Dr. Fawad Azeem
Assistant Professor, Energy Research Center
Area of Interest: Power Systems, Microgrids, Electric Vehicles, Smart Agriculture, Energy Efficiency, Energy Management
Tel # (Off): 111-001-007   (184)

Dr. Fawad Azeem completed his Ph.D. in  Electrical Engineering in 2019 with the core research area of Microgrids for rural communities. Dr. Fawad did is Masters in Energy Engineering from International Islamic University Islamabad and B.E in Electrical Engineering from Hamdard University Karachi. Dr. Fawad Azeem has so far secured research grants worth 14.8 million PKR as PI and Co-PI under various national and international research grants. Dr. Fawad Azeem published 16 research articles in the leading international  journals and conferences. Dr. Fawad Azeem is master trainer on energy audits and energy efficient systems. Dr. Fawad trained Sri Lankan engineers, engineers from DESCON and professionals from different local and international industries. 


1. Certified Energy Manager (CEM®), Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), USA.

2. Certified Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EDGE) Green Buildings Expert, USGBC, International Finance Corporation (IFC).

3. Certified National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA) Trainer on Energy Audits for Industries 

4. Certified Master Trainer on Energy Audits for Industrial and Commerical Buildings, Punjab Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency (PEECA) and Ingo Rudophi Energy Efficiency Company Germany. 

5. Training on Energy Management in Microgrids from School of Power Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China.

MS Research Supervision:

1. Aizaz Mohyudin Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Preferences (Research Output: 5.5 I.F. Research Article Published)

2. Abdullah Tariq Sipra Load Management of Diesel Traings with Integration of Solar PV Systems (Research Output:9.00 I.F. Research Article Published )

3. Muhammad Hanzla Buildings Demand Management using Demand Response Control (Research Output: 3.1 I.F Research Article Published)

4. Misbah Sattar Hybrid Renewable Energy (Hydel and Solar) based Microgrid for Renala Khurd (Research Output: 3.88 I.F Research Article

5. Shahryar Haider Analysis of the Wave Energy Potential in Pakistan (Research Article in Progress)

6. Mhammad Umer Multi-Microgrids Load Management (Research Aritcle in Revision)

7. Muhammad Shahbaz Islanded Microgrids Load Management

8. Muhammad Afzaal, Agricultral Simulator Design Analysis (HEC NRPU 14806, Research Grant)

9. Muhammad Nabeel,  Solar PV based multi purpose Water Pump for Irrigation purpose  and domestic load utilization (HEC NRPU 14806, Research Grant), In progress 

10. Husnain Nazeer, Optimal allocation of renewable resources for data centres, In progress 


PhD Research Supervision:

Ms Sana Saad, Electric Vehicles Optimized Charging Stations Design Strategy, Department of Electronic Engineering, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi. (In progress)

MS Courses Taught at ECE:

1. Advance Power Systems Analysis 

2. Hybrid Power Systems

3. Computer Methods in Power Systems Analysis

4. Renewable Energy Technologies

5. Renewable Energy Resources

6. Energy Resources and Technologies

Undergraduate Courses Taught at ECE Department:

1. Introduction to Power Systems

2. Power Systems Analysis

3. Renewable and Alternate Energy Systems

International/National Trainings Given as Lead Trainer 

  1. Trained International Engineers from ITI Colombo, Srilanka,  on Energy Audits in Pakistan
  2. Trained DESCON Industry Engineers on Energy Audits under UNIDO Project of commercial energy audits of Pakistani industries
  3. Trained Usman Institute of Technology (NED University) Engineers on Energy Audits
  4. Conducted training on Energy Efficiency and Energy Audits at COMSATS University.
  5. International Training on HOMER Pro Software for Hybrid Power Systems Sizing and Economic Analysis


Funded Projects:

