Dr. Muhammad Salman Khan
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Area of Interest: Digital Libraries, E-Learning, Natural Language Processing
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
Served Previously

Areas of Interest: Digital Libraries, E-Learning

Approved Funded Projects:

1. E-Assessment System for C/C++ Programming Assignments (Funded by National ICT R&D Fund Ministry of Science and Technology, Pakistan ), Project Related URLs: https://lahore.comsats.edu.pk/cs/E-Assessment-Summary.aspx and https://ignite.org.pk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=86

Status: Completed

2. A Visualization Tool for Scientometric, Bibliometric and Content Analysis of Scholarly Communications (Funded by HEC under SRGP)

Status: Completed



Book Chapters:
1. Khan, M. S., Ahmad, A., and Humayoun, M. (2015), "Building an Effective Automated Assessment System for C/C++ Introductory Programming Courses in ODL Environment", Studies and Practices for Advancement in Open and Distance Education, edited by: Kam Cheong Li and Kin Sun Yuen, published by: Open University of Hong Kong, pp: 222-234, Standard: 978-988-8238-13-2   
Journal Papers:
1. Khan, M. S., & Younas, M. (2017), "Analyzing readers behavior in downloading articles from IEEE digital library: a study of two selected journals in the field of education.", Scientometrics, pp: 1523-1537, Vol: 110, Issue: 3, Impact Factor: 2.147   
2. Khan, M. S. (2011), "Exploring Citations for Conflict of Interest Detection in Peer-review System", International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, pp: 283-299, Vol: 4   
3. Maurer, H., Khan, M. S. (2010), "Research Trends in the Field of e-Learning from 2003 to 2008: A Scientometric and Content Analysis for Selected Journals and Conferences using Visualization", Interactive Technology and Smart Education, pp: 5-18, Vol: 7, Issue: 1   
4. Khan, M. S., Kulathuramaiyer, N., Maurer, H. (2008), "Applications of Mash-ups for a Digital Journal", Journal of Universal Computer Science, pp: 1695-1716, Vol: 14, Issue: 10   
Conference Papers:
1. Khan, M. S., Ahmad, A., Humayoun, H. (2014) "A survey of current opportunities for developing an automated assessment system for C/C++ programing assignments", 28th Annual Conference of Asian Association of Open Universities, Open University of Hong Kong.   
2. Khan, M. S (2010) "Can Citations Predict Socio-Cognitive Relationships in Peer Review System?", IADIS European Conference on Data Mining, pp: 19-26   
3. Khan, M. S., Afzal, M. T., Kulathuramaiyer, N. and Maurer, H. (2009) "Extended Visualization for a Digital Journal", International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pp: 385-388   


Graz University of Technology, Austria
2007 to 2011
Punjab University College of Information Technology, Pakistan
2001 to 2004

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