paper                               Help to write and publish a Research Paper

Publishing a research paper is an important aspect within the academic community. It allows you to network with other scholars and further develop your ideas and research. Academic journals are probably the most common publication for scholars to publish their research. Find the best academic journal for your topic and writing style so you can learn how to publish a research paper.

1. Familiarize yourself with potential publications. It is important to be aware of the research already published and the current questions and studies in your field. Pay special attention to how other research papers are written: the format, the type of article (quantitative study versus qualitative ones, primary research or reviews), the writing style, the topics, and the vocabulary.

  • Read academic journals related to your field of study.
  • Search online for published research papers, conference papers, and journal articles.
  • Ask a colleague or professor for a suggested reading list.

2. Choose the publication that best suits your research paper. Each publication has its own audience and tone of writing. Decide if your research paper would fit better in a journal that is highly technical and meant only for other scholars in your academic circle, or a journal that is more general in nature and that would appeal to a broader audience.

3. Prepare your manuscript. Format your research paper so it fits the guidelines of that publication. Most journals provide a document called "Instruction to Authors" or "Author's Guide" that offers specific instructions about layout, type font, and length. It should also tell you how to submit your paper and what the review process looks like

4. Ask a colleague and/or professor to review your research paper. They should edit your paper for grammar, spelling errors, and other typos. They should also look at your content. Research papers need to present an issue of significance and relevance. Papers should be clearly written, easy to follow, and appropriate for your audience. Have 2 to 3 people review it, if possible.

5. Revise your paper. It is likely you will go through 3 or 4 drafts before submitting your research paper to your preferred publication. Take the time to make your paper clear, engaging, and easy to follow along. It will only increase your chances of being published.

6. Submit your article. Find the journal you would like your research paper published in and submit it through the appropriate channels. Go back to the Author's Guide to review submission requirements. Some journals allow online submission, while others prefer a hard copy.

7. Keep trying. Sometimes journals will ask you to revise it and submit it again. Read their reviews carefully and make the necessary changes. It will only strengthen your skills as a researcher and a writer. Even if you are rejected, continue re-writing your research paper and submitting it to appropriate publications. 

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