1. |
Nadeem, M. A., Akhter, W., & Sherani, M. A. (2024), "Impact of Islamic and Conventional Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation: A Comparative Study", Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 14(02).
(External URL)
2. |
Chaudhry, N., Akhter, W., & Roubaud, D. (2024), "Financial literacy, personality traits and financial wellbeing: A preliminary evidence", Economics Bulletin, 44(1), 190-210.
(External URL)
3. |
Usman, M.; Akhter, W.; Haque, A. (2023), "“Spillover effects of crash and jump events: evidence from Chinese market”", China Finance Review International, Emerald, Vol. 13 No. 4, pp. 599-620
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4. |
Ali, I., Akhter, W. and Chaudhry, N. (2023), "Do Islamic Holy days affect stock returns? Empirical evidence from Asian and African markets", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 273-288, Emerald
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5. |
Usman, M., Li, C., Chaudhry, N., & Akhter, W. (2023), "Does religion impact corporate innovation in developing countries?. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research.", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol. 14 No. 6, pp. 887-910
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6. |
Javid, M., Chandia, K.E., Zaman, Q.U. and Akhter, W. (2023), "Examining the effect of liquidity creation on banking profitability and stability: moderating role of political instability", Kybernetes, Vol. 52 No. 10, pp. 4061-4080, Emerald., DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/K-01-2022-0021
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7. |
Zaman, Q.U., Akhter, W., Abdul-Majid, M., Hassan, S.I.U. and Anwar, M.F. (2023), "Does bank affiliation affect firm capital structure? Evidence from a financial crisis", Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Emerald, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 50-174
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8. |
Akhter, W., Jamil, H. and Fam, K.-S. (2021), "Islamic influence on customer satisfaction: evidence from Takaful and conventional insurance industry", Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, Vol: 12 No. 4, pp. 524-543. ISI indexed
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9. |
Zaman, Q.U., Aish, K., Akhter, W. and Zaidi, S.A.H. (2021), "Exploring the role of corruption and money laundering (ML) on banking profitability and stability: a study of Pakistan and Malaysia", Journal of Money Laundering Control, Vol: 12, No. 4, pp. 524-543. ISI indexed
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10. |
Asif, R.; Akhter, W.; Nisar. S. (2020), "An Estimation of the Presence of Contagion in Islamic and Conventional Banks of Pakistan Using DCCGARCH Model", Paradigms - UCP Journal, Vol: 14, Issue: 01, pp. 86-89, HEC Recognized (Y-Category)
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11. |
Akhter, W.; Pappas, V.; Khan, S. (2020), "Insurance demand in emerging Asian and OECD countries: a comparative perspective", International Journal of Social Economics, Emerald, ISI Index, pp: 350-364, Vol: 47, Issue: 3
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12. |
Khan, M.I.; Akhter, W.; Bhutta, M.U. (2020), "Interest Rate Exposure and Stocks Returns during Global Financial Crisis:
Evidence from Islamic and Conventional Markets", Journal of Islamic Business and Management (HEC Recognized), 10(1), 132-148
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13. |
Khan, M.I.; Akhter, W.; Bhutta, M.U. (2020), "Nexus between Volatility of Stocks and Macroeconomic Factors during Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from Conventional & Islamic Stocks", Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 6(2): pp.465-473.