Current Projects:
1. “Pre-Farming Controlled Crop Assessment Simulator to Enhance the Crop Quality for Optimum Yield and Agricultural Sustainability” (2022 - 2025) PIs: Dr. Fawad Azeem, Budget: PKR 5.982 million, Funded By: HEC-NRPU .
Completed Projects:
1. Energy Audit of Ali Embroidery Mills Limited, Sheikhupura Lahore (2022 - 2022) PIs: Dr. Fawad Azeem, Budget: 1 million, Funded By: Ali Embroidery Mills Limited .
2. Analysis of Coordinated Power Dispatch and Lod Control Scheme for Optimal Operation of the Islanded Microgrids (2021 - 2022) PIs: Dr. Fawad Azeem, Budget: 1.1 million, Funded By: Ajman University .
3. Implementation and Testing of Microgrid in Rural Communities with Maximum Penetration of Renewable Energy Resources in Pakistan (2018 - 2022) PIs: Dr. Fawad Azeem, Budget: 6.8 million, Funded By: Pakistan Science Foundation .


Book Chapters:
1. Fawad Azeem (2021), "Microgrid Design and Challenges for Remote Communities", Microgrids: Design, Challenges and Prospects, published by: CRC Press, Taylor Francis , pp: 1-10   
Journal Papers:
1. Zulfiqar Memon, Fawad Azeem, (2025), "Integrated Fuzzy-Knapsack based Demand Response Energy Management System for Smart Grid Buildings" ", Energy Science and Engineering , Impact Factor: 3.50   
2. Hasan, Fawad Azeem, Usman Rafique (2025), "Exploring the Potential of Cross-Border Energy Trade in SAARC Countries for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)", Energy Science and Engineering , Impact Factor: 3.40   
3. Fawad Azeem (2025), "Effect of Optimized Tilt Angle of PV Modules on Solar Irradiance for Residential and Commercial Buildings in Different Cities of Pakistan: Simulation-Based Study", Energy Science and Engineering, Impact Factor: 3.50   
4. Fawad Azeem (2024), "Evaluation of the potential power generation resources in SAARC region for sustainable energy trade", Energy Science and Engineering , Impact Factor: 3.50   
5. Fawad Azeem (2024), "Fuzzy-Logic-Based Cascaded Decentralized Control and Power Quantification of Residential Buildings for Effective Energy Load Management", Buildings , Vol: 9, Issue: 13, Impact Factor: 3.1   
6. Masod Ahmed, Fawad Azeem, Hasan Zidan (2024), "Robust Residual Generator Design for Sensor Fault Detection in Twin Rotor Aerodynamic System", e-Prime-Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy   
7. Fawad Azeem (2024), "Analysis of Shape Memory Alloys’ Strain Energy Absorption Dampers: RTDM Approach", Crystals MDPI ", Crystals , Impact Factor: 2.4   
8. Fawad Azeem (2024), "Comparative techno-economic assessment of electric vehicle charging preferences: A quantitative study for sustainable EV policy in Pakistan", Energy for Sustainable Development, Impact Factor: 5.50   
9. Fawad Azeem (2024), "Design and assessment of energy management strategy on rail coaches using solar PV and battery storage to reduce diesel fuel consumption", Energy, Impact Factor: 9.00   
10. Fawad Azeem (2023), "Design and Analysis of a Peak Time Estimation Framework for Vehicle Occurrences at Solar Photovoltaic and Grid-Based Battery-Swappable Charging Stations", Sustainability, Impact Factor: 3.99   
11. Fawad Azeem., Memon, Z.A.,Baig, S., Manzoor, T., Abbas, F., Mohd Shah, A (2023), "A novel automated demand response control using fuzzy logic for islanded battery-operated rural microgrids", IET Renewable Power Generation, Impact Factor: 3.48   
12. Fawad Azeem, Zulfiqar Ali Memon, Sobia Baig, Ahmed Bilal Awan (2023), "A two-way pre-installation assessment framework for microgrids under power systems expansion planning", Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, pp: 102920, Vol: 55, Impact Factor: 8.00   
13. Fawad Azem (2022), "Feasibility Assessment of Rural Hybrid Microgrid using Canal-Based Microhydel Resources: A Case Study of Renala Khurd Pakistan", Sustainability , pp: 20, Vol: 14, Issue: 22, Impact Factor: 3.88   
