Seminar on Cracking Job Interview: A Glimpse into Interview Skills and Techniques

In today’s technologically advanced world, succeeding in a job interview has become extremely challenging. The availability of specialized training and globalization of the world economy have led to an exponential increase in the number of job candidates. To meet the challenges of the competitive job market, it is imperative to be familiar with the tips and tricks to ace a job interview. Keeping in view the importance of equipping students with these techniques, Department of Humanities organized a seminar titled “Cracking Job Interview: A Glimpse into Interview Skills and Techniques.” Ms. Umara Shaheen (Assistant Professor of English) and Ms. Memoona Idrees (Lecturer in English) invited Mr. Jawad Chughtai (Software Engineer and Member of Hiring Team at Cogent Labs) to deliver a talk on contemporary trends in job interviews on 4 th January, 2023. While sharing his extensive experience of interviewing candidates, he shed light on the importance of positive attitude, body language and sound subject knowledge. He also discussed commonly asked interview questions and shared tips for answering them. As analytical and problem-solving skills are among the most valued employability skills, he shared various sources which can be helpful for students.
The talk was followed by a question-answer session in which students’ queries were addressed by the speaker. Ms. Amna Naveed, Assistant Professor of English, thanked the guest speaker for sharing his valuable experience and presented a souvenir. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, CUI, Lahore Campus assisted the organizers in making this event a success. The organizers were also presented souvenirs by the speaker as a gesture of goodwill.