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14. |
Usman, M.; Jibran, M. A. Q.; Amir-ud-Din, R.; Akhter, W. (2019), "Decoupling hypothesis of Islamic stocks: Evidence from copula CoVaR approach", Borsa Istanbul Review, Elsevier, , Vol: 19, Issue: 01, pp.S56-S63, Impact Factor 3.5
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15. |
Zaman,Q.; Hassan,M.K.; Akhter,W.; Brodmann,J. (2019), "Does the Interest Tax Shield Align with Maqasid al Shariah in Finance?", Borsa Istanbul Review, Elsevier, ISI Indexed, pp: 39-48, Impact Factor 3.5, Vol: 19, Issue: 01
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16. |
Mahmood, K.; Akhter, W. and Shahzad, K. (2019), "Return and risk based performance of conventional and Islamic equity funds: A comparative study from Pakistan", Pakistan Business Review, Vol: 21, Issue: 01, pp.87-97, HEC Y category
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17. |
Asif, R. and Akhter, W. (2019), "Exploring the influence of revenue diversification on financial performance in the
banking industry: A systematic literature review", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, Emerald, Vol: 11, No. 3, pp. 305-327, ISI Indexed
(External URL)
18. |
Akhter, W.; Majeed, M.U.; Roubaud, D. (2019), "Islamic Banking and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Asian and
African Markets", Journal of Islamic Business and Management (HEC Recognized), pp: 341-354, Vol: 9, Issue: 2
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19. |
Zaman, Q.; Hassan, M.K.; Akhter, W.; Meraj, M. A. (2018), "From interest tax shield to dividend tax shield: A corporate financing policy for equitable and sustainable wealth creation", Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Elsevier, Impact Factor: 1.603, Vol: 52, pp.144-162
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20. |
Chaudhry, N.; Roubaud, D.; Akhter, W.; Shahbaz, M. (2018), "Impact of terrorism on stock markets: empirical evidence from the SAARC
region", Finance Research Letters, Elsevier, Volume 26, pp.230-234, ISSN: ISSN: 1544-6123, Impact Factor: 0.762
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21. |
Akhter, W.; Pappas, V.; Khan, S. (2017), "A comparison of Islamic and conventional insurance demand: Worldwide evidence during the Global Financial Crisis", Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, pp: 1401–1412, Issue: 42, Impact Factor: 1.47
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22. |
Akhtar, B.; Akhter, W.; Shahbaz, M. (2017), "Determinants of Deposits in Conventional and Islamic Banking: Empirical evidence from an emerging economy", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Emerald, ISI Indexed, Vol: 12, Issue: 02, Impact Factor: 2.02
(External URL)
23. |
Akhter, W.; Khan, S. (2017), "Determinants of Takaful and conventional
insurance demand: A regional analysis", Cogent Economics and Finance, Taylor & Francis, Vol: 05, Issue: 01, Impact Factor: ISI INDEXED
(External URL)
24. |
Rahman, K; Akhter , W; Khan, S. (2017), "Factors affecting employee job satisfaction: A comparative study of conventional and Islamic insurance", Cogent Business and Management, Taylor & Francis, Vol: 04, Issue: 01, Impact Factor: ISI Indexed
(External URL)
25. |
Ali, I.; Akhter, W.; Ashraf, N. (2017), "Impact of Muslim Holy Days on Asian stock markets:An empirical evidence", Cogent Economics and Finance, Taylor & Francis, Vol: 05, Issue: 01, Impact Factor: ISI INDEXED
(External URL)
26. |
Khan, S. and Akhter, W. (2017), "Service quality and the moderating effect of
Shari’ah perception on client satisfaction: A comparison of islamic and conventional microfinance in Pakistan", Cogent Economics and Finance, pp: 1-20, Vol: 05, Issue: 01, Impact Factor: ISI Indexed
(External URL)
27. |
Jamil, H.; Akhter, W. (2016), "Investigating the impact of Shari’ah perception on customer switching intentions: A study of Takaful and conventional insurance", Cogent Business and Management, Taylor & Francis, Vol: 03, Issue: 01, Impact Factor: ISI INDEXED
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28. |
Rana, E.; Akhter, W. (2015), "Performance of Islamic and conventional stock indices: empirical evidence from an emerging economy", Financial Innovation, Springer Journal, Vol: 01, Issue: 01, pp. 01-17, Impact Factor 3.98
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29. |
M. Usman, W. Akhter, A. Akhtar (2015), "Role of Board and Firm Performance in Determination of CEO Compensation: Evidence from Islamic Republic of Pakistan", Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, pp: 641-657, Vol: 0, Issue: 02
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30. |
Ehsan, S; Khalid, M; Akhter, W. (2014), "DIVIDEND PAYOUTS IN FIRMS WITH GROWTH POTENTIAL IN THE PRESENCE OF INSIDER OWNERSHIP CONCENTRATION (A CASE FROM EMERGING ECONOMY)", Science International - Lahore, pp: 1723 - 1730, Vol: 26, Issue: 04, Standard: ISSN 1013 - 5316, Impact Factor: ISI INDEXED