14. Fawad Azeem 1,Ashfaq Ahmad,Taimoor Muzaffar Gondal ,Jehangir Arshad 4,Ateeq Ur Rehman,Elsayed M. Tag Eldin ,Muhammad Shafiq (2022), "Load Management and Optimal Sizing of Special-Purpose Microgrids Using Two Stage PSO-Fuzzy Based Hybrid Approach", Energies, Vol: 15, Issue: 17, Impact Factor: 3.25   
15. Fawad Azeem (2021), "Hybrid Microgrid Load Flow Management using Model Predictive Control", Global Research Review   
16. Fawad Azeem (2020), "A Fuzzy Based Parametric Monitoring And Control Algorithm For Distinctive Loads To Enhance The Stability In Rural Islanded Microgrids ", Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics (ISI-Indexed), Impact Factor: 0.6   
17. Fawad Azeem, Ghous Bakhsh Narejo, Dr. Usman Ali Shah (2018), "Integration of Renewable Distributed Generation with Storage and Demand Side Load Management in Rural Islanded Microgrid", Energy Efficiency, pp: 214-235, Vol: 13, Issue: 2, Impact Factor: 3.13   
18. Fawad Azeem (2018), "Energy and Environmentally Efficient Architectural Model Using Native and Adopted Strategies for Lyari Hospital", Sindh University Research Journal (Science Series), (ISI-Indexed)   
19. Fawad Azeem (2017), "An Energy Policy Analysis and Proposed Remedial Actions to Reduce Energy Crises in Pakistan", Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Research Journal (ISI-Indexed), Impact Factor: 0.6   
20. Fawad Azeem (2016), "A Qualitative Analysis of Islanded Hybrid Microgrid Implementation Using Canals as Micro-hydro Power Source with Solar PV for Irrigated ", Sindh University Research Journal (Science Series), (ISI-Indexed)   
Conference Papers:
1. Fawad Azeem (2023) "DC Bus voltage Control of Islanded Microgrid using Renewable Energy Based Distributed Generation ", 2nd International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering 2023   
2. Fawad Azeem (2023) "Performance Assessment between Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interference System (ANFIS) and Fuzzy Logic Membership Functions to Reduce the Diesel consumption for Electrical Load of Train in a Hybrid Power Generation System", International Conference on Innovation, Sustainability and Applied Sciences   
3. Fawad Azeem (2018) "Design and Analysis of Load Switching Mechanism Using Sub-Microgrid Approach", International Conference on Power Generation Systems and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET)   
4. Fawad Azeem (2017) "Renewable energy-based power systems: models, indigenous analyses and design approaches ", International Conference on Innovations in Electrical Engineering and Computational Technologies   
5. Fawad Azeem (2016) "Performance Evaluation of Solar Flat Plate Collector Under Climatic Conditions of Islamabad Pakistan", International Conference on Energy Research and Development (ICERD), Kuwait   
6. Fawad Azeem (2015) " "A survey of control strategies for implementation of optimized and reliable operation of renewable energy based microgrids in islanded mode" ", Power Generation System and Renewable Energy Technologies (PGSRET)   


Ph.D (Electrical Engineering Microgrids)
NED University of Engineering and Technology Karachi, Pakistan
Aug 2014 to May 2019
MS (Energy Engineering)
Internationa lslamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
Aug 2011 to Jun 2013
Hamdard University Karachi, Pakistan
Jun 2007 to Jun 2011


Assistant Professor
Energy Research Center COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Apr 2022 to Date
Energy Research Center COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
Feb 2016 to Apr 2022
Hamdard University
Nov 2014 to Jan 2016
Design Engineer (Energy)
Osmani and Company Private Limited
Jun 2013 to Nov 2014
Engr. Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy Society of Pakistan
Aug 2011 to Sep 2012

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