Smart Navigation System for Buses with Location-Based Reporting (2016 -
Funded Projects:
Completed Projects:
1. |
'Paiyaa' (2023 - 2023) PIs: Ms. Sana Rizwan, Budget: 80000/- PKR, Funded By:
Ignite HEC
2. |
FMAT Analyzation System (2020 - 2021) PIs: Ms. Sana Rizwan,Ms. Humera Faisal, Budget: ., Funded By:
NGIRI - Ignite - HEC
3. |
Using Reality Mining with the help of SPARQL to Improve Polling System in Pakistan (2017 - 2017) PIs: Ms. Sana Rizwan, Funded By:
ICT/R&D Undergraduate HEC Funding
1. |
Dr. Rizwan Rabbani Baig, Sana Rizwan (2015), "
Study the Use of Food Supplements in School Going Children: Community Health, Food and Nutrition with statistical Working", Standard: ISBN-13: 9783659755637
2. |
Sana Rizwan (2015), "Semantic modeling for university fee structure", Standard: ISBN13 9783659764875
Journal Papers:
1. |
Sana Rizwan, Dr. Rizwan Rabbani Baig (2023), "Solution Towards Nutrition Guidance Using Fat Secret API", research journali (International journal publishing house)
2. |
Sana Rizwan, Muhammad Salman Ahmed, Akash ur Rehman, Muhammad Abu Hurairah (2023), "ML Ontological Solution for Blood Donation System", European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology (EJSIT)
3. |
Sana Rizwan, Furqan Rasool Yahya, Moiz Rasheed, Hasnain Allah Rakha (2023), "Function Point Analysis and Collaborative Study on UI Library, Open-Source DB, Cross Platform Server Environment, Object Detection Library and Cloud Computing Services", European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology (EJSIT)
4. |
Sana Rizwan, Dr. Rizwan Rabbani Baig (2022), " Android Medical Health Unit (A-mhu) Structure", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) - (ISSN 2229-5518)
5. |
Sana Rizwan, Shoaib Uzair, Zaid Saeed and Abdullah Naveed (2022), "FPA Findings for Flutter against the existing Development Frameworks", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) - (ISSN 2229-5518)
6. |
Sana Rizwan, Sayed Durraiz Ahmed, Tayyab Ismail Bhatti and Huma Naz Janjua (2021), "Mapping, Aligning and Merging Semantic Ontological solutions for Web and Android", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER)
7. |
Sana Rizwan (2020), "RNECA the RSS Named Entities Content Aggregator using DOM Parser", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
8. |
Sana Rizwan (2018), ""Audio Processing Analyzer"", International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)
9. |
Sana Rizwan, Humaira Afzal, Saeed Ahmad, Iqra Yaseen (2018), ""Ontology based Centralized teacher availability, monitoring and facilitation system for Higher Education Commission"", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
10. |
Sana Rizwan, Muhammad Ismail Suri , Muhammad Qwais Raza and Hammad-ud-din Ahmed (2017), ""Algorithm for merging and aligning ontologies for Social Network provision by e-MHU"", Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
11. |
Sana Rizwan (2017), "Transformation of Health Care Facilities Electronically ", International Journal of Research In Computer Application and Management (IRJCM)
12. |
Sana Rizwan, Rizwan Rabbani Baig (2016), ""User module for semantics designing and building infrastructure using Java application" ", International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences , Standard: (ISSN-2294-3905)
13. |
Sana Rizwan (2015), "“Using Reality MINING With The Help of SPARQL to improve Polling System in Pakistan” ", National Grassroots ICT Research Initiative
14. |
Sana Rizwan, Rizwan Rabbani Baig (2014), "Community based Empirical study and Statistical Analysis about RH Cases with Canadian International Development Agency and Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada ", Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR), Vol: Vol: 4, No. 12, Standard: ISSN 2090-4304
15. |
Sana Rizwan and Dr. J. S. Mirza (2013), "Graphical Ontology and Validation Process for University Fee Structure", Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR), Vol: March 2013 Vol. 3, Issue: March 2013, Standard: ISSN 2090-4304, Impact Factor: ISI Indexed (Thomson)
16. |
Sana Rizwan, Dr. Rizwan Rabbani Baig, Humera Niaz (2013), "Statistical Analysis of Food Supplements in School Going Children", Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR), Vol: May 2013, Vol 3, Issue: May 2013, Standard: ISSN 2090-4304, Impact Factor: ISI Indexed
17. |
Muhammad Kamran, Shi Feng and Sana Qureshi (2006), "Serial ALU Simulation with Timing and Signal Constraints", Information Technology Journal ANsinet, pp: 198-203, Vol: Vol. 5, Standard: 06109742457
18. |
Muhammad Kamran, Suhail Aftab Qureshi and Sana Qureshi (2005), "Image processing and compression techniques with DCT algorithm simulation", New horizon Journal of IEEEP, Vol: Vol. 48-49
Conference Papers:
1. |
J. S. Mirza, Tabbasum Naz, Sana Rizwan, Imran Latif (2011) "Semantic Modeling of a University Fee Structure", ICAMS- NUST 2011
2. |
Mirza J S; S.A.Hayat; Sana Rizwan, sami ullah, (2010) "Equivalent classes in developing E-Learning ontology", 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Information Technology (ICIIT 2010)
3. |
Mirza J S, S A Hayat, M Shahid Bhatti, Sana Rizwan, Sami Ullah (2010) "Preparing New element learning in RDF/Owl Vocabularies", IEEEP 2010
MSCS (Master of Science in Computer Science)
COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan,
Sep 2009 to Jun 2012
MSE (Master of Software Engineering )
COMSATS University Islamabad,,
Sep 2001 to Jul 2004
B.Sc. (Bachelor of Sciences) Mathematics major
University of The Punjab,
Sep 1999 to Apr 2001
Assistant Professor OG III (TSP)
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan
Jul 2023 to Date
Assistant Professor OG II
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan
Dec 2012 to Jun 2023
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan
Apr 2007 to Nov 2012
Research Associate
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan
Aug 2004 to Mar 2007
Disclaimer: Profiles are editable by employees who may share the data of publications, experience and education upto the extent they want to share. Also CIIT Lahore is not responsible for any display of data on personal profiles.