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31. |
CORPORATE PROFITABILITY: ACROSS THE MANUFACTURING SECTORS", Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Resear ch Journal , pp: 42 - 54, Vol: 03, Issue: 01, Standard: ISSN 2319-4979, Impact Factor: ISI Indexed
(External URL)
32. |
DISTRESS: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM PAKISTAN", Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (VIIRJ), pp: 6-17, Vol: 2, Issue: 2, Standard: ISSN 2319-4979, Impact Factor: ISI Indexed
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33. |
Akhter, W.; Hussain, T. (2012), "Takaful standards and customer perceptions affecting takaful practices in Pakistan: a survey", International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Emerald, pp: 229 - 240, Vol: 05, Issue: 03, Impact Factor: 0.75
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34. |
Akhter, W.; Raza, A.; Orangzeb; Akram, M. (2011), "Efficiency and Performance of Islamic Banking: The Case of Pakistan", Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, pp: 54-70, Vol: 2, Issue: 2, Standard: 2219-5440
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35. |
Akhter, W.; Abbasi, A. S.; Ali, I; Afzal, H. (2011), "Factors affecting customer loyalty in Pakistan", African Journal of Business and Management , pp: 1167-1174, Vol: 5, Issue: 4, Standard: 1993-8233
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36. |
Mahmood, A; Akhter, W. (2011), "Assessing the Effectiveness of Frontline Managers in Public Sector Colleges of Pakistan", International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, pp: 6-13, Vol: 1, Issue: 3, Standard: ISSN 2231 - 5756
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37. |
Akhter, W.; Afzal, H.; Ali, R. (2011), "Corporate understanding of Takaful", International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, pp: 30-35, Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Standard: 2231 - 4245
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38. |
Akhter, W.; Abassi, A. S. ; Umer, S. (2011), "Ethical Issues in Advertising in Pakistan: An Islamic Perspective", World Applied Sciences Journal, pp: 444-452, Vol: 13, Issue: 3, Standard: 1818-4952
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39. |
Akhter, W.; Rehman, Z. (2011), "Financial Performance of Pakistan Insurance Industry in Global Scenario", Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, pp: 01-14, Vol: 3, Issue: 2, Standard: ISSN 2221-8017
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40. |
Akhter, W.; Akhtar, N.; Jafri, K. A. (2011), "Islamic Micro-finance and Poverty Alleviation: A case of Pakistan", International Journal of Research in Computer Applications and Management (IJRCM) , pp: 24-27, Vol: I, Issue: IV, Standard: ISSN 2231 - 1009
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41. |
Ahmed, A.A.; Dey, M.M.; Akhter, W.; Ali, R. (2011), "Timeliness Attributes and the extent of Accounting Disclosure: A study of Banking Companies in Bangladesh", Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business (IJCRB), pp: 915 - 925, Vol: 03, Issue: 01, Standard: 2073-7122
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42. |
Ali, I.; Akhter, W.; Afzal, H.; Zia, M. (2010), "Effects of knowledge maangement practices on organizational innovativeness and performance: Evidence from the SME sector of Pakistan", Actual Problems of Economics, pp: 03-07, Vol: 02, Issue: 12, Standard: 1993-6788
43. |
Rahman, S.; Afzal, H; Ali, I; Khan, A; Akhter, W. (2010), "Stress in Banker’s Life: Demands- Control Model as Predictors of Employee’s Activity Participation", African Journal of Business and Management (AJBM), pp: 1679-1690, Vol: 4, Issue: 7, Standard: 1993-8233
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44. |
Akhter, W. (2010), "Takaful Models and Global Practices", Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, pp: 33-44, Vol: 27, Issue: 1, Standard: 1814-8042
45. |
Akhter, W. (2010), "Risk Management in Takaful", Enterprise Risk Management, Macrothink Institute online journal, pp: 128-144, Vol: 2, Issue: 1, Standard: 1937-7916
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46. |
Ali, I; Fatima, J; Akhter, W. (2009), "Entrepreneurial intentions among university Graduates in Pakistan", Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, , pp: 25-42, Vol: 17, Issue: 2, ISSN: 1994-7046, HEC Y category
47. |
Akhter, W. (2009), "Development of Takaful: A Historical Perspective", Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, pp: 47-63, Vol: 26, Issue: 3, Standard: 1814-8042
48. |
Akhter, W. (2007), "Regulatory Frameworks Affecting Takaful Business: A Pakistan Paradigm", Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, pp: 67-105, Vol: 24, Issue: 2, Standard: 1814-8042