Dr. Abdul Haque
Associate Professor, Economics
Area of Interest: Econometrics, Financial Markets, Business Education
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007  
HEC approved PhD Supervisor
Served Previously

Dr. Abdul Haque is currently working as the Chairman Department of Economics. His areas of interest are econometrics, firm-level investment models, and stock market analysis. He is currently teaching “Time-series Econometrics and Money and Commercial Banking” at the Department of Economics, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Lahore Campus. He is an HEC approved supervisor for Economics and Business studies program and has supervised 04 Ph.D. thesis. He has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed and impact factor journals and has visited several countries for academic conferences. Dr. Haque earned his Ph.D. from Huzahong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China


Journal Papers:
1. Ammar Ali Gull,Ammar Abid, Khaled Hussainey, Tanveer Ahsan, Abdul Haque (2022), "Corporate governance reforms and risk disclosure quality: evidence from an emerging economy", Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies   
2. Abdul Haque, Marriam Rao, Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar (2022), "Inter-Factor Determinants of Return Reversal Effect with Dynamic Bayesian Network Analysis: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan", Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business   
3. Muhammad Usman, Abdul Haque, Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar (2022), "Dependence Structure Between Stock Markets of BRICS Countries and Developed Countries: Evidence Using Wavelet and VMD Copula Approaches", Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business   
4. Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar, Asma Hasan, Mian Sajid Nazir, Abdul Haque (2021), "Investigating beta anomaly: comparison of Shariah-compliant and conventional stocks", International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management.   
5. Abdul Haque, Muhammad Ali Jibran Qamar, Shahid Abbas (2021), "Corporate Investment in an Uncertain Environment: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. ", International Journal of Business Excellence.   
6. Huma Fatima, Abdul Haque, Muhammad Usman (2020), "Is there any association between real earnings management and crash risk of stock price during uncertainty? An evidence from family-owned firms in an emerging economy.", Future Business Journal   
7. Abdul Haque (2008), "Rational Speculative Bubbles in Chinese Stock Market", International Journal of Applied Economics, pp: 85-100, Vol: 1, Issue: 5   
8. Abdul Haque (2008), "Chinese Stock Market Evaluation", International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, Vol: 1, Issue: 1   
9. Abdul Haque (2008), "Uncertainty and investment evidence from a panel of Chinese firms", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, pp: 237-248   
10. Abdul Haque (2007), "Sociopolitical Instability and Capital Accumulation in Developing Countries: Cross Country pooled data Evidence", Journal of Social Sciences, pp: 208-212, Vol: 4, Issue: 3   


HUST, P.R.China
Government College University,Lahore, I.R.Pakistan

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